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Chapter 1650: Destroying the Spiritual Demon

 Spirit Demon Realm, Spirit Demon Sect!

At this moment, the entire Lingmo Sect was shrouded in a black-purple light curtain, which was the Lingmo Sect's sect-protecting formation.

Within the Spirit Demon Sect, there are still millions of disciples and hundreds of thousands of spirit demon troops guarding them. At this moment, they are looking at the Southern Barbarian Heavenly Alliance army outside the Spirit Demon Sect in fear.

The Tianmeng army includes four million demon clans, and the Tyrant Sect and Danding Sect also organized more than two million troops.

Six million people surrounded the Lingmo Sect.

Xiang Chen looked down at the Spirit Demon Sect, holding in his hand the immortal infant of Demon Emperor Duan Feng whose soul had been wiped out.

"People of the Ling Mo Sect, listen to me. Your Ling Mo Sect leader, Duan Feng, has been killed by me. Your Ling Mo Sect is in doom. Resistance will only lead to death. Give up your weapons and surrender, otherwise, you will be killed without mercy!"

Xiang Chen's voice echoed in the Lingmo Sect. The people of the Lingmo Sect looked at Demon Emperor Duan Feng's fairy infant and became even more panicked.

"The sect leader is dead, how is this possible?"

"It must be a lie. The enemy is disrupting our military morale. Don't believe it."

"The sect master's soul lamp in the soul palace has been extinguished. The sect master is indeed dead."

Within the Lingmo Sect, there was a commotion of various opinions, and people were in panic.

"Xiang Chen, our Ling Mo Sect will never surrender. You are disrupting the morale of the army. You will be dead when Commander Cang Ni returns with his army."

The Supreme Protector Elder of Ling Mo Sect roared angrily.


Xiang Chen's face turned cold and he accepted Duan Feng's fairy infant.

"In that case, let me first let you experience the fear of others trampling on your sect."

Xiang Chen sneered, and then a force of space was released.


His entire body instantly traveled through the void, and his body directly passed through the Spirit Demon Sect's sect-protecting formation and appeared in the sky above the sect's interior.


Xiang Chen's body transformed into a huge golden firebird over a hundred feet tall, surging with terrifying sun fairy fire.

"kill him!"

The strong sect protectors of Ling Mo Sect yelled in panic, wondering how Xiang Chen got through their sect protector formation.

"Kill!" In an instant, more than ten land gods and more than thirty loose gods burst out with powerful energy and rushed towards the three-legged Golden Crow.

"Solar storm!"

The three-legged golden crow roared furiously, its wings rolled up, and a golden flame swept towards the oncoming crowd along with the storm.

The golden storm contains tens of millions of degrees of terrifying temperature and burns towards these killing spells and magic weapons. It is much more powerful than the solar storm used by the Demon Queen Xiaoyue.

The spell instantly collapsed in the sky-filled solar storm, and the powerful magic weapon was also repelled by the terrifying solar storm.

"Ah!!" A strong man from the land gods was swept up by the tens of millions of degrees of scorching storm, and his whole body immediately began to melt and turned into gravy.

He was not the first, nor was he the last. More than a dozen land gods were all melted into gravy by the terrifying temperature, and their spiritual bodies burned and collapsed.

With one move, all the land gods who rushed up were wiped out.

The solar storm enveloped the Spirit Demon Sect disciples below, and a large number of Spirit Demon Sect disciples evaporated instantly without making any screams.

"It's so scary, this magical power."

Tong Tianzi of the Tyrant Sect, Wu Palace Master of the Danding Sect and others looked at this scene with horror and fear in their hearts.

Such power no longer belongs to this plane!

The three-legged Golden Crow spit out a pillar of sun fire and blasted towards the formation eye of the Spirit Demon Sect's protective formation. The formation eye exploded and shattered, and the protective barrier collapsed.


Seeing this scene, the six million troops outside roared with excitement and charged towards the Ling Mo Sect.

"Surrender, we surrender!"

