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Chapter 5706 Tianhua’s Plan

"But this Mr. Li is not simple either. I don't know where he got such a powerful city and disguised it as a new city to deceive the idiot Na Bunan."

"Could it be the work of Fan Shuyuan and Fan Zhuguo?"

"However, after this battle, Li Wangchen can finally establish himself in the circle of generals with his merits."

"This is the first time I have seen a general who is only over 200,000 years old and has reached the imperial level. I have been in the army for so many years."

The bald general said to himself, having a very detailed grasp of Xiang Chen's information.

As he spoke, the millions of troops he led directly attacked the blue constellation!

Seven Star City.

Xiang Chen's men and horses were cleaning the battlefield, while the men of the Fenghuo Army had retired and left quietly.

This battle can be said to be a complete victory, completely annihilating General Bunan's army group.

As for Xiang Chen, only more than 30,000 people were physically injured in the battle, and less than 2,000 people were completely beaten to death.

Compared with the losses of the opponent's hundreds of thousands of troops, it is already incredible.

Moreover, there is still a clear gap in combat effectiveness between the two armies.

The ace troops trained by Xiang Chen are not as numerous as those under General Bunan.

Zhuge Pangpang came to Xiang Chen and whispered: "Brother Chen, there is news from the old man. Except for a few necessary survivors, the rest have been wiped out."

Xiang Chen nodded slightly: "That's fine."

"In addition, the hundreds of thousands of hidden troops that have been lurking near our Cang Yun constellation have left, intercepting the support of the 300,000 Cang Blue Star Realm who came here to support us."

Xiang Chen smiled when he heard this and said: "The results of this battle will probably change the views of old men like Xu Xingxiu on me. This old man is also an old coin."

"Deliberately creating the impression that someone wants to kill someone with a borrowed knife, giving people the impression that they want to kill me, a member of Fan Zhuguo's faction. In fact, they secretly arranged for people to lie dormant in Cangyun, waiting for General Bunan to lead people to the bait."

Zhuge Pangpang followed Xiang Chen. Xiang Chen threw Pangpang a banana and he started eating it himself.

Zhuge Pangpang said while peeling the banana: "This guy may not have the intention to destroy us!"

"In this battle, we and Bunan's people are just starting to fight. If the other side comes out at this time, our forces and theirs will be able to form a pincer attack from both front and rear."

"But the other party didn't take action, which means they still want to wait until we are almost wiped out by Bunan's people before taking action to reap the benefits."

Pangpang took a bite of a banana, and if he turned into the true form of Sirius, he would look like a banana wolf.

Xiang Chen walked down the tower: "Yes, the other party probably has such thoughts, but it's a pity that he didn't expect our Seven Star City to be so powerful."

"And Xu Xingxiu, his appetite must not be as good as General Bunan's group army."

"The dormant general has been robbed of all his credit by us, but it may not be a good intention for him to help us intercept enemy support. I guess Old Man Xu is also taking action in the Blue Constellation."

"So those dormant soldiers had to intercept the blue troops who came to support, not because they were afraid that the other party would come to support the battlefield here, but because they were afraid that the other party would support the battlefield in the blue constellation!"

"Cang Yun, Cang Lan, Cang Liu, this nail embedded in the iron triangle in the northwest of Yinghuo battlefield is going to be pulled out by this old man!"

Murong Tianhua, who had just handled some logistical arrangements, came over and said, "Commander Xu Xingxiu's move will definitely bring the entire Yinghuo battlefield situation into its most intense state."

"If he wins this hand, Netherworld will definitely plan a big counterattack. Maybe the battlefield in this area will enter the final stage of decisive battle."

Xiang Chen squinted his eyes and said: "Yes, I have the same feeling. The fuse has been lit. As for how long it will take for the fuse to burn to detonate the bomb, it is just a matter of time!"

Zhuge Pangpang and Murong Tianhua walked beside Xiang Chen, one on the left and the other on the right.

Murong Tianhua had his hands folded in his big sleeves, looking as lazy as Xiang Chen. He looked at the soldiers walking around in twos and threes: "It can be seen from this battle that there is still a gap between our people and these elite aces on the front line.


"This time we succeeded with the help of the right time, location and strategy. When a bigger war situation comes, these tricks of ours will not be of much use."

"The time given to us is still too short. There is too little time to strengthen the army, strengthen the army, strengthen the army!"

Xiang Chen smiled slightly: "Tianhua doesn't need to be too worried. This fuse will not completely detonate the bomb so quickly."

"Even if Netherworld wants to take revenge, it must take time to plan carefully. It is impossible to just rush in and kill Eternal People to the death. Both sides will lose."

"Xu Xingxiu and Hong Jichen, these two old guys have been competing here for so many years. They all want to find a way to kill the opponent with one blow and defeat them."

"A full-scale frontal attack? Without good strategic arrangements, neither of them would be willing to spend all their family property here!"

"I estimate that the decisive battle will not come within a hundred years."

Murong Tianhua nodded: "That's true. It's only a hundred or two hundred years. The time is too tight for us here. I have an idea, but it's a bit risky."

"Oh, tell me, I like the idea of ​​taking risks." Xiang Chen became a little interested. Although he is a cautious and careful person, he sometimes has the mentality of a gambler and makes risky decisions.

Tianhua is good at planning, Xiang Chen is good at making decisions! People who are good at planning are too cautious, so they are not good at making decisions.

Xiang Chen is good at making decisions. Xiang Chen's strategy comes from his experience and his genes. After all, he is Gu Yan'er's son, and his decisiveness has Mu Feng's style.

It has to be said that genetic blood has a great impact on children. The father is a cautious and timid person, and his children will most likely not be brave or bold.

Tianhua said in a deep voice: "Go back to the primitive world!"

Xiang Chen immediately understood what the other party meant, and his face was full of surprise: "You want me to lead the army back to the ancient world?"

Tianhua nodded: "You are the master of destiny in the prehistoric world. You can change the rules of time and space to a certain extent. Things that are difficult to do in Hongmeng are easy in the prehistoric world!"

"Even if it's only a hundred years, if we can turn this hundred years into a thousand years or even longer in the prehistoric times, why worry about not being able to train an elite group army with all aces?"

When Xiang Chen heard this, his eyes flashed.

Hongmeng's time and space rules are too powerful, and he can only achieve a time and space difference of more than five times, and at most ten times, in his own inner universe, or in the extremely heavenly furnace of all phenomena, and in the unfolding world of heaven and earth.

But if he is in the prehistoric and chaotic plane, as the lord of destiny in the chaotic plane, he can easily change the operation of the time and space rules in an area.

This is the ability of his destiny master! ap;lt;tercss=clearap;gt;

This chapter has been completed!
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