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Chapter 4326: Chaos situation

 "Nonsense, I know revenge, but how to do it?"

Although Ancient Cauldron is a small encyclopedia of the universe, it is still no match for Xiang Chen when it comes to things like agency calculations.

Xiang Chen said: "The current plan is to develop secretly, accumulate strength, and at the same time develop our third-party forces, sabotage behind enemy lines, infiltrate invasion, and guerrilla harassment."

"I have captured so many treasures in the Luotian Empire. Those treasures should be kept. Why not use them to develop strength for Jiutian and Bei Minghai and improve everyone's strength."

"The so-called third-party forces are those like the Purple Sky Divine Sect.

The Purple Sky Divine Sect, using the Overlord Sect as a cover, continues to develop and slowly becomes the top force among the ancient forces, and will backhand the Witch God Dynasty in the future!"

"Penetrate behind enemy lines and destroy!"

"If you want a force or a collective to decline as quickly as possible, that is to provoke them to fight among themselves! Let them consume themselves internally."

"As for how to fight internal conflicts, we need to carefully calculate and think about it. We need to understand clearly the conflicts of interests within the Witch God Dynasty."

"There is no monolithic force. As long as it is a group of interests, there will be internal struggles. It just depends on whether the struggle is benign or vicious."

"If it is a benign struggle, instigate it and amplify it into a vicious struggle! If the vicious struggle evolves into a violent outbreak, it will have the effect of internal friction."

"Secondly, it is either to destroy the other party's economy. No matter what era or what interest group, the economic system is crucial. In ancient times, why did the people rebel? Because there was no money, no food, and no way to survive!"

"As long as the ancient people are forced to the point of being unbearable, many people will naturally rebel."

"Xing, you kid, your head is full of good strategies to fight against thieves and rebels." Gu Ding also had to admire Xiang Chen's bad intentions for rebellion.

"It's not bad, it's all based on experience summarized from history and practice. Hmm, if you destroy me for nine days, then I will bring disaster to the country and the people and end your dynasty."

Xiang Chen is known as the terminator of empires and the killer of dynasties. He can destroy a family in a small way, but can cause harm to the country in a big way.

These are all practical experiences along the way, plus a lot of theoretical and historical experience.

Throughout history, the end of each dynasty is nothing more than a few points.

One, natural disaster!

The heaven and the earth bring disasters, such as severe droughts and floods, causing the people to have no food to eat.

Then there are man-made disasters! Natural disasters have already occurred, and the government's allocation of food has been embezzled by corrupt officials. The people can't even afford to eat, and they either starve to death or resist.

These are common experiences of peasant uprisings.

Therefore, today's era is almost the best era since ancient times. Even if there is a major natural disaster, there will be support from all directions. Even strangers thousands of miles away are willing to contribute and contribute money. Natural disasters are ruthless.

There is love in the world.

Natural disasters and man-made disasters. Man-made disasters are always more terrifying than natural disasters, and as long as people's hearts and humanity are not lost, natural disasters can support each other through them.

And once human nature is lost, prosperous times can turn into troubled times, and scenery can be seen everywhere.

Also, if the king is ignorant and ignorant, he only cares about pleasure and does not care about the people at all, then the officials below will definitely be ruined, and the people will have no way to survive.

So, in the final analysis, it comes down to two words: people's hearts and minds.

When the people's morale is ruined, their fortunes will decline and the dynasty will perish.

These are historical experiences.

However, in the world of spiritual practice, people’s hearts and minds are not so valued.

It's very simple, because in the world of practitioners, most forces do not rely on winning the hearts and minds of the people to rule the people, but rely on violent institutions and absolute strength.

So what if ten billion of you rebel?

A supreme being, easily controlled and suppressed!

Therefore, the world of spiritual practice is almost a system where aristocrats, nobles and royalty are always above the common people, because only with strong strength can you become a noble, noble, noble or royal family.

Regarding the word "people's hearts and minds", the world of spiritual practice does not value it so much. It is enough to let you barely survive. If you resist, you will be killed.

For such a physical structure, Xiang Chen has his own way of dealing with this structure.

The only thing that can defeat magic is magic. Use magic to fight magic, and use profit to fight profit!

"Brother Ding, where should we go back to the ancient times now?" Xiang Chen is naturally not as familiar with Chaos as Gu Ding.

"Do you still remember the northern border of the Thunder Sea God's Domain?"

"Northern Territory..." Xiang Chen fell into memories, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "I understand, you mean the Thunder Sea God Territory, the cosmic rift in the Northern Territory?"

"Well, that's right, we can return to the ancient times through that crack in the universe."

"Actually, there are quite a few such cosmic cracks between chaos and the universe."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's move forward at full speed and go back to find a way to find out about Tuanzi and Ermao."

"I think the old dog of the Ancient Witch King still has feelings for Tuanzi, so he probably won't kill Tuanzi directly."

Gu Ding struck and said: "He didn't kill the Nine Heavens Saint and the Ancient Demon Ancestor, probably just to use them as bait for fishing."

"You said that the Ancient Witch King wants to catch me? Ha, I hope so. This way, if I am not caught, they will be safe."

The ancient universe.

At this moment, the situation in the ancient universe is also somewhat chaotic.

Emperor Beiming suddenly appeared in the Ancient God Realm, and forcefully wiped out several star realms of the Ancient Witch God Dynasty, frightening countless ancient rebellion and facilitators.

Fortunately, with Zhu Chungang chasing him, he didn't have many opportunities to go on a killing spree, but it still made people panic.

As for the Beiming Sea, except for being teleported away from the Beiming Star Realm and missing, the Beiming Sea was completely destroyed and occupied. Countless Beiming Sea people who had not had time to evacuate were massacred by the Witch God Clan.

However, what annoyed the top leaders of the Witch God Clan was that the origin of Beiminghai was taken away by people from the Luotian Empire.

The space barrier between Jiutian, Jiutian and Taikoo was also completely broken. Jiutian merged into Taikoo and became the divine domain of Taikoo again. It was also occupied by the Witch God Clan.

But what made them even more angry was that the ancient origin of Jiutian was not found and was taken away by Xiang Chen.

As a result, a total of two-fifths of the origin of the ancient universe has been lost!

They just occupied two huge areas in vain.

However, the destruction of these two major forces also means that there are basically no major anti-thief forces in the ancient times. The star bandits are just small troubles.

The Witch God Dynasty didn't care much about the two territories of Beiminghai and Jiutian. What they cared about was the origin of the universe.

However, the ancient superior gods' realm forces are all staring at it, and they are jealous that these two territories, Jiutian and Beiminghai, are comparable to several superior gods' realms.

For these two pieces of territory, all the major clans in the ancient times, as long as there was Heavenly Dao in charge, began to fight openly and secretly, trying to get these two large pieces of territory.

And these top clans in Taikoo are also involved in many vassal races, which has caused the current situation in Taikoo to be very chaotic.

This chapter has been completed!
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