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Chapter 5084: Arrogance and prejudice

 Huangpu Antian first looked at Su Wen, his current political prime minister: "Prime Minister, what do you think?"

Su Wen was called out by Huangpu Antian, so he took a step forward, saluted with hands and said: "Your Majesty, we really need to consider this matter carefully. Luo Yu, Lord of Chaos, one of them must be lying!"

"Everyone, we might as well speculate."

Su Wen looked at the other demon ancestors.

Although Su Wen is now the prime minister, he really does not have much power. He belongs to the human race. It is really not easy for the human race to achieve this status in the prehistoric demon kingdom.

Therefore, although he is the prime minister, few of the demon ancestors really think highly of him, just because of his human status.

However, this person is indeed very smart, and he followed Huangpu Antian relatively early. He has been making suggestions for Huangpu Antian along the way, from dealing with Huangpu Antian's eldest brother, Huangpu Wentian, to now that Huangpu Antian has ascended the throne.

Huangpu Antian also has great trust in Su Wen, because Su Wen's backer in the Great Demon Kingdom is only himself, and there is no other racial force behind him. The human race is a low-class common people in the Great Demon Kingdom, almost like a pariah.

Su Wen continued: "Let's first assume that if Luo Yu lies again, what will be the result if we choose to trust him."

"Luo Yu said that the Lord of Chaos invaded the prehistoric universe in an all-round way, but the Lord of Chaos said that it was just a military attack against the heaven of creation. This shows that no matter what the Lord of Chaos said, Luo Yu said that the Chaos forces would be the first to attack when they entered the prehistoric universe.

It must be the heaven of creation."

"Suppose we help the Heaven of Creation to deal with the forces of chaos, what can we gain? Naturally, we will get nothing. Instead, we will help the Heaven of Creation to rescue the siege."

Ancestor Lei Ze, who extremely hates the Heaven of Creation, nodded and said: "That's right, we help the Heaven of Creation deal with the forces of chaos. Instead, we help them to rescue them."

Su Wen smiled lightly and said: "Ancestor Lei Ze, please be patient. I haven't finished speaking yet. Although we haven't gained any benefits, we have weakened the power of the Lord of Chaos and weakened the threat of the Chaos forces."

"Although this has no short-term benefits, in the long run, it will be good for our ancient universe. After all, from the perspective of the entire universe, all cosmic forces should be in one camp to deal with the forces of chaos."

"Let's speculate on the opposite. What if the Lord of Chaos is deceiving us? What are the consequences?"

"Assuming that he deceived us, we chose to stand idly by, even thinking that in the end we would all benefit, waiting for the destruction of Heaven and the withdrawal of Chaos."

"If the Lord of Chaos really becomes a realm above the Supreme of Heaven and Earth, is it possible for him to expand his scope of influence in Chaos and let more Chaos forces follow him and surrender to him?"

"When the time comes that he defeats the Heaven of Creation, the prehistoric universe will lose a big threat, and then he accumulates strength to deal with us, then we will directly face the forces of chaos."

Seeing that Su Wen was biased towards the Heaven of Creation, Cang Long Ancestor sneered: "You won't be partial to the Heaven of Creation just because it is a force with the sovereignty of the human race, right?

Even if the Lord of Chaos has ambitions for the prehistoric era, even if the prehistoric world no longer has the Heaven of Creation, there are still us and the Witch God Clan."

"How could there be a heaven of creation in the prehistoric times? In the prehistoric times, we, the demon clan and the witch-god clan were fighting against each other. Even if the forces of chaos invaded, we and the witch-god clan would resist and deal with it together."

Ancestor Phoenix also nodded in approval and said: "Yes, the Heaven of Creation does not belong to the prehistoric universe. They are outsiders. Even if we are the only ones, we can unite other forces in the prehistoric world to deal with the forces of chaos."

"And the idea of ​​racial equality and universal love for all sentient beings promoted by the Heaven of Creation poisons the ignorant and weak races in the ancient universe. They are a cancer in the ancient universe and should be eradicated."

"Why are we so strong today? Because our race is strong, and we enjoy power over the weak. If all living beings were equal, how could there be progress in the prehistoric universe?"

Gongsun Chengan nodded and said: "Yes, no matter how ambitious the Chaos forces are, we can still deal with them, but the kind of ideological cancer and poisonous thoughts promoted by the Creation Heavenly Court are equivalent to invading us as a powerful clan.

fundamental interests!”

Su Wen stopped talking, feeling only sad in his heart. It's not that they don't know the pros and cons, but the prejudice brought about by racial arrogance. What they are even more unwilling to accept is the universal love of racial equality advocated by the Heaven of Creation.

This kind of doctrine will indeed infringe on the interests of countless people and the interests of countless strong races. How can a strong race be strong? They continue to grow stronger by sucking the blood of countless races that are weaker than themselves, so they are strong!

This is just like the landlords in the old days. How do landlords make money? They make money by exploiting the interests of countless farmers. How can capital make money? It all depends on large tracts of leeks.

"Hahaha——" At this time, Xiang Chen's clone suddenly laughed out loud.

His laughter instantly attracted everyone's attention, and all eyes turned to him.

"Erlang, what are you laughing at?"

"Why is Erlang laughing?"

Everyone looked at him.

Ergou's thoughts directly possessed Xiang Mengmeng. Xiang Chen put his hands behind his back and smiled and said, "I suddenly remembered something more interesting. I remembered a more interesting story. How about I tell it to everyone?"

Everyone knew that he was quite out-of-the-box in his thinking, but no one dared to despise his words, because he was Xiang Erlang, the man who helped Huangpu Antian win the emperor, and was also the commander-in-chief of the formation.

Behind him are the Huangpu royal family and the Gongsun family. Unlike Su Wen, he has power behind him. He has military power and connections, and he is a demon clan.

Huangpu Antian also said: "Erlang, please tell me."

Xiang Chen coughed, took two steps, smiled kindly at Su Wen, and then said: "There used to be a nest of wild boars living in a cave! There were three adult wild boars in this nest, and these three big wild boars were usually fine.

When they are at each other’s throats, no one can do anything to the other.”

"And outside the cave, there was a tiger. The tiger wanted to eat three wild boars, but the tiger had no choice. It couldn't kill three big wild boars by itself.

So the tiger thought of a way and said to two of the wild boars: Look, it's so crowded for the three of you to live in one place. Why don't you let me eat one? In this way, your living place will be more spacious and there will be one less wild boar to compete with you.


"The other two wild boars thought about it after hearing this. Yes, there is one less comrade to occupy the territory of the cave, and one less person to share the food, so they readily agreed."

This chapter has been completed!
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