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Chapter 6225 The situation is chaotic

Subsequently, Defense Minister Xiao Quan directly inserted the live broadcast of the footage of Lizi County shot by a drone. A huge crater with a diameter of several kilometers appeared in Lizi County. The scene was indeed the real situation after the Miyako bombing.

As soon as this news scene came out, it immediately caused a huge impact in all countries around the world, and there was a lot of criticism on the international Internet.

Soon the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Big Bear came out and stated that Black Eagle Country used such anti-human weapons to attack innocent civilians. Big Bear Country would resolutely boycott all Black Eagle products and sanction the company.

Then during the Great Yan, those countries in the desert area that were originally opposed to the Black Eagle Nation all stood up to express sanctions and opposition to the Black Eagle Nation.

The news about Xiao Quan directly put the Black Eagle Kingdom into a position of being criticized by the whole world. Even the people within them began to protest, and political opponents from different factions began to personally attack the current leader of the Black Eagle Kingdom.

However, soon the Black Eagle Kingdom also launched a counterattack.

Their advanced satellite surveillance system captured the Zerg army's attack on the defense force's military headquarters, and integrated the videos and information released before their military base was wiped out by the Zerg army. The Black Eagle Kingdom quickly concluded that the Haiyang Kingdom surrendered to

Under the Insects.

The Black Eagle Kingdom soon held a press conference to the world. The leader of the Black Eagle Kingdom personally presided over the meeting and said live to the world, "Regarding the Haiyang Kingdom's false accusation of our Black Eagle Kingdom's bombing of Lizi County yesterday, I am going to do something here.

Provide explanations and responses.”

"Before Lizi County was bombed, it had been occupied by the Zerg army. As you can see from the news, Igayama died in Lizi County. The Zerg army slaughtered all the innocent people in Lizi County. For the sake of the people of Dongdu,

To ensure safety and fight against the zerg, we, the Black Eagle Nation, have no choice but to launch a military strike!"

"However, the strength of the Zerg army exceeded our imagination. Just late at night the night before yesterday, the Zerg army entered the Haiyang Kingdom's defense camp, defeated the Haiyang Kingdom's defense force, and occupied the military power of the Eastern Capital."

"The Minister of Defense of Haiyang, Xiaoquan, launched a coup and killed the name of Haiyang. At the same time, he surrendered to the zerg and betrayed the human race. Here I call on all parts of the world to unite to resist the small dog cabinet that betrayed the human race, jointly fight against the zerg, and protect the human race.

Human safety!”

After the leader of the Black Eagle Kingdom finished speaking, he also played the satellite footage of the insect army attacking the defense force.

As soon as this news came out, the world was in shock again. Countless people were shocked when they saw the data transmitted by the satellites, drones, and ground surveillance cameras.

One hundred thousand zerg came out of the ground in a black mass and attacked the convoy. Most of the more than one hundred thousand people in the convoy were killed or injured. In the end, only one third of the surrendered people survived.

"Oh my God, has Haiyang Kingdom fallen? It has been completely occupied by the insect army!"

"No, this is not true, then will we become food for the zerg?"

"How is it possible? The strongest military force of Haiyang Kingdom has been defeated, and the military base of Black Eagle Kingdom, which contains tens of thousands of people, has also been wiped out."

"Hiss, when there was news about the zerg more than a year ago, the zerg only made small fuss. Now, more than a year later, they are able to overthrow the military power of the Haiyang Kingdom's cabinet."

"This traitor to the human race from Haiyang Kingdom is not worthy of being a human being. He should be killed directly by them!"

People around the world were shocked beyond measure by this news.

At the same time, Dayan, Big Bear, and Black Eagle, the three heads of state with the strongest military powers in the world, held a meeting.

Lord of the Big Bear Kingdom: "Black Eagle, is what you posted true or false?"

Representative Dayan also said, "Yes, this matter is no longer a matter of your internal fighting, it is related to the safety of the human race around the world!"

The leader of the Black Eagle Kingdom looked ugly, "Would I lie about such a thing? No matter how our three families fight, it is still an internal matter within the human race, but the Haiyang Kingdom is indeed controlled by the Zerg army.

Xiaoquan suddenly betrayed our Black Eagle Country. Does he usually have the courage? It only means that he has a new backer to be emboldened, or he was forced to do so. He didn't even answer my calls!"

The leader of the Big Bear Kingdom said in a deep voice, "Tell me all the information about the war between you and the Zerg."

The leader of the Black Eagle Kingdom did not hide anything anymore, and shared with Dayan and Daxiong the intelligence information on the battlefields in the Rich Volcano area and the Pear County area after the zerg began to appear on a large scale.

After reading this, the heads of Da Yan and Da Xiong looked extremely solemn.

Representative Dayan said, "Judging from the data, every time they experience a massive growth spurt, there is only a short period in between. This period is about ten days and a half months!"

"A month ago, their strength was only enough to fight guerrillas with your troops in Fuhuo Mountain, but now they are powerful enough to control the power of the Haiyang Guards. This growth rate is too terrifying. If you don't curb the opponent's development,

The whole world will fall into a war between the zerg armies, and humanity may be wiped out as a result!"

Big Bear nodded and said, "That's my opinion too. Since Haiyang Kingdom has betrayed the human race, for the sake of the safety of the human race all over the world, I suggest that we launch the Mushroom Force to make Haiyang Kingdom and the Zerg completely disappear from the world. Suddenly, two people are missing."

What a pest!"

Black Eagle asked Dayan, "What do you think?"

Dayan said, "That's the lives of hundreds of millions of people. If the Ocean Country is completely bombed and sunk, the ecology of the world will be affected. I'm wondering if we can jointly organize the most elite troops to jointly destroy the Haiyang Country."


Black Eagle sighed, "This won't work. If it were a conventional military operation, with the current defense equipment of Haiyang Kingdom, plus the zerg, it would drag us all into the quagmire of war!"

"Either continue without stopping and eliminate them directly. Don't forget, besides the zerg, other mythical powers in this world are also awakening!"

The world situation is turbulent, in the Eastern Capital.

The Eastern Capital has also fallen into quite a bit of chaos. Protest teams against the Black Eagle Kingdom are everywhere. They are even less willing to believe what the Black Eagle Country says. After all, the Black Eagle Kingdom has a history of military attacks against them.

There were also many people who took the money and rebelled against the cabinet, saying that the cabinet had taken refuge in the Zerg and betrayed the human race. Many areas in the Eastern Capital were in chaos.

In a certain family's home in Dongdu City.

There was blood everywhere in the house, and a tiger-headed man was cruelly eating the body of a young man.

The tiger-headed man ate the man's arm in one bite, looked at the chaotic protests and conflicts, and sneered, "It seems that their escort team has been eliminated, which is convenient for me to do my job, and I have reached the critical point of breakthrough."

I only need more flesh and blood essence, and I can break through and step into the realm of Lingxiao. When the time comes, I can go deep into outer space, and the power of the human race will no longer be able to do anything to me!"

This chapter has been completed!
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