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Chapter 6186 Live Broadcast Ant

Physique, Shenzang, Xiantian, Yuanyang.

These realms are the beginning of this tens of millions of years story.

Ant Chen looked at the huge fiery red ants flying over, with a solemn look in his eyes. Although they were two ants, they were both standing in human form, flying in mid-air to help each other and looking at each other coldly.

"It is also the peak state of innateness——"

Xiang Chen sensed the demonic aura emanating from the other party, and a somewhat solemn look appeared on his face.

"The Hongmeng Tiandao system has detected hostile trialists, Yang Xi, Yaochi Saint, trial race, ant tribe, cultivation level, peak innate realm."

"The Hongmeng Tiandao system has detected a hostile trialist, Taichu Lord Yi Xiangchen, the leader of the Great Desolate Alliance, trial race, ant tribe, cultivation level, peak innate realm."

The two people's trial heaven system issued such a reminder at the same time.

Xiang Chen was stunned and looked at the female ant opposite, "Are you Yang Xi?"

"Taichu Jun Yi Xiang Chen!" Yang Xi also had a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard. The beautiful Yaochi Saint has turned into an ant. How wicked are you?" Xiang Chen laughed suddenly, holding his belly with his ant legs and opening a pair of big pliers.

Continuously joining together.

Ant Yang Xi's eyes were ugly: "The dignified leader of the ancient alliance has also turned into a bug. Do you still have the nerve to criticize me?"

Xiang Chen said happily, "I deserve to be immoral, but I didn't expect you to be so immoral, but that's right, it is happiness to let go of the moral shackles and enjoy the immoral life. Yang Xi, this is our fate."

"Look, you have become a female ant, and I am a male ant. Daozu intends to give us two groups. Let's make a pair. I will be responsible for giving you the essence of life, and you will be responsible for hatching the ants.

How about forming an army of ants to conquer the world?"

"From now on, I will be the wicked ant king, and you will be the wicked ant queen, perfect!"

Ant Yang Xi was furious: "Shut up, I will never give birth to a dirty and ugly ant in my life!"

Ant Xiang Chen: "Oh, don't say that about yourself. Aren't you also an ant now? Do you know why Taoist ancestors conduct such trials? They just want to tell us that no matter what kind of creature they become, they are qualified to pursue Taoism!"

"Come on, come on, let's get married. You and I are both insect monsters now. If we break through to another level, we can transform into human beings. With my appearance and status as a human race, am I not a perfect match for you?"

Ant Yang Xi was so angry that his tentacles trembled: "Shameless person, I will eat you!"


The ant Yang Xi turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Xiang Chen at an astonishing speed, opening a pair of large-mouthed pliers to bite him.

Ant Xiang Chen dodged in an instant at a very fast speed. At the same time, the ant's legs were as flexible as a human's. He whipped his leg out and kicked the ant Yang Xi hard on the big ant head.

Ant Yang Xi felt a pain in his head, and then opened his mouth angrily and spat out a mouthful of three-color flames.

Ant Xiang Chen quickly dodged, and the flames sprayed on a big tree, which quickly burned and turned into ashes.

"Wochao, the three flavors are really hot!"

Ant Xiang Chen's eyes showed a bit of fear.

"Look at me, Gumen Ant Acid Cannon, fire!"

The ant Xiang Chen raised his big ant butt, opened the valley door wide, shrank for a moment, and then fired a formic acid cannonball to kill him.

The ant Yang Xi quickly dodged, and the formic acid shell almost passed by her and hit a big tree hard. The big tree was directly broken. At the same time, the energy of the explosion corroded the big tree and turned it into slag.

>Two ants started an amazing battle.

In the distance, a field live broadcast team was stunned at this scene.

"Oh my God, those are two ants? Ants that can breathe fire?" Xiaomei, the female anchor in the wild, was stunned.

The photographer next to him, Da Zhuang, murmured, "I seemed to hear them talking——"

"Hiss, I seem to have heard it too. Oh my God, has the impact of nuclear pollution on biological genetic variation reached this level now?"

"Damn the government, pollution emissions have led to more and more weird animals in recent years."

The female anchor Xiaomei said quickly, "What are you doing standing still? Aren't we here to look for mutant creatures? Start the live broadcast now!"

"Ah, yes, yes, yes -"

The team members quickly started the live broadcast.

The female anchor Xiaomei adjusted the wheat hanging on her clothes and said quickly, "Hello, dear friends, I am Inoue Xiaomei. We are out looking for those contaminated mutant creatures. God is blessing us. Look at the woods behind me.

