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Chapter 4714: Strange Eye Technique

 "The magic is versatile. As soon as you hear the name, you will know that Niubi is more domineering." Xiang Chen immediately flattered him again.

Captain Wu Su said proudly: "Of course. Among all Taichu divine arts and movements in the ancestral court, this is one of the top three movements. Once you learn it, you can use it for a lifetime."

"Now, I will first suppress my cultivation to the first level of the Taichu Realm, and display it in front of you at the slowest speed in the Taichu Realm, so that you can watch it."

As Captain Wu Su spoke, the spatial divine power in his body started to move, and the Qi mechanism changed.

And Xiang Chen's eyes instantly turned into Kunpeng Divine Eyes, and his powerful abilities of perspective and time-space capture were activated.

In his eyes, Captain Wu Su, who was running the exercises, became translucent at this moment. When he was running the exercises, the routes of the meridians in his body and the flow of divine power in space were clearly displayed in front of his eyes.

Then, it moves according to the traction and changes of his Qi machine.

Suddenly, a tiny magic circle formed under his feet, the person disappeared in an instant, and strange fluctuations occurred in the space.

The next moment, the person appeared dozens of meters away on the left without any trace of spatial fluctuations.

This speed is not very fast, but the clever thing is that it appears in another position without any spatial ripples, making it difficult to predict.

Then, Captain Wu Su continued to change his position and direction. Every time he changed his position, the subtle divine pattern array would change.

As Xiang Chen watched, a colorful halo gradually appeared in his pupils, and circles of pupil halos appeared in his pupils.

A total of seven circles emerged!

After the seven pupil halos appeared, when Captain Wu Su used his body skills, the movement of Qi, the operation of skills, and the use of changes in the magic circle clearly appeared in his mind, as if they were engraved in his mind.


Captain Wu Su completely performed all the changes and routines of the entire movement.

He was afraid that Xiang Chen couldn't see clearly, so he used it twice more before stopping.

After he finished using it, he looked at Xiang Chen who was meditating with his eyes closed and asked: "How much did you understand?"

In his opinion, it would be extremely remarkable if Xiang Chen could understand even 10% of it. If you are a devil of understanding, you can continue to learn like this in the future and you will have a chance to succeed.

If I can't understand it, then I don't have to waste so much time on it.

This is similar to a person performing complex technical skills in front of you. His eyes say it well, his brain says it well, and his hands tell you both to fart.

Well, there is still hope. If your eyes and brain don't know how to do it, then your understanding is very poor.

Xiang Chen opened his eyes, and the seven circles of pupils that appeared strangely overlapped and disappeared, returning to normal.

"Here - let me try."

Xiang Chen took a deep breath, and activated the divine power of space, pulling the qi machine, running the meridians, and the first miniature magic circle appeared under his feet.


In an instant, the other person disappeared and appeared on the left side without any warning.

Captain Wu Su narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this scene and nodded. He actually learned the first step. It seemed that his understanding was very good and he understood at least 10% of it.

However, Xiang Chen took a few more steps one after another, his body flashing and moving continuously, five steps, ten steps, twenty steps, thirty steps——

The expression on Captain Wu Su's face gradually solidified, and there was an incredible look in his eyes, unbelievable.

It wasn't until the sixtieth step that a slight mistake occurred under Xiang Chen's feet. He was suddenly squeezed out of the flashing space, his head suddenly turned upside down and he fell to the ground with a bang.

Xiang Chen screamed and quickly rubbed his head.

"I have understood sixty steps - I have understood 60% and can still perform it. How is this possible -" Captain Wu Su couldn't believe it.

Even if it's a direct inheritance, it's difficult to do this, right? This kid, just by looking, actually knows so much?

Not only can you understand it, but you can also perform so much?

Xiang Chen smiled bitterly and said, "Captain, am I too stupid?"

Captain Wu Su came to his senses and asked, "You really didn't know this skill before?"

Xiang Chen shook his head and said, "No, I've never heard of it."

Captain Wu Su looked at him like a monster, coughed, and said lightly: "Well, it's not bad. I have the talent I had back then. Keep working hard."

Xiang Chen cupped his fists and saluted: "Thank you, Captain, for teaching me. If I practice more, I feel I should be able to fully display it after practicing a few more times."

Captain Wu Su's mouth twitched, he nodded and said: "Work hard, I'll check the results tomorrow."

After saying that, he left, muttering: "Made, monster, monster, beast!!"

But then he became a little more excited: "This kid has such a perverted talent in space comprehension. If I train him by myself, wouldn't he be like his Taichu Taoist space enlightenment teacher? Hehe, I have to find a way to let him major in space with me."

, In addition, we must poach him from Gou Lan."

Captain Wu Su left with his own little calculation.

Xiang Chen stayed here to practice alone. After practicing several times, he finally corrected the error in step sixty.

After practicing for a day, Xiang Chen was able to fully control and perform this magical movement.

After learning it, Xiang Chen sat on the martial arts field and pondered: "Strange, why did I remember it so easily when I learned it before? My eye power learning ability seems to be much stronger than before."

Thinking of this, he concentrated, hit with mental power, and used the pupil technique, and his eyes turned into dark golden Kunpeng Divine Eyes.

However, as he concentrated his mental power and concentration, the strange seven-color pupil rings appeared in his eyes. Seven powers from heaven and earth suddenly converged on his body and converged on his eyes through his meridians.


Then, two colored laser-like divine lights pierced through in an instant and hit the building outside the martial arts arena.


The building was hit by the laser, and then burned and melted.

"Ah - who attacked me?" There were screams in the building. Captain Houxuan, one of the eighteen captains, wailed while holding his buttocks, which were burned and blackened.

Xiang Chen was shocked, he quickly retracted his pupils, covered his eyes, and the light disappeared.

"How could this happen? I didn't cast any spells, so how come these eyes suddenly glowed so aggressively?" Xiang Chen was shocked and confused.

Just when he was thinking this, a fat figure flew through the air. It was a short, fat man with a bald head wearing armor. He came over and asked angrily: "Xiaojiro, did you see who attacked me just now?"

Xiang Chen glanced at the other party's burnt butt, quickly shook his head and said, "No, I just saw a ray of light shoot past me.

From which direction it came, and who shot it, I don’t know, but the light is very hot, and such a hot attack can only be -"

Captain Hou Xuan looked over, touched his burnt buttocks, gritted his teeth and said, "It must have been done by that bastard Yan Qing!"

"You bastard, I owe him tens of millions. How dare you cheat on me like this? I won't pay him back!"

This chapter has been completed!
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