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Chapter 4972: Return of the filial son

"Here is a piece of data about the development of the ancient universe over the past few thousand years. Take a look. Although these few thousand years have entered a period of rapid explosion relative to the development of the ancient universe, it is still difficult to keep up with the rapid development of this era.

The speed of the general trend’s advancement.”

The Demon Emperor of Samsara took out a jade slip and gave it to Xiang Chen.

Xiang Chen's spiritual mind penetrated it to check and understand all aspects of data.

After a long time, Xiang Chen said: "According to the ancient speed of development, we will definitely not be able to keep up with the times. The method of seclusion can only be maintained temporarily and cannot be used for a long time.

We still need to integrate with the outside world and allow our people to go out and gain greater space for development."

Emperor Beiming said: "There are only two cosmic passages left now. One leads to the Holy Witchcraft Dynasty, the territory of the ancestral power. You know, the other one is winding and winding, and has to pass through the evil and evil sky with a harsh environment.

Transit is too troublesome.”

"Well, it is indeed too troublesome to leave through the passage of the Evil Sky. The monks under the saints simply cannot bear the environment in the Evil Sky. I will find a way to open up the space passage of the Witch God's Palace."

"In addition, with the current general trend of the world, if our ancient power develops alone in the prehistoric times, it will no longer be able to catch up with the times.

Therefore, I want the ancient forces to be formally merged into the forces of the Heaven of Creation, and by joining the Heaven of Creation, we will have a strong foundation of the Heaven of Creation, and our people will have a backer and a place to stay after they leave."

"Of course, I will discuss this matter with you. If you don't agree, I won't force it. I have laid some foundation for the ancient forces in the prehistoric times, but after all, that foundation cannot be compared with the creation of heaven."

The three of them looked at each other in confusion after hearing this, and the Samsara Demon Emperor smiled bitterly: "Aren't we already vassals of the Heavenly Court of Creation? The ancient universe has already entered into the calculations and plans of the Heavenly Court of Creation, Emperor Yu, and Emperor Mu.

In addition, you, the young master who created Heaven, have become the Heavenly Emperor of our ancient Heaven. What’s the point of your nonsense now?"

Xiang Chen laughed when he heard this: "You can't say that. Although those two old coins have been plotting against us for a long time, I, Xiang Chen, can be regarded as a member of the ancient universe. Naturally, I also consider everyone."

"The Taikoo Universe will be merged into the forces of the Heaven of Creation, and the treatment will not be any worse than those of the All Heavens and Universe. The philosophy of the Heaven of Creation is to be open to all rivers, and to be inclusive, there is no such serious class discrimination and regional discrimination as other forces."

Taiyi Yaotian sighed: "You are the leader of the Ancient Heavenly Court. You can make your own decision. We have already acquiesced in our hearts."

Emperor Beiming also nodded.

Xiang Chen slapped the table and made a decision: "Okay, since you agree, then our ancient universe and the ancient heaven will be officially included in the creation heaven system.

I will make a good plan with Old Man Luo on how to seize back the connection point between our ancient and prehistoric universe channels."

The Demon Emperor of Samsara said: "We need to pass through the area of ​​Chaos forces and the sphere of influence of the Candle Dragon Empire, and we have to open up relationships there."

Xiang Chen chuckled: "There's no problem with Chaos, and there won't be any problem with the Zhulong Empire. The only trouble is the cosmic channel connection point within the Witch God's Dynasty."

"I'll leave this problem to you and that Emperor Yu. If we want us to join them, they have to clear the way." The Demon Emperor of Samsara was cunning and cunning, so he just left the problem to Luo Yu and Xiang Chen.

"I'm not counting on you either. You can't do anything with your little strength now. I can beat all three of you!"

"Hey, this kid has become the Supreme now, and his tail is raised all of a sudden!" The Samsara Demon Emperor stretched out his hand to hit Xiang Chen.

Xiang Chen dug his ears and took out a Supreme Defense Armor with his other hand: "Dean, I'll give you a chance to reorganize your language."

The Samsara Demon Emperor's hand paused for a moment, and then he snatched the Supreme Defense Armor, laughing and saying: "It's good to lift it up. What do you call a young man if you are not frivolous and arrogant? You kid, you have been smart since you were a child. I

I know you can accomplish great things."

Taiyi Yaotian and Beiming Emperor's eyes fell on Xiang Chen, as if to say, where is ours?

Xiang Chen took out five formation disks and handed them to Emperor Beiming: "Teacher, this is for you. It contains the five most powerful heaven and earth battle formations of the Great Demon Kingdom, plus some other heaven and earth formations."

Model drawing.”

Emperor Beiming quickly took it over, with a faint smile on his face, and nodded: "Yes, I am optimistic about you too."

"Where's mine??" Er Mao's eyes turned red with jealousy.

"you have not!"

"How could I not? We are good brothers. Brother, have you forgotten the days when we traveled the world together? I will be your scarf every day!"

The humble demon ancestor is begging online.

"Haha, how could it not be possible? No, here you go, the Supreme Divine Sword. Let's reforge your broken sword and improve it." Xiang Chen threw a Supreme Divine Sword to Taiyi Yaotian.

He has a lot of Supreme Artifacts on him. After all, he has killed so many Supremes of Heaven and Earth, and he has collected all their Supreme Artifacts.

"Thank you big brother, Niubi 666, big brother will increase your wealth, happiness and longevity! Have more children, more wives, more opportunities."

The Demon Emperor of Samsara sneered: "Look at your face, it's so shameful. I actually regarded you as my opponent back then!"

"Oh, it's not embarrassing for you, just give me that Supreme Armor! It's not embarrassing for you!"

"Okay, now that everyone has agreed on the same opinion, I will let old man Luo Yu plan the merger carefully when we get back.

After a while, my junior sister Yu'er and my senior sister Xu Youwei will definitely break through and enter the supreme realm of heaven and earth, so I'll trouble you three to help me protect their path."

The three of them nodded, naturally there was no problem.

Xiang Chen's main purpose in returning to Taikoo was to accomplish two things: to help his Taoist companions improve their cultivation, and secondly to discuss with the three of them about merging into the Heaven of Creation.

Third, come back to visit your mother, Su Niang.

After the meeting, Xiang Chen rushed to the place where his mother lived.

The place where Su Niang lives is called Shengde Palace, which is also in the Ancient Divine City.

When Xiang Chen came, Su Niang was chatting with some old sisters. These people included Wang Ying's mother, Xia Qingcheng's mother in this life, Xiang Chen's mother-in-law in the mortal world, and Xia Houwu's

My birth mother in the mortal world.

These old ladies usually take care of their children and do charity work. There are also a bunch of little kids in Shengde Palace, all descendants of Xiang Chen's brothers and sisters, and some are the great-grandchildren of Xiang Chen's brothers.

"That's the mother I miss and love deeply day and night. How should I express it? The filial son is back."

Before Xiang Chen even entered the door, a careless voice came into the palace.

This chapter has been completed!
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