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Chapter 239: Poison covers the whole valley, nine consecutive updates!

 When night falls, the silver moon is like a hook in the sky, and the valley is dotted with lights.

And a figure enveloped a strange field, and the figure perfectly blended into the night and entered this valley.

This person is naturally Xiang Chen. In such a dark night, his Seven Illusion Concealment Techniques are deployed, and his figure can almost perfectly blend into the night. Unless a person with strong eyesight in the Yuanyang realm has amazing eyesight, it is almost impossible to spot him in the black.

He was like a ghost lurking into this valley, avoiding the patrolling bandits one after another, and lurking deep into the valley.

Xiang Chen came to a small pond, where several bandits were standing guard and chatting in the distance.

Xiang Chen flicked his finger, and then a black pill the size of a thumb was shot into the water.

The pill began to decompose immediately after sinking into the water, and streams of blue-black poisonous mist swirled and spread out from the water.

Xiang Chen's movements continued unabated, and then he headed towards other places with water sources in other canyons. Even if it was just a small pond, he would throw a poison pill into it.

The poisonous elixir decomposes and spreads into wisps of poisonous mist.

Soon after, Xiang Chen came to the water source that Zhao Mu discovered through investigation. It was a huge mountain spring, with water constantly gushing out. The water from the spring flowed and converged into a stream that flowed into the valley.

There are indeed many people guarding here around.

Here is the place where drinking water is provided in Heifeng Village.

From time to time, you can see someone bringing water in a big bucket and putting it into a jade belt without storage.

Xiang Chen sneaked closer, and the people stationed here did not notice Xiang Chen blending into the night and hiding in the darkness of the lights.

"Have you heard? Today our village leader led people into the royal city to rob a wealthy village. As a result, we suffered heavy losses. More than seventy masters of the innate realm died, and more than half of them died." Some bandits were still chatting about Fengchen Village.


"I've heard about it too. It's said that they brought back a woman and an elder died. Alas, it's a heavy loss this time. I don't know what the origin of that Zhuangzi was, but he actually made the village owner suffer a big loss in that place."

While these people were chatting, they didn't notice at all that a figure sneaked up in the darkness and threw three black pills into the mountain spring.

"Huh?" A bandit who was collecting spring water was stunned. He seemed to have seen something fall into the spring water just now.

However, he didn't look around. They were all his own people, and he didn't see anything unusual. He continued to fetch water and put it into the big water tank.

After the large water tank was filled, he put it into the storage jade belt, took the storage jade belt with him, and began to climb the extremely steep stone staircase.

But they are all true martial monks, they move very fast and are as flexible as stone monkeys.

A strong person in the Yuanyang realm can only fly a few hundred meters at most, and his true energy cannot escape the gravity of a very high place. Therefore, a strong person in the Yuanyang realm has to use his strength to climb such a dangerous peak. There is no other way.

Fly directly up.

Xiang Chen poisoned everywhere in the valley where there was water without anyone noticing. Half an hour later, he quietly hid in a corner.

In the valley, wisps of blue-black poisonous mist blended into the night, making it impossible to detect them.

Wherever there are water sources, wisps of poisonous mist swirl out, gathering and shrouding the valley.

The two bandits who were chatting had no idea that they had inhaled the poisonous mist. They only felt that they were getting more and more sleepy, as if a wave of drunkenness was sweeping over them.

"I, I'm so sleepy..."

"I feel so dizzy, what's going on..."

Boom! Boom!

The two people suddenly fell to the ground, and then their eyes turned white and their whole bodies twitched. Foam was spitting out from their mouths, and their bodies appeared green and black.

"what happened?"

Not far away, a bandit saw him and ran over immediately.

However, before he could even run a few steps, his head felt dizzy and his body felt as weak as paralysis. He suddenly fell to the ground, his eyes rolled white, and his whole body twitched.

The poisonous mist spread continuously from the water source and enveloped the entire canyon.

In the canyon, groups of patrolling people fell down one after another before they could make any sound.

The fog surged up to the top of the canyon, and the poisonous mist spread. Because it was dark, no one in the canyon a hundred meters high above could see clearly what was happening below.

When the poisonous mist spread upward, the guarding bandits above the canyon fell to the ground one by one with poison, their eyes turning white.

However, it is difficult for this poisonous mist to spread when it reaches a height of five to six hundred meters. The wind above is strong and it cannot spread to the top of the mountain.

Xiang Chen looked at this scene indifferently, and then an eagle roared three times.

"Take action, this is the signal from the young master!"

Zhao Mu was hiding in the forest and shouted when he heard the voice.

Thirty people, all carrying face towels soaked in antidote potion, rushed to the valley one by one.

I saw torches burning in the valley, and people lying everywhere beside many camps. There were no less than eight or nine hundred people in the valley, lying on the ground poisoned. The symptoms were all the same, twitching and foaming at the mouth.


"What a domineering poison." Looking at this scene, Zhao Mu couldn't help but cry out in shock.

"Everyone will be killed without mercy!"

Xiang Chen said coldly.


Zhao Mu and the others immediately dispersed, stabbing one head at a time, like harvesting and chopping watermelons, and blood spurted out.

None of these bandits are extremely evil, worse than a mercenary with a dark heart. Killing these people does not feel any guilt at all.

Soon, eight to nine hundred people at the bottom of the entire canyon were all slaughtered, and the smell of blood filled the dark night.

On top of Heifeng Village.

The bandits who fetched water placed the water jars in the jade storage belt in many fixed water supply places for people to drink.

He also didn't notice that the water in these water tanks also spread a poisonous mist, filling the Xiangzhai village.

Someone came to fetch water. As soon as he took a sip of water, he fell down suddenly and was poisoned by inhaling a large amount of poisonous mist.

"What's wrong?"

"Quick, someone fainted!"

When someone saw this scene, they immediately rushed over and rushed into the spreading poisonous mist area. As a result, within a few breaths, the person who rushed over collapsed to the ground, twitching all over and foaming at the mouth.

"This, this is a sign of poisoning!"

"It's not good, someone poisoned, someone poisoned!"

The expressions of other people who were about to rush over changed drastically when they saw this scene. Finally, someone reacted, and their screams echoed.


"Five three, I poisoned your mother. Why are you shouting?"


A group of people gathered together to gamble, and under the lights, wisps of blue-black mist came in.

"Three five!"

One person was shouting a number enthusiastically, when suddenly, his whole body felt dizzy.


His whole body fell directly on the gambling table, foaming at the mouth and convulsing.


This chapter has been completed!
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