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Chapter 2593: Pretend to be a big match

 And in Jiutian Immortal City, at the Dao Discussion Conference, Emperor Situ didn't know that his home had been stolen, because Huaizhou City had not yet been unblocked, so the news could not spread.

????The Dao Discussion Conference has also entered a white-hot stage.

With a bang, the alchemy furnace roared, and the elixir in the alchemy furnace of a top alchemist exploded, releasing a cloud of black gas.

????The alchemist’s face was dark, and he looked embarrassed and ugly.

????He wanted to try to refine the magic elixir, but there was no doubt that he failed.

????"What a pity, Grandmaster Ge Hong also failed in his attempt to refine the divine elixir. This is already the seventh alchemy master who has failed. This shows how difficult it is to refine the divine elixir. So far, only Grandmaster Xiao Qingyue has failed.

The magic elixir was refined."

????Elder Zhao Mo looked down at the audience in mid-air and said regretfully.

????He turned his eyes and looked at Tang Yu, saying: "At this moment, there is no movement from our President Tang Yu. You can see that he has already taken out a Bazhen chicken and started grilling it. It seems that it has already

He has lost his fighting spirit, is his five-day magic elixir really just a hype?"

????Many people were happy when they heard this. Isn't this just hyped up by your own people from the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce? You actually dared to point it out.

????Aren’t you afraid that your vice-president will lose face and put your shoes on by pointing it out like this?

????Many viewers also commented on the live broadcast.

????:666, Haha, this Elder Zhao is such a wonderful person, he dares to slap his own president in the face.

????: Vice President Tang Yu: “Don’t I want to lose face? I’ll give you some shoes tomorrow.”

????: Elder Zhao: "Don't mess with me. If I'm cruel, I'll even dare to blackmail our president, and I'll even dare to hit our president in the face!"

????: Protect our Elder Zhao!

????Elder Zhao's comment somewhat pushed their president to the forefront of ridicule, and many people couldn't help but laugh.

????I saw Tang Yu holding a chicken and roasting it under the alchemy stove, as if he had given up on alchemy.

????"What is the situation with President Tang Yu? Is he really just a hype created by our Chamber of Commerce?"

????"Hey, if that's the case, then we will be embarrassed this time."

????Many people in the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce couldn't help but sigh when they saw Tang Yu giving up on himself, and many people began to complain.

????"Father, is this possible? President Tang Yu did spend five days practicing the magic elixir at our house that day. Today, not even a single magic elixir has been refined?" Ouyang, the head of the family, stood behind him.

The young people standing there were a little embarrassed, because they had spread the news that Tang Yu was the God of Alchemy.

????If Tang Yu couldn't develop the magic elixir, then what would others say about his Ouyang family, saying that they distorted the truth and spread information indiscriminately in order to curry favor with the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce?

The head of the Ouyang family frowned when he looked at Xiang Chen who was roasting chicken with great enthusiasm, and sighed: "I don't know what's going on. Maybe President Tang Yu only knows how to refine Longevity Pill. He can't do it without the materials."


????Xiao Qingyue has finished refining it and returned to the VIP table to drink tea. On the table next to her are three coveted magic pills.

????"Haha, President Baihuang, you, President Tang Yu, are really interesting. You know you can't refine the magic elixir, but you still roast chicken there. It's interesting."

????Emperor Situ said with a hint of sarcasm.

????Bai Huang smiled faintly, took a sip of tea, and said leisurely: "Whoever laughs last is the winner, don't worry."

????Xiao Qingyue sneered: "President Baihuang means that he can still have the last laugh?"

????Bai Huang was still smiling and didn't explain anything.

????At this time, a divine light flew out, attracting thunder and bathing in the thunder light.

????The magic pill, someone has refined the magic pill again.

????is the elder Situ of the Situ family.

????"Grandmaster Situ of the Situ family is worthy of being the second-ranked master on the alchemy list. He actually refined a magical elixir. Although there is only one, it also shows his amazing level of alchemy. This is our game.

