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Chapter 2555: Trouble is coming

"The power of Heaven just now has surpassed the normal Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation of the Great Emperor level." Bai Huang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Xiang Chen was safe.

Xiang Chen smiled bitterly and said: "Don't you know me? I am a man who is specially favored by Master Tiandao. Fortunately, I got through it and was almost hacked to death by him."

"By the way, where is Qingcheng?" Xiang Chen didn't see Qingcheng's shadow.

"Qingcheng left here. She went to the Jianxin Immortal Domain, the most prosperous place of the Sword Immortal civilization, to gain experience." Bai Huang said.

Xiang Chen sighed, Qingcheng was too strong, why didn't he understand Qingcheng's heart? This was Bai Huang's home court in the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce, and Qingcheng didn't necessarily like to see others giving orders on the territory of the same outstanding woman.

Although Bai Huang and Xia Qingcheng seem to have a harmonious relationship with each other, it does not mean that they are not competitive.

Bai Huang said: "I originally wanted her to take over the intelligence department, but I can see that she doesn't want to lag behind me."

"It's okay, let her go. She is following the path of pure swordsmanship. No one can help her. She has to fight on her own." Xiang Chen looked at the quiet Qingqiu Nuolan again and said: "

Nuo Lan, the time is almost here, let’s go to the Demon God Palace to get back what belongs to you.”

Nuo Lan smiled lightly and said, "I have no problem at all. Xiang Lang, just take care of your affairs."

Xiang Chen said: "There is nothing wrong with the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce now. As long as the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce, Yaoshentian, Jinchan Sect, and Miracle Continent can continue to unite, there will be a positive force to fight against the traitors."

Qingqiu Nuolan nodded, she had been waiting for revenge for thousands of years.

At this time, above the Flowing Cloud Immortal Domain and the Poisonous Sky Lake, a group of figures were wrapped in the Immortal Domain and were exploring the Poisonous Sky Lake.

"Sir, what kind of lunatic would build a city in a place like this? It's impossible for anyone to live here for a long time."

An Immortal Emperor complained that even with domain protection, the special poisonous miasma here could still penetrate the domain, making them extremely uncomfortable.

"Hey, these are all orders from His Majesty Liu Yun. If we can do anything, we can just execute them. Stop talking nonsense."

A man in the early stage of the Great Emperor Realm said.

There were more than ten people in this group. Led by a great emperor, the group of people spread out and released powerful immortal thoughts and divine thoughts to explore the area.

However, in this poisonous area, the effect of mental power is greatly reduced. Psychological power cannot explore a large area, and it is extremely blurry.

Right in the center, a million kilometers away from them, is Sirius City.

Tianlang City is shrouded by a magic circle and is protected from poisonous gas. There are tens of millions of residents living in Tianlang City. Many of them are Nine Heavenly People who were brought here to be cultivated by Xiang Chen after his family was wiped out.

For example, the Lu family! The Lu family has more than 10 million people, and they have all been brought here, and the talented people are trained as alchemists.

There are also many immortals from the mortal realm who have ascended here, as well as a reserve army of the Heavenly Rebel Army, numbering in the hundreds of thousands.

When people in the city want to leave, they all pass through a teleportation channel array.

The person captured by the Situ family was teleported away directly, so he did not know the coordinates of Tianlang City.

The defense force here in Tianlang City is not strong. In addition to the magic circle arranged by Xiang Chen, there are only the Poison King Palace, the reserve army, and the old man Zi Ting and Xiao Diao who were sent here to take charge.

Other than that, there aren't many strong ones.

Of course, with Xiang Chen's original arrangement here, it would be enough to respond to any emergencies.

Old man Zi Ting is still very leisurely here. A large number of precious immortal treasures are planted here, as well as cultivated sacred tea. He comes here to sit in charge. He is the earth emperor. There is usually nothing that needs him to deal with. He drinks tea and fishes every day.

The little crocodile in the lake has nothing to do but cultivate immortal treasures to provide for itself. Don't live too comfortably in this little life.

Moreover, a Jiutian network signal tower has been installed here, which is connected to the network of the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce. You can learn about things in the fairy world without leaving home. If nothing happens, he will also read novels in the Fatian Mirror, and read the novel "The Two Idiots and the Heaven".

Zhengfeng, recently I have been particularly obsessed with the latest novel Erha Shengzu by the popular and handsome novel genre of Jiutianjie, October Fleeting Emperor.

At his age, he has experienced great things, and he has experienced the passion of youth. Now that he is old, he still has tens of thousands of years to live. If there is no chance of breakthrough, he will just be a comfortable old salted fish in this life.

However, he followed Xiang Chen and was destined not to be this comfortable old salted fish. This old bone would have to be torn apart and tossed several times.

"Watching chess players playing bad, cutting down trees, walking slowly at the mouth of the valley beside the clouds, selling fish and wine, and laughing wildly to express my love."

By the lake, as a long line was thrown into the lake, an old man in old clothes was humming a tune and dropping fish in the lake.

This old man was none other than Old Zi Ting. Few people who passed by knew him. They didn't know that he was the emperor who was in charge of this city, so they just regarded him as an ordinary old man.

The tens of millions of creatures in the city have long formed a complete internal circulation economic system. Each performs their own duties and has various occupations. Some are ordinary citizens, some join the Tianni Army, and some are public servants in Tianlang City.

"Sigh... I hope there will be no more troubles in the rest of my life, so that an old man like me can enjoy tens of thousands of years of happiness in peace."

The old man murmured to himself, raised the fishing rod, and a huge strange fish was thrown up by him, and then was directly put into the space fish basket next to it.

But suddenly, he frowned, and before throwing out the bait in his hand, he cursed bitterly: "I have only enjoyed a few days of happiness, and this bad thing has come to my door. Little spider, go and see, they are all

What kind of people are they?"

In the Poison King's Palace, the Poison Spider Girl respectfully said yes.

People from Liuyun Immortal Palace are still exploring this poisonous area, but they still haven't gained anything except some poisonous beasts.

Suddenly, under an Immortal Emperor, crystalline threads appeared, intertwined and turned into a large net that enveloped him and immediately wrapped around him.

The Immortal Emperor turned pale with horror and roared loudly, but the spider silk web immediately sealed his mouth.

Others were pulled into the poisonous mist and disappeared.

However, the roar he just made immediately attracted other people, and a group of people immediately flew in from a distance to gather together.

"It's Liu Ming, Liu Ming is missing."

"Who is it? Get out!"

A group of people flew over and looked around cautiously.

"Who are you? You dare to break into my Sky Poison Miasma Lake."

A thin female voice echoed and asked.

The great emperor snorted coldly and said: "You guys who are pretending to be gods and ghosts, we are the people of Liuyun Immortal Palace. The entire Liuyun Immortal Domain is our territory, including this miasma area. Get out and let my people go."

Otherwise, I will crush you into powder."

"Flowing Cloud Immortal Palace!"

Secretly, the woman was afraid after hearing this, Liuyun Immortal Palace was the number one force in this fairyland.

"Flowing Cloud Immortal Palace."

Old Man Zi Ting frowned when he heard this, "What are you doing in Liuyun Immortal Palace here? It looks like you are looking for something."

As old and mature as he is, he vaguely feels that the purpose of the other party's coming here has something to do with Sirius City.

This chapter has been completed!
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