What is in it?”

After she finished speaking, she stepped aside so that the camera could capture the scene.

Ant Xiang Chen and Ant Yang Xi were fighting. No, the place where the two ants were fighting was in an open birch forest.

The live broadcast team is located above the lot, and can clearly see the fighting in the forest.

"Oh my god, what is that? So fast!"

"Hiss, it looks like an ant——"

"How is it possible? The anchor's position is dozens of meters away from where they were fighting. It looks so big in the picture. How big an ant must it be?"

"Do you know the Pythagorean Theorem? Of course it has nothing to do with this. Let me calculate - okay, I figured it out. The two ants are both about two meters in length."

"Isn't this a special effect for recording? Host, please make two dog barks to verify it."

Anchor Xiaomei explained, "This is not a recording, let alone a special effect. It is real. Oh my, if you let people imitate a dog barking, you will be good or bad - woof, woof, do you believe it?"

She revealed her sports watch, which displayed the time, minutes and seconds. "Everyone, look at my time and compare it with yours. Then you will know that this is not a recording or special effects, it is real."

"The most terrifying thing is that we just heard two ants speaking human language! Oh my God, it's crazy. Has the pollution caused by the emissions of organisms genetically mutated to this extent?"

The barrage said, "The anchor is talking nonsense. At most, genetic mutation makes these animals weird. How can they make them speak human language? That is not mutation. In the words of the Yanhuang people, it is becoming a spirit!"

"That's right, anchor, don't be too outrageous."

During the barrage interaction, a roar suddenly came from the live broadcast screen

Ant Xiang Chen's body hit a birch tree hard, and the birch tree was directly broken by the impact, and then it didn't fly again.

This scene once again shocked the audience in the live broadcast room.

"It's so scary. Such a big tree was broken in one fell swoop, but it's still fine!"

"If this hit someone, they would be smashed to pieces."

"The live broadcast room is sharing Aite Yoko, Keiko, Little Taiyang, Kageyama, Maomao, and Wooden Rabbit - come and watch!"

Netizens were shocked and kept sharing the live broadcast room. The anchor Xiaomei was very happy to see the number of people in the live broadcast room soaring from a few hundred to tens of thousands and the number was still rising.

"Anchor, anchor, give you mushroom bombs, I beg you to get closer and take a clearer picture!" Physique, Shen Zang, Xiantian, Yuanyang.

These realms are the beginning of this tens of millions of years story.

Ant Chen looked at the huge fiery red ants flying over, with a solemn look in his eyes. Although they were two ants, they were both standing in human form, flying in mid-air to help each other and looking at each other coldly.

"It is also the peak state of innateness——"

Xiang Chen sensed the demonic aura emanating from the other party, and a somewhat solemn look appeared on his face.

"The Hongmeng Tiandao system has detected hostile trialists, Yang Xi, Yaochi Saint, trial race, ant tribe, cultivation level, peak innate realm."

"The Hongmeng Tiandao system has detected a hostile trialist, Taichu Lord Yi Xiangchen, the leader of the Great Desolate Alliance, trial race, ant tribe, cultivation level, peak innate realm."

The two people's trial heaven system issued such a reminder at the same time.

Xiang Chen was stunned and looked at the female ant opposite, "Are you Yang Xi?"

"Taichu Jun Yi Xiang Chen!" Yang Xi also had a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard. The beautiful Yaochi Saint has turned into an ant. How wicked are you?" Xiang Chen laughed suddenly, holding his belly with his ant legs and opening a pair of big pliers.

Continuously joining together.

Ant Yang Xi's eyes were ugly: "The dignified leader of the ancient alliance has also turned into a bug. Do you still have the nerve to criticize me?"

Xiang Chen said happily, "I deserve to be immoral, but I didn't expect you to be so immoral, but that's right, it is happiness to let go of the moral shackles and enjoy the immoral life. Yang Xi, this is our fate."

"Look, you have become a female ant, and I am a male ant. Daozu intends to give us two groups. Let's make a pair. I will be responsible for giving you the essence of life, and you will be responsible for hatching the ants.

How about forming an army of ants to conquer the world?"

"From now on, I will be the wicked ant king, and you will be the wicked ant queen, perfect!"

Ant Yang Xi was furious: "Shut up, I will never give birth to a dirty and ugly ant in my life!"

Ant Xiang Chen: "Oh, don't say that about yourself. Aren't you also an ant now? Do you know why Taoist ancestors conduct such trials? They just want to tell us that no matter what kind of creature they become, they are qualified to pursue Taoism!"

