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Chapter 6190 The queen gives birth to cubs

"The target disappeared into the woods and disappeared!"

"Search with a thermal camera!"

"Um - well, ants are not warm-blooded animals..."

When the Black Eagle helicopter arrived, Xiang Chen had already dug a hole into the ground.

But Xiang Chen didn't leave. Since he had already taken action, he would kill the enemy to make them afraid!

Xiang Chen knows this country and the character of this nation very well. Their politicians don't understand what morality and righteousness are, and they only surrender in the face of strong strength.

Back then, after being killed twice by the Black Eagle Kingdom's city-destroying bombs, he completely surrendered to the Black Eagle Kingdom. Not only did he not hold any grudges, but he became their pawn and charge brother.

In this country, whoever is the strongest will kneel and lick whoever they are kneeling and licking, but when he is stronger than the person he is kneeling and licking, he will fall out immediately.

Therefore, since you take action, kill to make the other party afraid.

"The target has disappeared. The target can no longer be found in the air. It's time for us to go up."

The Black Eagle armed helicopter hovered in mid-air and dropped ropes, which carried members of a combat squad.

Prepare to airdrop armed combatants for ground search.

Not far away, a pile of leaves stirred slightly, and a huge ant butt quietly stretched out from the leaves, aiming at the hovering Black Eagle armed helicopter.


A formic acid shell was fired directly and hit the Black Eagle armed helicopter with a bang.

The Black Eagle armed helicopter was blown away, and the formic acid shells splashed out. The pilot and co-pilot were all sprayed in the face.


The two screamed, their bodies began to rot rapidly, and the armed helicopter began to shake. The propeller hit a large tree next to it, which was cut directly into pieces, and the helicopter also began to fall.

Members of the combat team who were originally preparing to airdrop exclaimed that someone directly

I fell down, from a height of more than ten meters and was seriously injured.

This was all good, but then the armed helicopter hit the ground, and the propellers slashed and broke on the ground like crazy. A broken propeller directly split the person who fell out of the helicopter into two halves.

The helicopter did not explode, but the people inside were either killed or seriously injured.

Killed another one!

Xiang Chen Ant King secretly lurked underground again, dug a hole and left.

Soon after, a large number of armed ground personnel came here holding guns and carrying rockets to support the search.

"Oh my god, this, this -"

When they saw the tragic situation of the crashed Black Eagle helicopter, their scalps were numb with fear.

Two of the crew members, including the co-pilot, were hit by formic acid shells. They had rotted into a pool of flesh and blood. Others were also seriously injured, and some were split in half by the propeller or fell to death.

"Save people quickly, call for support!"

This group of Haiyang soldiers quickly began to rescue the wounded.

Among them, the captain and company commander gritted his teeth and said, "A group of five people spread out to search. When found, call for support immediately. Firearms have little effect on the Zerg exoskeleton. The weak point may be the eyes. Aim for the eyes. Each combat team is equipped with one

Rocket Launcher!”


Immediately, the company with dozens of people who were the first to come to support formed groups and dispersed, searching with military dogs.

The hole dug by Xiang Chen was soon discovered. Military dogs followed the scent of the hole and led people to search, but soon the hole was not found, and no scent was found either.

Xiang Chen also considered the nose of a military dog. After all, he had been a dog before. After digging a hole and leaving a certain distance, he chose to fly at low altitude.


He deliberately went to the lake to take a bath before returning to his lair.

After a long time, he came to the nest built for Queen Yang Xi.


When Xiang Chen came back, he discovered an astonishing scene. The nest was filled with crystal clear eggs. These eggs were about the size of basketballs, and there were hundreds of them.

When Ant King Chen came back, he happened to see Queen Xi excrete an egg from the secretion point of her tail. The five to six meter long bloated white body was constantly squirming and excreted eggs.

"Ah!! You bastard, don't look at it." Queen Ant Xi let out a scream, feeling distraught in her heart.

Ant Wangchen said angrily, "Remember your current identity, you are just an ant, you are the queen of ants, you are not a human being."

"The queen ant is really awesome. Not long after I went out, you secretly laid more than a hundred eggs. The queen ant is truly a reproduction machine of nature."

An ordinary queen ant can lay hundreds or even thousands of eggs a day. Among them, the termite queen is the most exaggerated. She can even lay 80,000 eggs a day. Her lifespan is also very long, ranging from ten to several decades. The longest life span is recorded.

A queen ant with a lifespan of four hundred years was discovered underground in a temple.

Queen Ant Xi said angrily, "Stop blabbering, I'm starving, give me something to eat quickly. The first batch of ants will be worker ants. It will take about half a month for them to hatch."

"Come on, come on, let's eat, little day sashimi."

Ant King Chen threw a corpse over, and Queen Ant Xi immediately began to feast on it.

Ant Wangchen picked up an ant egg and said, "It looks delicious."

Queen Ant Xi said angrily, "They can also be considered your descendants."

Ant Wangchen said with a smile, "Don't you know this? In nature, the first food for the queen ant to lay eggs is to survive by eating her own ant eggs when there are no worker ants to transport food to her."

"Why didn't I know? I also have blood inheritance memories, okay?" Ant Queen Xi swallowed an arm, spit out a bone and smashed it at Ant King Chen.

Ant Wang Chen put down the ant eggs. Naturally, it had no intention of actually eating them. It just teased Ant Wang Xi and said, "Let me tell you something, I discovered the human race."

"Nonsense, I know, otherwise what would I be eating? The humans here are so weak and have almost no fighting power. I have eaten several tourists before."

Ant Wangchen shook his head and said, "They are not ordinary people, they are the warriors of the human race here. Let me tell you, you must not underestimate them. Although they are physically weak, the weapons they make are very powerful."

"Let's put it this way, the weapons they can currently create can basically destroy the entire star realm's ecology and destroy all races in this star realm. We won't be able to use their weapons until we become land gods."

"So powerful?" Ant Queen Xi was a little surprised.

"Well, speaking of which, I have a powerful weapon in the heaven of creation. The original version was inspired by these mortal weapons."

Queen Ant Xi's eyes flashed as she ate up the last flesh and blood of the corpse, "You're not talking about the Saint-killing Shenwu, are you?"

Ant Wangchen smiled but did not respond.

"This cave is still too shallow. They have ground-penetrating bombs that can hit it directly. It's not complicated enough. I'll dig down a few hundred meters and build a huge underground ant kingdom underground first. When we have a large number of

The soldier ants will conquer the government of this country and eat them all!"

Ant King Chen started digging holes again. Queen Ant Xi lay lazily among the ant eggs and sneered, "Taichu Junyi, you are also one of the leaders of the human race, but you are so cruel to your fellow humans."

"Sister, what do you know? The institutions of this country are harming all living beings around the world. To destroy them is to do justice to God. Stop talking and give birth to more little ants."

This chapter has been completed!
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