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961 Noble District

 The situation where three or four people like Mai Fan walked using only their legs... actually became special.

The three of them just wanted to step into this area.

He was stopped by the guards here.

"What are you doing? Please show your passport."

Mai Fan was stunned for a moment.

The guard at the city gate never told him this rule.

"So what's going to happen with the passes here?"

Mai Fan's question made the guard at the checkpoint laugh.

“What about the pass?”

"It's very simple. First of all, you must be born into a noble family, and secondly, you must obtain the title of noble in a noble race or family."

"Ha, the pass here is your noble title."

"Is there anything that can prove your identity?"

"Just take it out."

"This is your pass to travel unimpeded in this area."

Mai Fan was stunned and subconsciously looked at the black iron tower behind him.

His identity as the heir to the nobility in the light place would be a bit awkward to reveal in the city of darkness.

Just when the atmosphere was about to become awkward.

The silly troll who had been silent behind him suddenly spoke.

"Ah...I think I have."

"We dark trolls are a group of people with noble titles."

"Because the number of people in our branch is not large, our family is the largest noble in the area."

"My father is not as powerful as my uncle, but he seems to have the title of Viscount."

"Two years ago, when he died of old age, the title was automatically inherited by me."

"As for the logo, as for the logo... it should be this thing."

After saying that, the troll pulled out a round sign from the jingling string around his neck.

When the round sign was handed to the guard's hand.

A symbol of the Dark Island appeared on the sign.

See this flag activated.

The guard's face became much prettier.

"It turns out to be the Viscount. According to the regulations here, you can bring a non-title relative in."

The tone was slower, but there was not much respect.

Mai Fan looked at the people behind him. If the silly troll could only bring one person in, then they would still have two people left.

The harpy, who rarely spoke at this time, suddenly spoke.

"Absolutely, I have a proof here."

After saying this, the succubus spread her feathers.

When she flies at low altitude, her tail feathers are usually neat and neat.

When it unfolded in front of everyone, everyone realized how beautiful its tail feathers were.

Just like peacock feathers.

It exudes a scorching brilliance under the moonlight.

After seeing the quality of the feather, the guard's expression finally changed.

"It turns out to be an adult."

"According to our regulations here, people of earl level and above can bring more than ten people into the living area."

"Please come in. Please come in."

What does this mean? Everyone was stunned.

They subconsciously looked at Mai Fan, waiting for his decision.

Mai Fan: "Why are you still standing there? Come in quickly."

No matter what the reason is, let’s talk about it first.

Everyone passed through the checkpoint while the guard saluted respectfully.

After waiting beyond the guard's sight range.

Maifan and his party stopped and discussed the matter.

"What's happening here."

Mai Fan was certain that this harpy had never had such beautiful feathers before meeting them.

Ah, the harpy asked Mai Fan for credit with a little admiration and a little pride: "Master, as you can see, I have evolved."

"When we first met, I told the master that we harpies would be divided into two levels."

"Most of them are just like you just met us, ordinary harpies."

"The status is the lowest, the tasks are the heaviest, and the pressure of reproduction is all on us."

"There are still a small number of privileged harpies among the tribe."

"If they don't reproduce in their lifetime, no one will say anything about them."

"Because they are mutated harpies and advanced versions of harpies."

"This type of harpy is equivalent to the nobles of the entire ethnic group."

"They have countless privileges."

"The characteristics of this kind of banshee are the gorgeous, tough, colorful tail feathers."

"After I followed the master."

"Not only me but all five of us sisters have undergone some changes."

"Maybe it's because I'm lucky enough to always be with my master."

"My changes are much more obvious than theirs."

"In order to prevent the master from being distracted by my affairs, I never reported it to the master."

"And I'm only superficially evolving now."

"The abilities of high-level noble harpies have not yet been realized."

In other words, it has not evolved completely.

It's just a showpiece with a deceptive appearance.

But when entering this kind of area, this is enough.

"So after you advance, if you calculate it according to the level of the clan, what title should it be?"

This is what the seller is curious about. Judging from the guard's expression, the harpy's title should be higher than that of the troll.

Speaking of this harpy, she felt a little proud.

"Although our ethnic group has these or other problems, its reputation is not very good."

"But everyone below knows how noble the advanced version of the Harpy is."

"As long as it is an indirect harpy, it will automatically be upgraded to the title of earl."

"This is the common sense of our ethnic group's foreign diplomacy, and it is also the basic knowledge that everyone in the dark realm knows."

"That's why he was so respectful after you showed the specialness of your feathers."

"Then you harpies are invincible."

"The starting point for a title is so high... doesn't it mean that you can walk sideways when you go out?"

Speaking of this, the harpy shook her head.

"It's not as simple as you think."

"Because you are the master, I have absolute trust in you."

"But that's all I can say."

"The number of advanced versions of harpies has been decreasing sharply with each generation...so sharply...that by our generation, we can count them on one hand."

"This is the reason why our title has a high starting point."

"That's why we go crazy to catch the males of those high-level races."

"If this situation cannot be improved."

"Then the future of our ethnic group will be in danger of being downgraded."

"This is also the reason why we agreed as soon as I applied to the tribe."

"We cannot let go of any path that leads to promotion."

"If I can get such a great favor from my master..."

"I think our tribe will invest more capital in the master next."

This chapter has been completed!
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