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Chapter 566: The top of the drama

"If you can really cure my leg, Ya'er is willing to reward the young master with a lot of money." Li Ya said excitedly.

"Alas, talking about money is vulgar. As a doctor, it is my duty to hang a pot to help the world. It is fate that I met Miss Ya'er, but raising money is just a cliché."

Xiang Chen shook his head and said with a righteous look, what a noble person... and don't ask for Bilian!

Li Ya'er looked at Xiang Chen and couldn't help but think more highly of her. Although she was a mortal, an ordinary person, she was well-read in poetry and books, had the character of a scholar, and her family was not short of money. Naturally, she regarded money as dirt in her heart.

"That's great, miss. I'll inform the madam. She will be very happy when she finds out."

The maid smiled in surprise.

"Wait a minute, young lady, don't rush to inform Madam Ling first."

Xiang Chen said quickly.

"Why?" The maid looked confused, and Li Yaer was also surprised.

Xiang Chen explained with a smile: "If I can cure Miss Ya'er, it won't take too long. After I'm cured, if Miss Ya'er suddenly appears in front of Madam Ling, how surprised will Madam Ling be?"

"On the other hand, if I don't have good medical skills and can't cure it, wouldn't I disappoint Madam Ling and be happy in vain?"

The maid nodded when she heard the words, what she said was reasonable, Li Ya also smiled and said: "Master Xiang is right, don't rush to inform your mother now, if it can be cured, then go and give her a surprise. If it can't be cured, there is no need."

Let my mother be happy for nothing."

"Yeah, but I'm still very confident. By the way, little sister, I'll make a prescription for you. You can go to Wanyao Pavilion to grab some medicine. I'll help you lady adjust her meridians first."

Xiang Chen smiled.


The maid was worried after hearing this, so she left. What if this person had evil intentions? You must not have the intention of harming others, but you must also have the intention of guarding against others.

"Fang'er, go ahead, I believe Mr. Xiang." Li Ya saw her worry and said.

"Oh, by the way, I'm sorry, I was rude. It's really not good for a man and a woman to live together in the same room. I'll go by myself and be back soon." Xiang Chen slapped his forehead and said.

Hearing this, Li Ya felt even more apologetic and guilty, and she seemed stingy, and the heart of a villain was judged by the heart of a gentleman.

"I'll take my leave first and come back later."

Xiang Chen cupped his fists, then stepped forward, rising into the sky, condensing a pair of Taiyin True Wings and flying through the air.

"So handsome. I didn't expect that Mr. Xiang is still a strong man in the Yuanyang realm at such a young age."

The maid exclaimed.

Li Ya'er looked at the young man's figure flying away through the sky, feeling very longing and a little more sad in her heart.

Others can fly, but I can't even walk.

They didn't know Xiang Chen's identity. After all, how could a boudoir woman be as well-informed as the people in the world, and there were many people with the same name.

Not long after, Xiang Chen flew over with a bag of medicinal materials and landed back in the yard.

Xiang Chen asked his maid Fang'er to prepare medicine jars and medicine stoves, and Xiang Chen himself used the three flavors of true fire to decoct the medicine.

After this busy meal, it was already afternoon, and Fang'er brought another meal. After Xiang Chen and Li Ya had eaten, they began to help her heal.

Xiang Chen and the maid helped Li Ya lie down on the bed. Xiang Chen said to the maid: "Fang'er, I'll help your lady use acupuncture first. You stay outside and don't let others come in and disturb me."

"Go." Li Ya nodded to Fang'er.

The maid went out.

Xiang Chen looked at Li Ya who was lying down and said, "Miss Ya'er, I'm going to use a needle on you next. I may be a little offensive, so please forgive me."

Li Ya nodded and said: "Doctors have the heart of a parent. No matter how hard Mr. Xiang goes, I won't blame Mr. Xiang even if he can't be cured. I'm used to it. It's a blessing to be able to stand up and walk like a normal person. If he can't be cured, it's a blessing."


Xiang Chen felt a little sad when he heard this, and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely cure you."

He reached out to untie Li Ya's skirt and took off her skirt.

Li Ya closed her eyes and her face turned red.

After taking off his skirt, Xiang Chen looked at the other person's two jade legs. The legs were very slender and pale. There was no warmth when he touched them. They were too slender to be normal. They were all caused by the broken and degenerated meridians.

Xiang Chen first inserted each silver needle into each acupuncture point, which is the center of the meridians.

Then, he fed the cooked medicine to Li Ya, and Li Ya lay down again after taking it.

Xiang Chen placed his palms on the opponent's thighs, and the original energy of returning to heaven poured into the legs and into Li Ya's body, refining the medicinal power and activating qi, blood, and muscle cells.

Li Ya only felt that her legs, which were originally unconscious, had a sense of warmth.

Then, the acupuncture points in her legs that were pierced by needles surged back to the original energy, forming energy meridians densely covering her legs.

The qi and blood in the legs were revived and started to circulate. Then the broken leg bones were rejuvenated. The bone tissue was born visibly to the naked eye. The leg bones were densely covered with cracks and the fragile leg bones were being strengthened.

Li Ya only felt that her legs were getting hotter and hotter, and the broken and degraded meridians in her thighs were reborn and connected from the acupuncture points.

"Master Xiang, I can feel the presence of my legs."

Li Ya said excitedly.

"I told you, I will cure you, don't move, it will be cured soon." Xiang Chen said with a smile.

Time passed, but less than half an hour later, Li Ya's legs seemed to be reborn. The skin was plump, the thighs were round, the leg bones were stronger than ordinary people, and the meridians and leg bones had been completely repaired.

Xiang Chen then took back his innocence and said with a smile: "Ya'er, get up and try walking."

Hearing this, Li Ya held back her excitement and sat up, but then she realized that she was not wearing a skirt.

"Master Xiang, you, please turn around first." Li Ya said with a blushing face.

Xiang Chen turned around and thought to himself, I've finished reading it, what's there to be ashamed of?

Li Ya put on her own skirt. After putting it on, she carefully lifted her legs out of the bed, grabbed the edge of the bed and tried to stand up.

Xiang Chen went over to help her. She was not used to walking, but she could already stand up. Her face was full of excitement and excitement, and her eyes were red.

Xiang Chen helped her walk a few steps, but Li Ya could force herself to walk, but her steps staggered.

As she walked, she became more and more steady, and she even tried to jump.

"How is it?" Xiang Chen asked with a smile.

Li Ya looked at him, biting her red lips, tears streaming down her eyes, she rushed forward, hugged Xiang Chen, and sobbed softly.

"Thank you, thank you Brother Xiang, thank you, I can go. I never dreamed that I could still walk."

Li Ya's voice was choked and she couldn't help crying.

Xiang Chen patted her back gently and said with a smile: "Not only can you walk, but you can also fly in the future. When I healed you, I directly opened the twelve spiritual meridians for you, so you can practice in the future."

"I can still practice, is it true?" Li Ya asked in surprise.

"Really." Xiang Chen nodded with a smile.

When Li Ya got excited, she directly stood up on her toes and kissed Xiang Chen on the lips.

The pervert Xiang Ergou was also stunned.

This chapter has been completed!
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