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Chapter 3493 test each other

 In fact, it is not difficult for Xiang Chen to find out the true identity of Nangong Yuxiu. Based on the information he obtained from Nangong Yuxiu at that time, and after checking the history of the Jiutian Kui Niu tribe, it is easy to find out her identity.

Check your true identity and origin.

After all, she lived in the ancient era of Jiutian and has an extraordinary origin. There are historical records in the history of the Jiutian Kuiniu tribe that can be found.

Therefore, Xiang Chen found out Nangong Yuxiu's true identity directly from Jiutian's history.

He was also extremely surprised when he got this result, because from the age point of view, Nangong Yuxiu is already quite old, tens of millions of years old.

However, she has pure Kui Niu bloodline and her lifespan is very long. Of course, she is much older than Xiang Chen.

When Nangong Yuxiu heard these words from Xiang Chen, she was also shocked in her heart, with an incredible look in her eyes.

She knew about Emperor Xiang Tian from others, and how did Emperor Xiang know his origin so clearly.

After all, almost no one knows that she still exists in the ancient times.

Although she has traces in Jiutian, how does the other party know that she still exists here?

"How do you know me?" Nangong Yuxiu did not deny it, but asked directly.

Xiang Chen clasped his hands behind his back, smiled faintly, and said: "Of course, through the Jiutian origin mark, I, as the descendant of the Mother Goddess, and you, as the Kui Niu clan born in Jiutian, when I meet you, I can sense you

Even if I have never met you before, I can still know your origin."

Nangong Yuxiu was shocked and confused. If she was the Nine Heavens Mother Goddess, she would naturally have such an ability. If the other party only had the Nine Heavens Origin Divine Seal, could she also have such an ability?

But she couldn't deny it, because she didn't know how magical the Nine Heavens Origin Seal was.

"What is your purpose in coming to Kuiniu Secret Realm?"

Nangong Yuxiu asked the surrounding Kui Niu warriors to collect the artifacts, and their hostility was reduced a bit.

Xiang Chen looked at the Kui Niu warriors around him and said calmly: "Don't you think the Kui Niu clan is very weak today? It's also very sad."

"This guy!"


The strong men of the Kui Niu tribe were angry when they heard this, but no one had the nerve to say anything, because judging from the previous combat effectiveness, even their most powerful leader, Kui Qianqiu, could not defeat the opponent, and they were also arrogant.


Nangong Yuxiu frowned slightly and said, "Keep talking."

Xiang Chen said calmly: "They are weak because of two things. One is that their bloodline is no longer pure and their talents are greatly restricted. The other is that the inheritance of the ancestors of the Kuiniu tribe has been cut off. These two points have reduced their strength.

It is far inferior to the Kui Niu clan in the ancient Jiutian period, let alone the ancient Kui Niu clan."

"As for me, as the descendant of the Nine Heavens Mother Goddess, and as the leader of the Nine Heavens Divine Cultivation, the Jiutian Kui Niu Clan and the Taikoo Kui Niu Clan are originally one family. I naturally have the ability to save and revitalize the Kui Niu Clan."

"And I am here to seize the inheritance of Ancestor Kui Niu from the ancient traitors and avoid falling into the hands of the ancient traitors. At the same time, I will also carry forward the inheritance of Ancestor Kui Niu among these descendants of Kui Niu.

Help them become strong and escape the fate of being slaughtered here generation after generation."

Kui Qianqiu snorted coldly and said, "You have killed so many of us, and yet you dare to say that you are here to help us."

Xiang Chen glanced at him sideways and said indifferently: "You were the one who killed me first, and I have shown mercy. I have not killed the soul of your clan. If I really regard you as an enemy, I will kill you."

None of the Kuiniu people can survive this disaster."

"You—" Kui Qianchou was speechless, and for a moment he didn't know how to respond. He said dullly: "Your Highness, I don't really believe in this kid."

Nangong Yuxiu looked at Xiang Chen with her beautiful eyes, and said calmly: "To put it bluntly, you are also here to fight for my grandfather's inheritance. I have already obtained my grandfather's inheritance. Please come back. As for the Kuiniu tribe, I will carry it forward."


Xiang Chen glanced at Nangong Yuxiu and felt a bloodline divine power in him that was much stronger than before.

It was part of the bloodline divine power belonging to Patriarch Kui Niu. The most powerful part of it was that her cultivation level had entered the realm of the Lord God. It was also the pure bloodline divine power of the Kuiniu Holy Beast.

"Is it possible that she has really obtained the inheritance of Patriarch Kui Niu?"

Xiang Chen felt a little unwilling when he heard this.

"No, she probably didn't get it completely. There's no response on my space token yet."

Xiang Chen shook his head and said, "You can't save the Kui Niu clan."

Kui Qianqiu said coldly: "Then we don't need an outsider like you to save us."

Nangong Yuxiu said indifferently: "Why do you say that? And why can you save the Kui Niu clan?"

Xiang Chen clasped his hands behind his back and looked around at the people of the Kuiniu tribe. He said confidently: "If my prediction is correct, you should have some treasure to bring these people here directly. They have not experienced any external trials."

Nangong Yuxiu didn't say anything and didn't comment. It was indeed true. They used the Kui Niu Jade Seal to directly teleport here smoothly without experiencing so many troubles along the way as Xiang Chen and others.

Xiang Chen had never met these people along the way, so he made this guess.

He continued: "The imprint of the Jiutian Kui Niu bloodline still exists on your body. If you really obtained the inheritance of the Kui Niu Ancestor, the Jiutian Kui Niu bloodline in your body should be suppressed or even devoured, but you did not appear.

This situation means that you have not received the true inheritance from Patriarch Kuiniu. To get the inheritance, you need a treasure, and you are missing something."


Nangong Yuxiu's eyes changed instantly, and became sharp and domineering: "Is the Holy Law of Kui Niu on you?"

Is that thing called the Holy Law of Kui Niu? Xiang Chen thought to himself, and said with a faint smile: "Guess."

Nangong Yuxiu looked uncertain and said, "My grandfather gave the Holy Law of Kui Niu to the Goddess of the Nine Heavens. Now it's in your hands?"

It seems that in order to obtain the inheritance, I really need this treasure. Xiang Chen was very happy. This way he could negotiate terms with the other party. After a little testing, he found out.

"Xiao Man'er, there is no need for you to test and doubt him. Xiang Chen is my heir, so there is no need for you two to test him."

At this time, a divine thought suddenly came from the Nine Heavens Origin Divine Seal between Xiang Chen's eyebrows. Xiang Chen suddenly felt that his eyebrows were hot, and a terrifying spiritual power came out from between his eyebrows, as if his eyebrows were about to split open.

This chapter has been completed!
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