Congratulations to our Grandmaster Situ for being the second grandmaster on the path to refine the divine elixir."

Elder Zhao Mo said loudly, and the people of the Situ family cheered.

????Grandmaster Situ sighed and only refined one, which was much lower than the success rate of Xiao Qingyue's three divine pills.

????Elder Zhao Mo said loudly: "At this moment, there are six alchemists still refining the magic elixir on the field, and our President Tang Yu is still roasting chicken."

????"Hahahaha, this President Tang Yu is here to make a joke, right? Others are making elixirs while he roasts chicken. We are not here to watch him roast chicken."

????"This time the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce has been greatly embarrassed. It has caused such a big scene and such a big battle. Their vice president is actually roasting chicken and slapping himself in the face?"

????"The name of Alchemy God was indeed blown out. It was a hype. Now I am very embarrassed."

????"Hmph, the alchemist is a sacred profession. This guy is roasting chicken with alchemy fire and humiliating the alchemist. Get out of here."

????The audience was dumbfounded, and even Old Dan said angrily.

????"Get out, get out! Don't tarnish the alchemist!" Immediately, someone arranged for a rhythm person to start shouting, and then received countless responses.

????"Tang Yu is not worthy of being an alchemist, get out!"

????"As the vice president of the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce, I cannot insult the profession of alchemist, get out!"

????"Jiutian Chamber of Commerce actually let such a person become the vice president, which is disappointing."

????Many people in the alchemy world and people who are dedicated to providing rhythm began to make noises, and a large number of voices asked Tang Yu to get off the stage.

Tang Yu, as if he couldn't hear anything, roasted the chicken leisurely, took out the wine, and started eating the chicken and drinking.

He really couldn't hear what others said in the formation, and his careless attitude angered many people.

"Grandmaster Xiao Tianjing failed to refine it, what a pity."

"Grandmaster Martin also failed, alas."

Alchemists kept failing, and in the end only Xiang Chen and a middle-aged man were left.

At this time, the middle-aged man's alchemy furnace lit up with divine light, and a divine elixir flew out, bathing in thunder and attracting thunder.

"This is Grandmaster Bi Yuan from Demon God Palace. Congratulations to Grandmaster Bi Yuan for refining a divine elixir. He is the third grandmaster to refine a divine elixir in this Dao Discussion Conference."

Zhao Mo cheered loudly, and the people in Yaoshentian also cheered.

After the thunderstorm, Bi Yuan collected the magic elixir, walked out of the magic circle, and bowed slightly to Xiang Jiuyou.

Xiang Jiuyou smiled and nodded. There is a master who can refine the magic pill. In the future, the reputation of his Demon God Palace will be even higher.

Elder Zhao Mo smiled and said: "At this moment, our President Tang Yu is the only one on the field. President Tang Yu, you have eaten the chicken and drank the wine. You can leave now."

"Get down, you scum of the alchemist world!"

"People who seek fame and reputation!"

There was a lot of abuse in the audience.

And this formation was also canceled by Bai Jing.

Faced with the overwhelming curses, Tang Yu glanced at them and coldly snorted: "A bunch of ignorant people, let me show you today what the Alchemy God is!"

His quarrel immediately aroused public outrage. If he hadn't been the vice president of the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce, he might have been beaten to death here.

But when everyone was cursing and condemning him, he slapped the alchemy furnace and the lid flew up.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Suddenly, one after another divine light shot up into the sky!

One way, two ways, three ways, nine ways!

Eighteen ways!

Twenty-seven ways!

Twenty-seven rays of divine light soared into the sky and turned into twenty-seven pills, exuding a rich charm. In an instant, an unprecedented thunder catastrophe surged between heaven and earth!

And the fragrance of three different types of magical elixirs filled the world. At this moment, all the abusive voices suddenly stopped!

This chapter has been completed!
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