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965 request

 As soon as the door opened, they seemed to have entered a primeval forest.

Compared with the depressing garden outside with few grasses, the night elf's home is a real botanical garden.

The soft and thick black and green lawn stretches from the door to the ascending stairs.

The innermost rooms and the most hidden corners are all covered with this kind of lawn.

There are layers of vines hanging from the ceiling of the house.

This kind of vine is like a curtain of starlight, providing a little starlight and enough light source for a dark room.

All around the walls of the house are flowers in bloom.

These flowers are different from the colorful colors of light species, but they carry the gloomy mystery of darkness.

Purple, green, cyan, blue, there is a unique beauty of dark colors.

If this style makes the overall atmosphere too depressing.

Then the white baby's breath covered on the wall makes the whole room look playful and warm.

Such a special living environment can only be created by night elves, right?

Sure enough, people living in aristocratic areas, even if they appear to be poor to the outside, are more respectable than what others see.

Perhaps the surprise of Mai Fan and his group was too superficial.

It fully satisfies the vanity of the night elves.

His favorable impression of these four country bumpkins has increased, and his wariness has naturally dropped a lot.

"Come up here..."

The living room on the first floor was not small, but he was still a little worried about letting his wife stay alone upstairs.

As soon as he returned home, he quickly gave his wife a stabilizing medicine.

Now is the time for the medicine to take effect...

He always has to keep an eye on something.

So the group of people, led by the night elf, came to the second floor, where his small living room was also his study.

The room diagonally opposite this room is the master bedroom of this house.

Mai Fan, who was passing by here, just glanced at it with the tip of his eye and realized that the layout of the room was different from the outside.

More pure white colors and warm tones surround the room, which seems to be prepared for his wife who has been transformed from the light.

Even though her body has transformed into a dark race, her aesthetics and preferences are still biased towards the light.

It is not difficult to see from these details that the relationship between this night elf and his wife must be excellent.

After all, it is rare among the dark tribe to be so attentive to their partners.

This is not to say that there are no steadfast beings among the dark races.

It's just a characteristic of the dark species. Loyalty is one thing, but thoughtfulness and carefulness are very rare.

The night elf cares so much about his wife, guess he is also a warm person, right?

Mai Fan remembered this detail, and at the invitation of the night elf, he sat across from the owner of the house.

"Now you can talk about your reasons for coming."

Mai Fan didn't feel timid at all under the gaze of the night elves.

"I wish I could see your ladyship."

"Don't get me wrong, I have no intentions towards your wife or you."

"After hearing about your Excellency, I can only express my sincere admiration and admiration."

"It's like a very old story that was once popular in our hometown, so thrilling and amazing."

"The reason why I want to meet Madam is purely because of my personal professional interests."

"Yes, as you can see, the family I come from is a mysterious ethnic group with arcane magic."

"There are abilities among our tribe that are unknown to others."

"And these abilities show countless diversities depending on the heir."

"And my ability happens to be related to arcana and pharmacy."

"I learned about Madam's disease by chance today, and it happens to be very relevant to a medicine I developed some time ago."

"Since there is currently no suitable treatment target, after this medicine was developed, it was only used by a friend of mine."

"But after that friend used it, he was full of praise for the efficacy of this medicine."

"You don't need me to say much, you already know what kind of medicine I'm talking about."

"Of course, it's not a stabilizing potion. If it were just such a simple potion, I wouldn't go out of my way to recommend myself."

The night elf was extremely excited when he heard Mai Fan come up and get straight to the point.

But after he got excited, he quickly calmed down.

If this potion is really as effective as the person opposite said...

So how is it possible that the person opposite is still unknown and has his current identity?

If it was really as effective as he said, why did he choose his own wife?

Now that he is in such a state of desolation, what can he get from himself?

Therefore, after Mai Fan finished speaking, the night elves actually calmed down.

He arranged his black silk clothes properly and asked Mai Fan very solemnly: "Sir, I haven't introduced myself yet."

"My name is Tyrande Peter. I come from the Darkest Clan of the Forest."

"I am the fifteenth prince in the clan. For some reason, I have lost the power of inheritance."

"But my title of nobility is still retained."

"Now, as the patriarch of an independent family, I am discussing with your distinguished Excellency."

"Please lay out all the conditions."

"If your request is not excessive, I think I will use the utmost sincerity to fulfill your request."

"As long as I can save my wife, I am willing to sacrifice my flesh and blood and soul."

There is no need to be so exaggerated.

In order to give the other party a comfortable space, Mai Fan strategically leaned on the back of the large chair.

As his most loyal follower, Black Iron Tower immediately stood behind the chair, acting as a mighty background wall for Mai Fan.

"My request is actually very simple... I ask you to appreciate me from the bottom of your heart, worship me, admire my abilities, pursue my achievements, and believe in my omnipotence!"

"My request is so simple."

"Also, what I need is the faith of a night elf noble, not an ordinary, worthless person."

"I wonder if you can understand the key point of this."

"So, you must redeem your noble medal as soon as possible. If after your wife has cured her illness, you are still such a waste..."

"Well, I'm sorry, I have cured your wife, but I seem to have lost a lot..."

"But it doesn't matter. It just made me recognize another piece of trash."

"I believe that after thousands of investments, someone who is not such a waste will always appear."

"Make my investment worthwhile and spread my reputation for a long time."

This chapter has been completed!
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