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Chapter 1683: Terrifying Eternal Night

 Xiang Chen looked at this scene and felt pain in his heart. Some of these children were still children, and some were about the same age as he was when he was plotted by Princess Lin. Originally, the monks' fight should not involve them, but this is


Fortunately, these little blood slaves did not have much cultivation in the first place. Most of them were ordinary children turned into Shura blood slaves. They did not cause any fatal harm to the attacking soldiers. You must know that the cultivation of these soldiers is generally in the Lingxiao realm.

"Don't attack, bring them back and let them suck their blood!"

Xiang Chen gave a strange order.

The soldiers who went to pick up people endured the attacks of these little Shura and let them suck their blood.

A strange thing happened. These little Shuras who attacked the coalition forces suddenly screamed and howled. The blood in their bodies began to flow backwards. They screamed and fell to the ground with bleeding from their seven orifices.

A terrible blood poison surged in their bodies, and the Shura blood in their bodies was immediately infected by the poison.

The Shura bloodline in these children was corroded by this poisonous force and was expelled from the body.

A child was bleeding all over his body, but the blood scales on his body disappeared, his fangs and sharp teeth also disappeared, and he fell into a coma.

All the children were like this. They sucked the blood of the coalition soldiers and were eliminated from the Shura bloodline.

"How could this happen? My bloodline control over my blood slave has disappeared."

"Me too, what happened?"

In the Yongye Shura army, many Yongye Shura looked surprised, feeling that the power of blood they had given to these children had disappeared.

Xiang Chen looked at Su Lige coldly, and Su Lige also noticed something unusual and was quite surprised.

"Blood poison? Gouzi, is this the blood poison serum you are talking about?" Xia Houwu asked in surprise.

"That's right, blood poison serum. I studied the power of Shura bloodline and specially developed an antibody to deal with them."

Xiang Chen nodded and said: "As long as Shura absorbs the vitality and blood of our warriors who have taken the serum, the power of Shura in the body will be forcibly expelled from the body by the antibodies in it, and the blood will be lost."

"Hahahaha, wonderful, I said you have been studying something before, but you turned out to be studying this."

Xia Houwu laughed.

The Asura antibody blood poison cultivated by Xiang Chen is useless to other races and is specifically targeted at the Asura bloodline.

He spent several years studying this thing in the ancient cauldron, and checked out all the poison and medicine techniques he could access in the Huitian Bible.

"Su Lige, I have been guarding against you Yongye Shura for a long time."

How could Xiang Chen, who likes to plan ahead, be unprepared for such a big opponent like himself?

Su Lige's smile gradually disappeared. She originally wanted to see Xiang Chen's desperate expression, but now it was resolved by Xiang Chen's preparation.

These children had their Shura bloodline removed, and all of them passed out. They were quickly sent to the rear to be settled.

Fortunately, they are only blood slaves, not pure-blooded Shura. If they were pure-blooded Shura, the Shura bloodline would be removed and the person would die.

"Your Majesty, those brats have lost their Shura bloodline, and our people's bloodline control over these brats has completely disappeared."

Bei Mingxiong reported in a low voice.

"Xiang Chen, I really underestimated you. What methods did you use?"

Su Lige looked at Xiang Chen and didn't understand what caused it for a while.

Xiang Chen cursed angrily: "Su Lige, you crazy beast, even if you have experienced great suffering, all you want to do is seek revenge on your enemies. Why vent your violence on innocent people?"

Su Lige said coldly: "Your knowledge is too low. We have different realms and horizons. The innocence you care about is nothing more than ants in my eyes. Do you care how many ants you crush to death when you walk?"

"Fuck you ants, I will crush you to death today, leader, let's fight!"

Xia Houwu was furious and couldn't help but take action.

Xiang Chen took a deep breath, swung his sword and said, "Destroy Yongye Shura, kill Su Lige!"

"The Xuanwu Legion obeys the order!"

"The Suzaku Legion obeys the order!"

"The White Tiger Army obeys the order!"

?"The Tyrant Army obeys the order!"


"Attack the entire army and kill!"

The generals gave orders, and more than nine million people from the Southern Barbarian Celestial Alliance rushed towards Yongye Shura with loud killing sounds and a rainbow-like momentum!

"My undefeated warriors, you are all real warriors who fought bloody battles among your Shura peers. You are the real Shura. Go ahead and let your enemies witness your true strength. Tear them to pieces and kill!"

Su Lige raised his arms and shouted, and the nine hundred thousand Yongye Shura roared.

"Yongye Shura, kill!"

Bei Mingxiong stepped forward, looked up to the sky and roared, and the terrifying blood energy in his body completely exploded!

The fourth heaven of the realm of land gods, the fifth heaven of the realm of land gods, the sixth heaven, the seventh heaven, the eighth heaven!!

His cultivation level has actually reached the eighth level of the land gods!

In such a state, he was not summoned to ascend.

Bei Ming Youyou, as well as the earliest members of the Yongye Society who followed Su Lige, a total of two hundred people, all of them have cultivation levels above the fourth level of land gods!

The ordinary Yongye Shura warrior turned into a Shura, with a pair of bloody horns growing on his head, and his cultivation level was actually at the level of the Heavenly King!

There are as many as 80,000 pure-blood Shura emperors in the eternal realm!

There are no less than four thousand powerful people in the realm of land gods!


The terrifying momentum of these 900,000 Shura combined together actually surpassed the nearly 10 million soldiers of the Southern Barbarian Heavenly Alliance.

"The momentum of the opponent's troops..." Xiang Chen, who was commanding the rear of the army, also suddenly changed his expression. The enemy's cultivation level was much higher than theirs!

The armies of both sides seemed to be very different in size. However, as soon as they collided, the coalition army suffered a huge loss immediately.

Countless Shura blood swords were crisscrossed, and the bloody sword light tore through everything, intertwining and slashing in front of the coalition forces.

Puff! Puff...!

Heads were rolling, corpses were split, and more than 100,000 people, the vanguard of the coalition forces, were cut into pieces like leeks and were instantly crushed by the opponent's attack.

"Suzaku Army, Meteor Fire Rain Technique! Block the opponent's camp from advancing!"

"Sirius Camp, launch!"

Xiang Chen quickly gave orders.

"The Suzaku Legion obeys the order and performs the Meteor and Fire Rain Technique!"

Yanque ordered, hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Suzaku Legion condensed countless fireball meteors, and the Suzaku real fireballs condensed and roared in the sky, hitting the Yongye Shura who rushed towards him.

Bang! Bang... The dense fireballs smashed down, killing all of them. The Shura who was hit was blown away directly. Then countless fireballs fell and exploded. Shura who was in a powerful realm were burned to death by the rolling sea of ​​fire.

Five hundred thousand Sirius soldiers, all of them are master archers, their eyes are locked, and they can set up hundreds of thousands of large bows.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh...! The overwhelming silver arrow light roared towards a large number of Shura,

Each of these Shura spread their huge blood wings to wrap around their bodies, resisting the light of arrows, and their defensive power was astonishing. There were also powerful Heavenly Wolf generals who could burst out the immortal arrow energy with one arrow, piercing and destroying the bodies of more than a dozen Shura.

The battle for the ups and downs of this star realm has just begun.

This chapter has been completed!
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