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Chapter 589: Yanhuang towering, six explosions (twenty-four)

 "What kind of secret method can make them so powerful?"

"What realm is this secret method suitable for? Is it a supernatural power? If it is useful for realms above Yuanyang, then this secret method is too heaven-defying."

"Old Liu, you must find out and exchange for it. If this secret method can be popularized, our Huangzhou Academy can even avenge its shame and fight from the bottom to the front in the Nine Palaces."

All the deans' eyes were on Dean Liu.

"I'll try my best." Dean Liu himself was also shocked.

"If Xiang Chen is unwilling to give it, I will force him to hand it over. If it applies to the Yuanyang realm or above, this can affect the fate and future of our academy."

Dean Bei said domineeringly.

"Is the Yanhuang Society still fighting in the Yuanyang War Zone? If there is still, we will be able to see it soon." Dean Nan said.

"Ming Zhan, that will affect the reputation of our college. Who will dare to come to our academy to study in the future?" Dean Dong frowned.

"A woman's benevolence has a bearing on the future of the academy." Dean Bei snorted coldly.

"Beiming Wu'an, who are you talking about as a woman?" Dean Dong shouted coldly. She is also a woman.

"Quiet!" the Lord of Xingyue Palace shouted coldly.

The palace master spoke, and the quarrelsome group of people calmed down.

The Lord of Xingyue Palace said solemnly: "If this method can improve the combat effectiveness above the Yuanyang realm, Dean Liu will get it even with great profits!"

"It's the palace master." Dean Liu was shocked.

The palace master promised huge profits, so the reward will not be small.

In the war zone in the outer courtyard, the battle ended half a day later.

Next, it is the inner palace, the battlefield for the Yuanyang realm students.

Under the 10,000-meter-tall Tiger Peak, the inner palace students gathered.

The inner palace students are also divided into four areas, and they are all inner palace students promoted from the fourth academy.

There are far fewer people in the inner palace than in the outer courtyard.

There are only about 10,000 students in the inner palace, less than a few hundred people in the Yuanyang realm are at the Great Heaven level, and the largest number are below the Heaven level in the Yuanyang realm.

However, the surging momentum of these ten thousand people is indeed much more terrifying than the people in the outer courtyard, because they are all in the Yuanyang realm, possessing true Yuan power and capable of flying into the sky.

Such a monk is already considered a strong man in a small country like Da Chu. If he joins the army, the lowest status is a centurion. Those with a high rank in the Yuanyang realm can even serve as generals of ten thousand armies and command tens of thousands of horses.

Fifty-six key members of the Yanhuang Society gathered among the inner palace disciples on the west side of the courtyard.

However, the Yanhuang backbones were arranged according to their cultivation level, and at the rear, the Yuanyang Realm Xiao Tianzhi camp went.

Although everyone's cultivation level has improved a lot after experiencing the Great Chu War and replenishing a large amount of blood food energy, the ones with the highest cultivation level are Yang Bin and Aduoya, who are only at the Yuanyang Xiaotian position, which is the third level of Yuanyang.


The other people, Zhang Dan, Li Huan, and other backbones, all have cultivation levels between the first to second and third levels of Yuanyang.

Their cultivation speed has been very fast, and everyone in the academic department was shocked. They went directly from the first grade in the outer courtyard to the inner palace academic department.

What's the concept? It's equivalent to others who are still in the first grade of elementary school preparing to advance to the second grade. This group of people have already jumped to junior high school.

Among the crowd in the West Courtyard, there were also people from the Tianye Club.

Tianyehui is still the most powerful student organization in the inner palace of the West Campus, with more than two hundred inner palace students here.

A young man in Tsing Yi, with a sharp chin and high cheekbones who looked to be about thirty years old, glanced at the inner palace members of the Yanhuang Society behind him.

Ye Tianhui, Ye Tianci's cousin, is older than Ye Tianci, but not as good as Ye Tianci, let alone Ye Tianjiao.

"After a while, the battle is over and when I start to rush to the summit, I tell my brothers that I have become a member of the Yanhuang Society." Ye Tianhui said to the person next to him.

"Understood!" This person nodded, it was Xanthium lucidum, who used to be under Ye Tianci's command.

Whether it was Ye Tianci or Ye Tianhui, the Yanhuang Society slapped the Tianye Hui in the face, and the people in the Tianye Hui all suppressed a sense of hatred and wanted to kill the people from the Yanhuang Society.

Tens of thousands of people named Yuanyang, the four camps are facing each other, and before the battle has even begun, they are already filled with murderous intent.

In a group in the inner palace, the young man with dark eyes, blood-colored pupils, and no whites of his eyes was among the crowd, with an evil smile on his lips.

"Xiang Chen, let me see how strong your people are in a moment?"

And around him, there were also a group of people whose pupils were just like his, containing blood.

Everyone gathered their momentum, and they were all waiting for an order.

"The battle in Yuanyang War Zone begins!"

Suddenly, the battle order sounded.



In the Yuanyang camp in all directions, roars erupted simultaneously, and true energy exploded.

The roar of energy is endless.

Some people run on the earth, and some people condense their true wings and fly in the sky, surrounded by the rays of Yuan Yang.

The battles of those who are strong in the Yuanyang realm are a bit out of touch with the mundane world. The battlefield is not limited to the earth, but also in mid-air.

"Kill!" The crowd moved, and fifty-six key members of the Yanhuang Society followed the inner palace camp in the west courtyard to kill the crowd on the opposite side.


At the front, the powerful men at the great heaven level of Yuanyang Realm were flying in mid-air, and they immediately met and collided with each other. Ten percent of their true energy exploded and killed them together, creating waves of energy.

In an instant, it was like many brilliant fireworks blooming, beautiful and dangerous.

"Get the bow!"

Although the Yanhuang backbones were in the rear camp, Aduoya gave the order.

With a crash, everyone took out a treasure bow!

The Sirius clan all has the magical power of Moon Eyes. This magical power assists the arrow path with amazing power, so they all practice the arrow path, and they are also influenced by Xiang Chen.

Fifty-six Yanhuang skeletons raised their bows, and the true energy of Taiyin poured into the bows, and they were equipped with sharp arrows.

"Fire the arrow!" Adoya shouted and gave the order.

Although she is a woman, she is still a Jurchen princess. She has been good at fighting since she was a child. She grew up on a horse. Her commanding ability is not inferior to that of Xiang Chen or Xiahou Wu.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

In an instant, fifty-six arrows contained amazing penetrating power, and under the lock of Wangyue Pupil, they shot at the enemy a thousand meters away.


A South Campus student who was flying in mid-air and was about to kill him was suddenly hit in the head by a supersonic sharp arrow. His head exploded and the headless body fell directly into the air.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Then, like watermelons exploding one by one, all the arrows were aimed at the heads of precise strikes. There were fifty-six enemy Yuanyangs. They didn't even scream. One by one, their heads were shot and blown up. The enemy Yuanyangs were shocked.


"Hey, you are good at archery. Who learned it?" A strong man from Yuanyang in the West Academy in front turned around in surprise.

"He is an inner member of the Yanhuang Society."

Someone shouted.

Then, another wave of arrows came, and there was a burst of screams from the enemy, and some people were shot in the head or heart.

The arrows from the Yanhuang Society scared many of the enemy's Yuanyang before they could attack, so they concentrated their true energy to defend themselves. The enemy's front line enemies in an area fell into a defensive situation.

This chapter has been completed!
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