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 So what is this going to do?

The boss spoke in a very sincere tone: "Sir, the great and noble Mr. Willikvan."

"Please accept the allegiance of the Gegru people from the western highlands."

"This child is a gift to us Western Highlanders."

"He is the most ingenious cook among our tribe."

"Many of the meals that adults eat are made by this child. He has talents that exceed those of ordinary Gelu people!"

"A child with such a talent has to work beside a person like an adult."

"Follow your convoy to any corner of the world."

"No matter how difficult the environment is, we can make a suitable meal for adults. This is the mission of us Gelu people."

"Please, sir, please agree to our request for this capable child!"

Why do you have to be loyal to someone who is so good?

Isn't such good craftsmanship a cash cow for opening a hotel?

Probably seeing Mai Fan's doubts, the Gegru man lying on the ground became even more humble.

"Sir, if this matter breaks out today, no matter what the final result is, it will be difficult for us Gegru people to keep the hotel running smoothly."

"We just want to find a strong blessing for the tribe."

"And you are the most powerful person we can meet."

"As for the law enforcement team of the City Lord's Mansion, they are born to only serve the strong and do not look down on lower races like us."

"So, even if it is to reduce trouble in the future, this child's loyalty is inevitable."

"Please, sir, don't dislike the vulgarity of our Gegru clan. As a servant, no, a rough servant, please keep us with you!"

After saying these words, the owner of the Gelu Hotel pulled the silent and shy child to Mai Fan's feet and lowered his head lower, trying to arouse Mai Fan's sympathy.

This incident...has indeed brought trouble to the lowest race.

It doesn't seem to be a big deal to have such a person by your side.

Looking at the reactions of the people around him, they also quite recognized this child's craftsmanship.

"Then follow, but I need to remind the boss first."

"My journey has been uneven, and my goal is quite far away."

"If something happens on the road, as you have seen, they can only guarantee my safety."

"And my servant...he can only save his own life, and he must have great luck."

"I can't guarantee you that if I take him away, I can bring him back safe and sound..."

"Are you ready to lose this baby?"

Mai Fan's question made the owner of Gelu Inn shudder.

Of course, this was not fear or hesitation. He had never thought that a noble person would give such an explanation to someone of their status.

When others take a fancy to their clansmen, there is never a time when they don't directly ask for people, money and things.

There has never been anyone as powerful as Mai Fan who truly treats them as human beings.

The child lying on the ground probably also felt this respect and equality.

He was so excited that he almost fainted, but he still managed to stay awake, but all his excitement was reflected in his reply: "Sir! I am willing!"

"Danger surrounds you everywhere in the dark realm. You are responsible for your own life!"

"I am willing to be loyal all my life and contribute my strength to the daily life of Lord Willikfan."

Although the wording is inappropriate, he is very loyal to Akagi.

"Well, I will accept this cook, and he will be responsible for our daily meals from now on."

"I will stay in the City of Darkness for a while. You should use this time to get along with the people in the clan and say a good goodbye."

The child was stunned and happily agreed.

The owner of the Gelu Hotel, after achieving his wish, quickly left with his children.

But after leaving, Mai Fan's extraordinary hearing allowed him to listen to a few more conversations between the father and son.

"Dad, I don't have any friends to say goodbye to. Because of this sarcoma, because of this sarcoma, I have always been treated as an alien by the people in my clan."

This is also the reason why he has been staying in the kitchen and Mai Fan has never seen him.

"This is also the reason why I sent you out. My child, this is a big man. He will go to many places that our tribe has never reached."

"In those places, there may be good medicine that can cure your disease."

"Once you're cured, won't you be a handsome Gelu boy again?"

Probably the last sentence, the idea was too beautiful, the little Gegru finally smiled shyly.

The father and son went downstairs.

But not long after... the sound of visitors sounded outside their hotel again.

The harpy reported to Mai Fan with a little happiness: "Master, that night elf moves so fast."

"He is already standing downstairs of our hotel with his luggage and his wife."

Mai Fan glanced down from the balcony and waved to the night elf couple.

As a sick wife, she was still a little weak and had to be held by the night elves to get out of the carriage.

As a husband, apart from the wife in his arms, the luggage he brought out was so simple that it only consisted of a wooden box.

After Mai Fan's people brought the two people up and arranged their accommodation, the night elf came to Mai Fan to report.

But before that, Mai Fan needs to deal with another uninvited guest...

The owner of the mysterious shop who got into double trouble by the city defense army and the law enforcement team because of his words.

As soon as he came in, he started shouting rudely.

"I said, guest, are you too unauthentic?"

"You made my shop look like that, and in the end, you beat me up in front of those city defense soldiers?"

"I have never seen such an unreasonable customer as you."

"Also, is your friend still in my shop?"

"Ever since he drank that potion, he hasn't given me a good day."

"When that kid gets his wits about him, he'll be cunning."

"It must be said that the reason why his friend suffered like this is because of me."

"If it weren't for my potion, they wouldn't be what they are today."

"You're still lingering in the shop now, saying you want me to give you some huge compensation."

"I've been very anxious during this period of time."

"People on both sides keep looking for trouble for me... Please let me beg you..."

"Can you take that troll friend of yours away quickly? Let him stop fussing with a small businessman like me."

Can you be a small trader? If you are a small trader, you can still run around before the case is solved?

This chapter has been completed!
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