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Chapter 6039 Heavenly Palace Control

"Your Majesty, how much do we plan to expand our troops?" Li Zilong asked.

Although the Eternal Heavenly Palace has restrictions on their military expansion, it is 15 million.

But Xiang Chen obviously won't abide by this restriction.

Xiang Chen stretched out a finger: "One hundred million!"

"Judging from the current population of Montenegro, as the economy has improved, it is no problem to support an army of 100 million on its own, and it will just expand to the top ten military commanders."

"One hundred million men and horses serve as soldiers when they are trained, and they serve the people when the Eternal Heavenly Palace inspects them!"

"When we have 100 million mature soldiers and horses, we will no longer be discussing the issue of vassalage with the Eternal Heavenly Palace, but the issue of how to divide the territory."

With the current economy of Montenegro, it is impossible to support so many soldiers and horses, but Xiang Chen is rich. He has acquired so many resources in the Phoenix Treasure House, so why not keep them?

Honghuang is now completely self-sufficient and even richer than him, so he doesn't need to worry about it.

"One hundred million soldiers and horses!"

Everyone was quite excited when they heard this. If they are cultivated, they will not be an annoying fly in the eyes of Eternal Heaven, but a poisonous snake, which will be feared by Eternal Heaven.

When everyone in Tianqin is working hard to develop and grow in one direction, the time for the complete integration of the Chaos Plane and Hongmeng is getting shorter and shorter.

The laws of the Chaos Plane have been slowly penetrated by the Hongmeng Law. It no longer only requires the improvement of Xiang Chen, the Lord of Destiny, for the laws of the Chaos Plane to improve.

At the same time, the space barrier between Hongmeng and Chaos planes, that is, the cosmic boundary wall, is getting weaker and weaker. When the cosmic boundary wall completely disappears, Hongmeng and Chaos will be completely integrated.

At that time, any world in the Hongmeng Nine Heavens and Ten Earths can directly lead to the Chaos Plane, and you can step into the interior by crossing the forbidden land.

Hongmeng is like a fragrant egg, but the shell of the egg is getting weaker and weaker, and when the shell disappears completely.

The forces of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths that surround you in all directions are equal to the bacteria and viruses that are watching you with eagerness.

The prehistoric local power is equivalent to the antibodies in the egg. If these antibodies can resist the invasion of bacteria and viruses, then the egg will not become a rotten egg.

Time flies by like a white horse, pushing seven hundred years to pass quickly.

The recruitment of the tens of millions of soldiers of Xiang Chen's Tianming Group Corps has been completed long ago, and now they are all put into training.

Eternal Heavenly Palace.

Hubu Shangshu and Qian quickly came to the main hall of the Eternal Heavenly Palace and asked to see the Eternal Lord.

"Your Majesty, I have something important to report!" He Qian saluted respectfully.

The clone of the Eternal Lord was also dealing with a bunch of government affairs and said without raising his head: "Say."

He Qian respectfully presented a piece of information and said: "The tax director of our Ministry of Household Affairs discovered a huge problem. There is a chamber of commerce under General Li Wangchen called the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce. This Jiutian Chamber of Commerce has laid out a vast territory in our ancient world.

GodNet Technology.”

"Today, this divine network technology that originated from the ancient times has spread to one-third of our area in ancient times."

"The popularization of the Ancient God Network may not only cause us to leak military secrets, but also strengthen the economic capital of the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce to the point of threatening the Heavenly Palace."

The Eternal Lord waved over the information of the Minister of the Ministry of Finance and Qian. After checking it with his spiritual mind, his brows gradually furrowed and his expression became a little more solemn.

He also saw the possible impact of this divine network system on the Eternal Heavenly Palace and the Eternal Heaven's future economy.

"Implement a controlling stake in the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce to restrict their development and expansion, and also ask them to hand over the Shenwang technology."

The Eternal Lord made a decision immediately.


Hube Shangshu Heqian looked happy.

He didn't dare to let him make this decision by himself. After all, he didn't want to personally offend the commander-in-chief Li Wangchen.

But now that the Eternal Lord has spoken, Li Wangchen's intervention has no effect.

After he knew the huge experience benefits that the Divine Network could bring, he was also very greedy. After all, their household department manages population, money, food, and commercial taxes.

Chaos Xinghai, Tianxing City, the capital of Xinghai Sect.

But now the Xinghai Sect in Star City is in an extremely embarrassing situation.

In Tianxing City today, the most effective speaker is not the Xinghai Sect, but the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce.

The entire Tianxing City has completely entered the era of advanced god-level technological civilization. Due to the development of the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce, it has almost become the commercial center of many star regions. The original housing prices of the people here have soared by dozens of times.

The people recruited by the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce in the development are first of all considered to be people from Chaos Xinghai, providing jobs to countless people and bringing wealth.

Even many high-level officials within the Xinghai Sect were corrupted by the Jiutian Chamber of Commerce.

Taishu Zhengfeng was extremely bitter about this situation.

He is only in the middle stage of the Heavenly Emperor realm, so what does he count?

Last time Xiang Chen returned as a commander-in-chief and brought with him more than a dozen Heavenly Emperors. Not to mention his lack of temper, his father, the Lord Protector of Xinghai Palace, had to smile at Xiang Chen.

The Lord of the Xinghai Protectorate Palace is just a three-star general. The position of a general can command millions of local troops. Xiang Chen is a general and can command tens of millions of elite troops!

Today's Xinghai Sect no longer has the surname Taishu or Kang, but has the surname Li and Bai.

All the families in the Chaos Xinghai knew that they would rather offend the Xinghai Sect Master than offend this woman named Bai Huang.

A Tobe Divine Ship, escorted by more than a dozen fighter planes from the Ministry of War, flew towards Tianxing City.

Lu Rongsheng, the third-rank minister of the Ministry of Finance, stood on the divine ship and looked at the prosperous scene of Tianxing City with wonder in his eyes.

"It's hard to imagine that this is the capital of a barren land. If it weren't for the size and population, I would have thought this was the capital of heaven."

Lu Rongsheng couldn't help but exclaimed.

An official in charge also responded: "It is said that all this happened because of the woman named Bai Fenghuang."

Lu Rongsheng said: "I really don't know where Li Wangchen found such a woman. If this woman is in the Ministry of Household Affairs -"

He didn't say the next thing, as any further words would be disrespectful to his superior.

Because it was escorted by fighter planes with the Ministry of War logo, no one dared to block this divine ship and it easily entered the city.

When the divine ship landed at a specially berthed place in the city, General Kang Shizong of the Xinghai Protectorate came to greet it personally.

"Master Lu, long time no see."

Kang Shizong came forward to greet him and took the initiative to salute with clasped fists.

In terms of official positions, both of them have the same official rank, but one is an official from Tiandu and the other is a local official, so their status is naturally different.

Lu Rongsheng clasped his fists and said, "General Kang, it must have been almost ten thousand years since we said goodbye to Tiandu. How are you doing here?"

Kang Shizong glanced at the people around him and sighed: "What a good thing, I, the leader of the Protectorate, must be aggrieved. This Xinghai Sect and this Chaos Xinghai are about to become that person's territory——"

Kang Shizong wanted to slap himself in the face. Why didn't he find a talent like Li Wangchen in the first place? Then he strangled him in the cradle earlier. In just ten thousand years, he didn't dare to call him by his first name.

This chapter has been completed!
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