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Chapter 3991: Brother Zhendao

 After entering the Ancient Imperial City, Xiang Chen left the Ancient Imperial City and flew towards the outer gate of the sky until he left the Ancient Star Realm again.

When he came to the starry sky outside and landed on a lifeless star, Xiang Chen burned a large amount of source jade and used it as an energy driver for Brother Ding to open the space passage to the North Underworld Sea.

A moment later, Brother Ding appeared at the edge of Beiming Sea again, and Xiang Chen contacted his senior sister again and asked her to pick him up.

There is also a powerful space formation deployed in the Beiming Sea. It is difficult for the ancient tripod to travel directly through it. It consumes more resources and can easily alert the Beiming Emperor.

Xiang Chen doesn't want to expose his ancient cauldron to someone as powerful as Emperor Beiming. You can trust someone, but you can't trust without reservation.

Soon, senior sister Xu Youwei appeared beside him and took him into the Beiming Sea and the Beiming Star Realm.

After wandering all the way, Xiang Chen finally saw Shopkeeper Qi in his mansion.

"Teacher, do me a favor!"

Xiang Chen didn't waste any time and went straight to the point: "Do you know about the Ten Suns Sealing Heaven Formation of the Golden Crow clan?"

Shopkeeper Qi held an ancient book on formations in his hand. He looked at Xiang Chen in surprise and said, "Of course I know that the most powerful sealing formation in the Golden Crow God Clan is at the level of Tiandao formation. It's not bad. Why do you ask this?


"Can you crack it?"

"It's not difficult for me to come into contact with the formation." He said with great certainty and confidence.

Xiang Chen was overjoyed: "Teacher is worthy of being the first formation mage in ancient times. Sure enough, Niu Bilas is unparalleled in the world. I brought eight-tenths of the formation structures of the Ten Sun Sealing Heaven Formation. However, my cultivation is shallow and I can't figure it out."

It's transparent, so I asked the teacher to help me crack it."

He took out his tortoise shell, put it on the table, activated the innate Bagua back armor diagram, and then the divine light was projected on it. In the light, array structure diagrams were three-dimensionally presented one after another, eight in total.

This formation structure diagram is extremely complex. Each one is comparable to the level of the Dao formation, and when combined, it is an astonishing Tiandao formation.

Shopkeeper Qi looked at this scene in surprise and asked in surprise: "How did you get this formation? You didn't sneak into the Golden Crow God Clan, did you?"

The eldest sister also looked at Xiang Chen in surprise. The Golden Crow Divine Clan was also a top clan in the ancient times. There were many saints and strong men in the clan.

Xiang Chen nodded proudly, raised his chin and said: "Who am I? There is no place in the world that I can't go to. I went to Princess Xi in the Imperial City and Senior Sister Beiming Pao. I used illusions to disguise myself as the Golden Crow.

A holy son of the tribe, escaped into the Holy Land of the Golden Crow Clan, Fu Hu, where he met your old sweetheart, Aunt Fu Hu!"

Shopkeeper Qi slapped Xiang Chen on the head with his big buttocks, and said angrily: "That's nonsense, the soul of the cypress tree is dead long ago."

Xiang Chen rubbed his head and grinned: "Really, she is not dead, but her soul has been sealed. The Ten Yang Sealing Formation sealed her cultivation and soul. I have talked to her, so I

I just copied the Ten Suns Sealing Heaven Formation and asked you to crack it, so hurry up and rescue your old acquaintance."

Shopkeeper Qi narrowed his eyes when he heard this, and a sharp edge suddenly shot out. He looked at Xiang Chen with a serious face. Although this kid likes to talk nonsense, he will not lie in this kind of thing.

"Fu Hu is still alive, but she was sealed. I thought all that was left in the world now was her body." He fell into some distant memories.

However, his face didn't show much emotion, and he immediately picked up Xiang Chen's tortoise shell and headed towards a secret room in the mansion.

Xiang Chen Pidianpidian immediately followed him and asked the senior sister next to him: "Senior sister, what kind of gossip relationship did Fuhu and the teacher have in the past?"

Xu Youwei said indifferently: "They are all ancient beings born in the same batch. They are friends, and in a certain sense, they are also relatives."

"Did the teacher madly pursue our Nine Heavenly Mother Goddess before?"

"I have no idea!"

"What kind of lovers did the teacher have before? Let's talk about some gossip."

"You're annoying!"

Entering a secret room, there is a cave inside, like a small starry sky filled with stars.

And those stars are all arranged in a formation according to the innate Bagua diagram.

Shopkeeper Qi stood in the center, holding Xiang Chen's Xuanwu King's shell. His powerful spiritual thoughts spread out, and suddenly the stars in the entire starry sky began to rotate rapidly, some spinning, and some orbiting around the formation.

In an instant, the eight formations in the Ten Yang Fengyang Formation were arranged.

Shopkeeper Qi stood above one of the formation diagrams, holding one hand behind his back, pointing at a star and saying: "Those are the Kun position and the Gan position, and the Li position, which evolved into the capital formation eye. This formation eye moves eight steps towards the Kan position.

One hundred and thirty kilometers, three feet and eight feet! It corresponds to the opening of the Eight Diagrams in the Formation Breaker."

When Xiang Chen heard this and looked around, the stars immediately began to move quickly and moved to that position instantly.

Xiang Chen paid full attention and listened carefully. He knew that it was also Shopkeeper Qi who was deliberately teaching him how to crack it.

Every time Shopkeeper Qi moves a star, it corresponds to one of the formation patterns. Even if Xiang Chen cannot fully understand this analytical explanation, he has memorized the solution.

He has been explaining this formation for a full year. If he were allowed to break the formation by himself, it would definitely not take that long.

After explaining all the eight formation diagrams, Shopkeeper Qi directly deduced the remaining two types that Xiang Chen had not detected based on these eight formation diagrams. He continued to explain and teach Xiang Chen.

What is the number one person in the ancient formation? This means that he can create the remaining two great formations directly out of thin air.

This is the great master!

After explaining everything, he asked Xiang Chen: "Have you learned it?"

Xiang Chen nodded and shook his head: "I have failed to learn and have not learned anything."

Shopkeeper Qi said with a smile: "The more souls, the better, and the stronger the memory. If you reach my level, your formation skills may be better than others in the future."

He understood what Xiang Chen meant and remembered the method, but he didn't really understand how to derive the remaining two formations.

It's like learning the routines of formulas, but not knowing how to create formulas yourself.

"Teacher, I want to help solve the problem, but I can't let outsiders see the abnormality. How can I do this?" Xiang Chen raised another problem.

"You want to fly across the sky and sea under the eyes of the Golden Crow God Clan."

Xiang Chen nodded, his eyes a little more sinister: "Yes, otherwise if I solve it for her and they find something abnormal, I will be caught and not talk about it, and all my efforts will be wasted."

"This can be used as a trump card against the Golden Crow God Clan. If used well, it can trap the entire Golden Crow God Clan to death."

Shopkeeper Qi smiled lightly and said: "This can be solved. The out-of-position formation eye of each formation will remain unchanged when it is cracked. The formation's confinement effect on the soul will disappear, but the formation will still maintain operation.


"If the soul of Fuhu is still there, she can rely on her own strength to forcefully break the seal."

This chapter has been completed!
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