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Chapter 2839: Causal Reincarnation

 This city is called a true water city. The city is located next to a big river. When it rains and the river floods, the city will be easily flooded. The people in the city will cry to the dark clouds: Don't rain, don't water, don't water.

, we don’t want water anymore, hence the name Zhenshui City.

????There is an iron city next door with iron mines and most of the buildings are made of iron. When it rains, the houses will rust easily. Every time it rains, the people there will pray to the weather: "Don't rust, don't rust."

Stop rusting the old iron."


????The Liangyi Mountain appeared above the city. There was no rumble. It was silent this time. However, the shadow cast by the huge mountain almost covered the entire city.


????The people in the city thought it was getting dark, so they looked up to the sky one by one, and then they were startled. Countless people looked at the sky in horror, pointing and talking.


????Xiang Chen stood in the sky, and his body instantly transformed into a giant tens of thousands of feet tall. The size was extremely terrifying.


????"This, this is..."


????"Daluo Golden Body?"

????Several immortals in the city looked at Xiang Chen’s huge body in horror, their eyes filled with shock.


????Xiang Chen’s divine thoughts covered several first-level heavenly realms in one thought, covering hundreds of millions of sentient beings.


????"I, Xiang Chen, the Lord of the Nine Heavens Alliance, have disturbed you all today."

????Xiang Chen’s voice appears in the minds of almost all living beings who are born with spiritual intelligence.


????"Xiang Chen...this name sounds so familiar."

????"Xiang Chen, the leader of the Nine Heavens Alliance - wait, is it Emperor Xiang Tian!"

????"No way, who is Emperor Xiang Tian? How could he come to a remote place like ours?"

????"You forgot, there is a branch of the Nine Heavens Alliance in Tiecheng."

????The people were as shocked as if the emperor suddenly came to a small village.

????"This is Emperor Xiang Tian. This, this is a god."

????"Meet the Emperor of Heaven."

????Several immortals in the city knelt down respectfully and looked excited. They never expected to see such a person in this life.

????Xiang Chen’s spiritual thoughts continued: "The first level of heaven will encounter the catastrophe of destruction decades ago. I am here to pick you up in advance and pick you up to settle down in Jiutian. I will send you to Jiutian to settle down."

The strong men of the alliance went to all cities to pick up people.

If you get the news, please gather in the largest square in your city. There is no restriction on race. Mountain and wild monsters are all within the range. This is not alarmist, it will happen. Bring what you can and start taking action immediately. After you leave here, you will

You arrange residences in other heavens”

????"The Wonderland personnel of the First Level of Heaven cooperate with the evacuation of the Nine Heavens Alliance, and those who perform well are allowed to enter the Nine Heavens Alliance to practice."


After Xiang Chen finished speaking, tens of thousands of immortal ships with the flags of the Nine Heavens Alliance flew up from Liangyi Mountain, and hundreds of thousands of powerful men above the Immortal Emperor realm began to fly in all directions.

????"Respecting the order of the Emperor of Heaven, all living beings must immediately gather in a city near you. No city shall block the living beings who come to seek refuge!"

????At this moment, the divine thoughts and immortal thoughts of countless powerful men began to cover the vast first level of the sky.

????The sentient beings in the First Level Heaven were also shocked, and then there was panic. The First Level Heaven was about to be destroyed?

????Many people know that a great catastrophe occurred in the first layer of heaven before, and countless creatures died.

????"Respect the order of the Emperor of Heaven, hurry up, everyone in the city gather in the square immediately!" The ancestors of the immortals in the first layer of heaven are all crazy. It should be a surprise, and they have the opportunity to enter the Nine Heavens Alliance! This is a chance from heaven.

????The First Level Heavenly Immortals immediately began to help people gather. Sometimes their words were more useful to the local area than Xiang Chen, because they had been local emperors for many years, and Xiang Chen's status was too high and too unrelevant for many people.

It is practical, but the immortals in these places have accumulated prestige and influence in their respective territories for countless years. As the saying goes, the county magistrates are not as good as the current ones.

????Throughout the first layer of heaven, countless creatures began to take action. People in the city began to go home to pack their things, industries stopped working, and people outside the city rushed frantically to places close to them, even small towns in the mountains and forests.

Monsters and beasts also rushed towards the city.

????There is also the big tree that has become a spirit. It pulls out its own legs and runs away without pulling out the roots. The roots of the tree are like octopus legs, running in the forest and running towards the city. It looks quite funny.

????As for plants that have not even been born with intelligence, there is nothing we can do.

Even the big yellow dogs in the village were running away with their pups in their mouths.

The puppy was very surprised and asked: "Mom, where are we going?"

Its mother held it in her mouth and sobbed incoherently: "The Emperor of Heaven said that the first layer of heaven is going to be destroyed. We must quickly go to Shacheng, a hundred miles away, to gather and leave here."

"What is the Emperor of Heaven? Is it a bone?"

"Silly dog, it's not a bone, it's our ancestor."

"Mom, how did you know?"

"Mom, I also heard what the older generation of dogs in the village said. Dogs know it from legend. Stop talking. It will be very tiring to run around with you in your mouth and talk."

These ones still have legs and can move, but those who have no legs and can't move are in despair.

It was a green pine standing on the mountain peak. It had lived for five hundred years. By chance, a true spirit reincarnated more than ten years ago and was reborn as this green pine. The green pine finally gave birth to spiritual wisdom, but it had not yet learned the magic.

, will not move.

Next to the green pine is a piece of refined jade.

"Xiaosong, the first layer of heaven is going to be destroyed, what should we do?" The jade spirit sent out spiritual consciousness.

"Xiaoyu, can't you get out of here? Go away quickly. Go to a nearby city to gather and leave here." Qingsong sent out a thought.

"I won't, I won't leave you." The jade spirit rolled a few times and pressed against the green pine.

"Oh, why bother."

The green pine branches moved slightly, and I reluctantly touched the round body of the jade spirit.

"Emperor of Heaven, Xiang Chen...Xiang Chen...Why does this name give me a sense of familiarity?"

The green pine murmurs to itself, standing on the top of the mountain, and straightening its body, and this is a yin-yang mysterious pine!

Suddenly, a figure appeared in the sky above the mountain forest, standing with hands behind its hands, and powerful immortal thoughts covered the mountains and forests thousands of miles away.

Then, the green pine body broke away from the soil uncontrollably and flew up from the ground. The jade essence was also absorbed and flew into the sky.

"Xiaosong, we are flying!" Jade Spirit exclaimed.

"What, what's going on?" Qingsong was also shocked as he watched his body fly up from the ground.

A huge space vortex appeared in the sky, which was the Qiankun vortex.

"You monsters, there is no need to panic. I am an ordinary Immortal Emperor in the Heavenly Rebel Army under His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor of the Nine Heavens Alliance. Your Majesty the Heavenly Emperor has an order not to give up on all living things. I will take you to escape."

The figure sent out fairy thoughts, and within hundreds of thousands of miles, countless creatures, fish demons, green pines, jade spirits and other thousands of spirits that became spirits but could not leave were absorbed and flew to his inner world.

Within a few breaths, the land returned to deathly silence.

This chapter has been completed!
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