The people of the Lingmo Sect were frightened by the terrifying power of the three-legged golden crow. Many people surrendered and knelt on the ground, without the courage to fight at all.

However, in less than half an hour, the Spirit Demon Sect was defeated!

All those who resisted in the Lingmo Sect were killed, and those who surrendered were also imprisoned collectively.

The Spirit Demon Sect was easily defeated, but the real opponent was not them yet.

"Your Majesty, this person is Zhang Yi, the Minister of Household Registration Department of Lingmo Sect. The Household Registration Department records the information of all Lingmo Sect disciples and soldiers."

Niu Dingtian grabbed a man and knelt in front of Xiang Chen.

"Sir Demon Emperor, spare your life, spare your life, what do you want to know? I'll tell you everything!"

Zhang Yi knelt on the ground begging for mercy in fear.

Xiang Chen looked at this man, who would have thought that this man would be his main target in attacking Lingmo Sect this time.

"Zhang Yi, I give you an order to immediately sort out all the clan status of the existing Spirit Demon Sect soldiers on all expedition troll battlefields, and then issue an order to summon all their relatives to the Spirit Demon Sect. Those who cannot be summoned will be sent to me.

, you have to catch it, I only give you two days, if you can't do it, you will be killed."

Xiang Chen directly gave Zhang Yi a death order.

"Ah, two days, it's not difficult to find out, but we don't have so many manpower to deal with it." Zhang Yi looked bitter.

"I will give you one million people to help you, is that enough?" Xiang Chen said coldly.

"Enough, enough." Zhang Yi nodded quickly.

"Han Nie, keep an eye on him." Xiang Chen ordered Han Nie under his command.

"Yes." Han Xie stood behind Zhang Yi with an expressionless face.

"Then, let's go down and take care of it." Zhang Yi didn't dare to delay and immediately left.

"Monkey, have the people of the Demon Xia Alliance been assembled?" Xiang Chen quickly sent a message to Xia Houwu.

"It's almost done. It is expected that the assembly will be completed tonight, and the army will be back in two days."

Xiahou Wu sent a message to respond.

"Okay, if there is any abnormality, please report it at any time."

Xiang Chen gave an instruction and then cut off the transmission.

"Your Majesty, something terrible has happened." At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind Xiang Chen, a woman with white-haired ears.

Jinbai! Queen of the Rat Tribe.

Jin Bai whispered beside Xiang Chen, and Xiang Chen's face suddenly darkened.

"Mother Golden Crow was captured by Princess Jasmine."

"The sea tribe marched towards the four sea continents and flooded the continent."

As soon as these two pieces of news came, Xiang Chen's mood instantly became heavy.

"The damn sea people actually have the guts to attack the land. Your Majesty, I will lead people to rescue Xiaoyue." Peng Zhan immediately asked for orders.

Di Xiao said solemnly: "Having endured it for so many years, it seems that the Hai Clan has accumulated enough strength."

Xiang Chen took a deep breath, his mind working crazily.

The Sea Clan only captured the Golden Crow Mother, just to warn themselves not to interfere in the affairs of the mainland, and did not attack Tianyang Island directly, which shows that they also left room for relaxation in this matter.

Golden Crow Mother will not be in any danger for the time being.

"Don't mess up your position. What we have to face now is the Demon Xia Alliance."

Xiang Chen clenched his fists and said: "I knew from Madam Dieying and the others that the Sea Clan would march into the mainland in the future. I also had a plan. The Golden Crow Mother would not be in danger. Once the Demon Xia Alliance Army is eliminated, Tianwaitian will

Only then can we have the energy to solve the problems in the lower world."

Madam Dieying had cooperated with the Hai Clan and knew that the Hai Clan had ambitions, so Xiang Chen had asked Da Chu to prepare for future naval battles many years ago, elevating the city walls to prevent tsunamis, hoarding food supplies, and building a large number of ships.

A leaf tells the story of autumn, and many layouts have origins.

This chapter has been completed!
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