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963 Inquiry

"For the sake of the neighbors and for the sake of your affection, I will give you a week."

"But it's only a week."

"When the time comes, this medal will be mine."

"I was serious."

"To express my seriousness, this transaction requires a solemn contract."

"This is the scroll used in the transaction."

"You and I both sign and seal it."

The night elf took the scroll handed over by the pharmacist.

Line after line of black words slowly appeared on this magical scroll.

The content of the words is related to this transaction.

The night elf read it carefully several times and signed his name on it without hesitation.

There is a sharp needle standing upright on the counter next to it.

He pressed his thumb lightly on the inner needle.

The drop of blood that flowed out after pricking his finger fell on the scroll.

Blood smeared on the scroll.

A golden symbol is formed, representing the head of the night elf.

This shows that the night elf part is complete.

The pharmacist who had been observing from the side calmed down.

He took the scroll and went through the same process as the night elves.

This solemn contract is considered completed.

"I give you something, you already know how to use it."

The night elf nodded and placed the badge on the counter.

He picked up the potion and left without looking back.

Only a minute or two after the night elves left, the doorbell rang again.


With a smile on the pharmacist's face, he saw several strangers who had never appeared in this area push open the door and come in.

Harpies, trolls, and two melanistic species.

The pharmacist's expression remained unchanged. Race is the most insignificant thing in this place, and those who can enter here must be a member of the nobility.

"What do the guests need? Just look at it?"

"Excuse me, what did the guest just buy here?"

The pharmacist was a little surprised, but this was not a secret, and medicines were common.

"Stability maintenance potion."

"A potion that is more complicated to make and is used in fewer places."

"The grade is not high, but the price is quite expensive."

"So, you need to customize it."

"The quantity I have here is not large. Guest, do you need it? If time is not urgent, I can make a new potion in about a week."

Mai Fan nodded. "Then what is the effect of this stabilizing potion?"

The pharmacist was a little surprised, but he still answered the question: "The main function of the stabilizing medicine is to maintain a relatively stable state of the human soul and body."

"In layman's terms, it means stabilizing the soul within the body."

"The soul will not be allowed to wander outside the body, causing damage."

Mai Fan didn't understand.

"How come the human soul often leaves the body? Under what circumstances would this kind of medicine be used?"

"What happened to the night elf just now that he needed this potion? I think his soul state is quite stable."

The pharmacist sighed.

"It's not for his own use."

"This matter, hey, this matter, it doesn't matter if I say it."

"After all, everyone who lives in this area knows what happened to the night elves."

"It is his wife, that is, his wife who needs this medicine."

"I heard that this night elf was once the most promising young man among their tribe."

"But because he fell in love with a girl from a foreign race, he cut off his path to promotion."

"These two people used forbidden techniques in order to be together."

"Forcibly transform this girl's light physique into a dark physique."

"But there were some problems at the last step."

"This girl's soul is completely incompatible with her dark body."

"She is willing, but deep down in her soul she is resisting."

"That has a consequence."

"Her soul will float out of her body when no one notices it."

"It's not about leaving or going to heaven."

"Just floating there quietly, looking at this body and her favorite lover with some sadness."

"After this happened two or three times, his body and his soul couldn't bear it anymore."

"At this time, a powerful wizard is needed to use a confinement spell to completely integrate her soul with his body."

"But you also know."

"How can such a top wizard care about the love affairs of a little viscount?"

"So the night elf just now could only think of the next best solution."

"That is to use this stabilizing potion to temporarily fix his wife's soul."

"Things that cause the soul to escape from the body should not happen so frequently."

"Sir, if you have ever used medicine, you will know that there will always be resistance to medicine."

"He's bought from me too many times."

"The initial effect was pretty good, and the stabilizing medicine lasted about a month."

"But now you see it too."

"He has to come to my place every three days, and the effect of the medicine can only last three days."

The pharmacist who sighed once again put on a smile: "So sir, do you still need this medicine?"

Mai Fan spoke directly without hesitation: "How much does one cost?"

"I always feel that the boss will have some in stock here. So, if there is, sell me one. It's just a quantity and it shouldn't affect the night elf just now."

What he said made the pharmacist boss feel a little embarrassed.

Yes, he saved a few potions as a reserve.

Compared with the strange guest in front of him, the night elves are his long-term customers.

According to his deduction, the elf's two potions may not be enough to sustain him for a week.

So he had to stay and wait for the arrival of the night elf.

He wanted to see what the night elf could use to redeem his noble badge and whether he had enough money to buy the remaining potions.

"Give me one. Just tell me how much it will cost."

"3.5 gold coins."

"This is the price on the market."

"If your purchase is too expensive, just come to me."

You must know that doing business with nobles is different from ordinary people.

If he loses his integrity, let alone his pharmacy store, he himself... may also disappear in this city.

Mai Fan nodded without hesitation.

He took out his gold coins and made a deal with the pharmacist.

Wait until they walk out of the pharmacy.

The night elves they followed along the way disappeared into nowhere.

This chapter has been completed!
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