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Chapter 4789: Big Check

 Thinking of Cailian's death, Xiang Chen felt a thorn in his heart.

He killed Cailian with his own hands. He killed his comrades with his own hands. This was not the first time that Xiang Chen experienced the uncomfortable and self-blame feeling.

However, when he thought of Cailian's death, Xiang Chen hated Yang Nian even more!

If it weren't for the traitor's betrayal, how could Cailian die?

The Heavenly Court of Creation provided him with the resources to allow Yang Nian to practice to this day, but it is really hateful that this person betrayed his family and country in order to seek glory.

"Yang Nian, the traitor's bowl of rice is not so delicious. I will let you taste the real taste of hell!"

Xiang Chen's eyes were a little more sinister, this was the person he must take revenge on first.

Xiang Chen took out the divine jade of sound transmission and began to contact Chi Jiao from the ANBU, asking him to get all the intelligence information about Yang Nian's mansion for him.

After Chijiao received the order, he immediately sent people to collect intelligence information about Yang Nian.

Xiang Chen also rushed back to his military camp.

As soon as he returned to the military camp, an order came from the military headquarters to prepare for a general physical examination of the entire army!

The general physical examination of the whole army, which is also a large-scale inspection, is to check whether there are any enemy spies in the army.

Of course, such a comprehensive physical examination is not for everyone, but mainly for officers above the company platoon in the army.

Ordinary soldiers are too big to inspect everyone.

Moreover, even if ordinary soldiers have spies and spies, the role they can play is very small. They cannot get any useful intelligence information and the harm is very small.

And Xiang Chen, a general in the Chinese army, is already considered a senior general in the army.

Not long after he returned to the military camp, a team of inspection team came to his military camp and found Xiang Chen.

There were three people coming, two men and one woman. It seemed that the woman was still in charge. This woman was extremely beautiful, with an oval face, fox eyes, and a face like a peach blossom. Although she was wearing military armor, she still had a strong aura of charm.


"Hello Xiang Zhongjun, I am Tushan Guanyue from the Inspection Department, responsible for the physical examination of your new 12th Army."

The woman stepped forward and extended her palm to introduce herself.

Xiang Chen quickly stood up and shook hands and said: "Hello, Lieutenant Tushan, I am Xiang Erlang, General of the New Twelfth Army. I'm glad to meet you."

Xiang Chen looked at this woman and could tell at a glance who she was. She was a fox demon clan of the Tushan clan, one of the most powerful fox clans in the ancient world.

He had had contact with her before and captured a fox girl, but she was later released.

Tushan Guanyue nodded slightly and said with a smile: "I have heard of General Xiang's name, and he has completely defeated that genius in military deductions and martial arts competitions."

"Haha, I won the prize and it's not worth mentioning. I don't know how I can cooperate with you?" Xiang Chen asked with a calm expression.

Tushan Guanyue said: "Just gather all the officers above the platoon among the generals. We will cast spells on them to check whether there are any spies among them."

"Of course, according to the order of the military department, General Xiang must also participate in this inspection."

Xiang Chen laughed: "Of course, I fully support the military department's decision, Wang Qingyun!"

"My subordinate is here!" Wang Qingyun walked out and saluted respectfully.

"Go and gather all the officers from company and platoon level in each division to the Central Military Square!"

"Yes!" When Wang Qingyun heard this, he immediately went down to do things.

"You three, please sit down and have some tea." Xiang Chen asked the three of them to sit down again.

"Thank you." The three of them sat in Xiang Chen's military headquarters and waited.

Before long, thousands of people gathered in Zhongjun Square.

Xiang Chen has 210,000 troops under his command, and there are thousands of junior officers below him, among whom there are mainly company and platoon level officers.

After everyone gathered, Wang Qingyun hurriedly came over and reported: "Master Qi, everyone is here."

Xiang Chen stood up and said with a smile: "You three, let's invite you."

"Please!" The three of them stood up and followed them to the Central Military Square.

In the Central Military Square, thousands of generals and officers stood neatly, all standing at attention with their hands clasped together.

"Take a break!" Chen Bin gave the command.

"stand at attention!"


Boom——! Thousands of people stood in unison, raising their hands in salute at the side of their heads. The military salute they performed was a little different from that of other troops.

This mental outlook and discipline made Tushan Guanyue and others a little surprised. It is really rare for a new recruit unit to be able to do this.

Tushan Guanyue smiled lightly and said: "It seems that General Xiang is very good at running the army. It is rare to see new recruits with such a spiritual outlook."

Xiang Chen waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's not worth mentioning. Compared with those old troops, we are still far behind."

Another inspector inspecting the Chinese army next to him frowned and said: "It's all fancy and formalistic. It's better to spend more time on improving combat effectiveness and battle formation research."

Xiang Chen looked at the inspecting army, why did this guy speak so slightly against me? Have I ever offended him?

"Brother Wen Ren, you can't say that. It's good for the army to have such discipline after all."

"The only way for an army to fight is to be able to fight!" Wen Renwu retorted to Tushan Guanyue.

"It turns out that he is from the Wenren family. No wonder he has a feeling of gunpowder towards me." Xiang Chen sneered in his heart, and nodded calmly on the surface: "Wenren's inspection is right, the only way is for the army to be able to fight."

Wenren Inspector snorted coldly and said nothing more.

"Let's start with the three of you for this big inspection. Let's set an example for everyone." Tu Shan Guanyue introduced the topic.

Xiang Chen nodded: "Okay, let's start with the three of us. What do we need to do?"

"You don't have to do anything, just answer our questions." Tushan Guanyue took out a mirror.

This scene is extremely simple, like a full moon, and is called the Mirror of Asking the Heart.

The power of Tushan Guanyue's soul poured into it, and the Heart-Questing Mirror suddenly released its light and enveloped the three of them.

At this moment, Xiang Chen immediately felt that an extremely powerful spiritual law entered his body, attracting his mind and consciousness.

At this moment, he felt like he suddenly appeared in a space surrounded by mirrors.

And in this space, many pictures from his heart emerged, or in other words, pictures from his heart at the moment.

And a spiritual thought entered his mind

"Are you a spy who has infiltrated our army?" A simple and direct question

In the surrounding space, the pictures were distorted and rolling. Xiang Chen's mind was controlled by a force. It was difficult to say something that went against his heart. He really wanted to say yes!

And such desire is difficult to contain.

It seems that as long as he lies, he will die physically and mentally, and will be condemned by his conscience forever. Even if his mind is as strong as his, it will be difficult not to be affected.

Just when Xiang Chen was about to answer yes, the hidden dragon and phoenix mask hidden under the skin suddenly released a force that poured into Xiang Chen's soul.

Xiang Chen said categorically: "No!"

This chapter has been completed!
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