"Come on, come on, let's get married. You and I are both insect monsters now. If we break through to another level, we can transform into human beings. With my appearance and status as a human race, am I not a perfect match for you?"

Ant Yang Xi was so angry that his tentacles trembled: "Shameless person, I will eat you!"


The ant Yang Xi turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Xiang Chen at an astonishing speed, opening a pair of large-mouthed pliers to bite him.

Ant Xiang Chen dodged in an instant at a very fast speed. At the same time, the ant's legs were as flexible as a human's. He whipped his leg out and kicked the ant Yang Xi hard on the big ant head.

Ant Yang Xi felt a pain in his head, and then opened his mouth angrily and spat out a mouthful of three-color flames.

Ant Xiang Chen quickly dodged, and the flames sprayed on a big tree, which quickly burned and turned into ashes.

"Wochao, the three flavors are really hot!"

Ant Xiang Chen's eyes showed a bit of fear.

"Look at me, Gumen Ant Acid Cannon, fire!"

The ant Xiang Chen raised his big ant butt, opened the valley door wide, shrank for a moment, and then fired a formic acid cannonball to kill him.

The ant Yang Xi quickly dodged, and the formic acid shell almost passed by her and hit a big tree hard. The big tree was directly broken. At the same time, the energy of the explosion corroded the big tree and turned it into slag.

>Two ants started an amazing battle.

In the distance, a field live broadcast team was stunned at this scene.

"Oh my God, those are two ants? Ants that can breathe fire?" Xiaomei, the female anchor in the wild, was stunned.

The photographer next to him, Da Zhuang, murmured, "I seemed to hear them talking——"

"Hiss, I seem to have heard it too. Oh my God, has the impact of nuclear pollution on biological genetic variation reached this level now?"

"Damn the government, pollution emissions have led to more and more weird animals in recent years."

The female anchor Xiaomei said quickly, "What are you doing standing still? Aren't we here to look for mutant creatures? Start the live broadcast now!"

"Ah, yes, yes, yes -"

The team members quickly started the live broadcast.

The female anchor Xiaomei adjusted the wheat hanging on her clothes and said quickly, "Hello, dear friends, I am Inoue Xiaomei. We are out looking for those contaminated mutant creatures. God is blessing us. Look at the woods behind me.

What is in it?”

After she finished speaking, she stepped aside so that the camera could capture the scene.

Ant Xiang Chen and Ant Yang Xi were fighting. No, the place where the two ants were fighting was in an open birch forest.

The live broadcast team is located above the lot, and can clearly see the fighting in the forest.

"Oh my god, what is that? So fast!"

"Hiss, it looks like an ant——"

"How is it possible? The anchor's position is dozens of meters away from where they were fighting. It looks so big in the picture. How big an ant must it be?"

"Do you know the Pythagorean Theorem? Of course it has nothing to do with this. Let me calculate - okay, I figured it out. The two ants are both about two meters in length."

"Isn't this a special effect for recording? Host, please make two dog barks to verify it."

Anchor Xiaomei explained, "This is not a recording, let alone a special effect. It is real. Oh my, if you let people imitate a dog barking, you will be good or bad - woof, woof, do you believe it?"

She revealed her sports watch, which displayed the time, minutes and seconds. "Everyone, look at my time and compare it with yours. Then you will know that this is not a recording or special effects, it is real."

"The most terrifying thing is that we just heard two ants speaking human language! Oh my God, it's crazy. Has the pollution caused by the emissions of organisms genetically mutated to this extent?"

The barrage said, "The anchor is talking nonsense. At most, genetic mutation makes these animals weird. How can they make them speak human language? That is not mutation. In the words of the Yanhuang people, it is becoming a spirit!"

"That's right, anchor, don't be too outrageous."

During the barrage interaction, a roar suddenly came from the live broadcast screen

Ant Xiang Chen's body hit a birch tree hard, and the birch tree was directly broken by the impact, and then it didn't fly again.

This scene once again shocked the audience in the live broadcast room.

"It's so scary. Such a big tree was broken in one fell swoop, but it's still fine!"

"If this hit someone, they would be smashed to pieces."

"The live broadcast room is sharing Aite Yoko, Keiko, Little Taiyang, Kageyama, Maomao, and Wooden Rabbit - come and watch!"

Netizens were shocked and kept sharing the live broadcast room. The anchor Xiaomei was very happy to see the number of people in the live broadcast room soaring from a few hundred to tens of thousands and the number was still rising.

"Anchor, anchor, give you mushroom bombs, I beg you to get closer and take a clearer picture!"

This chapter has been completed!
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