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Chapter 6296: Passed the Trial

Aofeng and Zhao Yi have lived in this forest for half a year. From the beginning, they were full of hostility and fighting with each other, and then gradually began to cooperate. Later, they went out to hunt together every day, fighting for three meals a day.

The gap between the two slowly disappeared in this kind of interaction.

In winter, there was heavy snow and cold weather, and Aofeng fell ill and had a high fever. In order to save Aofeng, Zhao Yi searched everywhere for medicinal materials and decoction in the winter woods, and finally saved Aofeng.

Although Aofeng knew that this was a trial, this experience still allowed the two people who were at odds to slowly develop a friendship.

In the summer of the third year, a forest fire broke out in the forest due to thunderstorms. The entire forest was burning, and the two were forced to start migrating.

After leaving the forest, which is relatively rich in resources, there is a desert Gobi outside, and the two began their long journey to survive in the desert.

Half a month later, on the desert, two figures were walking slowly in the desert with difficulty, supporting each other.

"Old Zhao, is there still water? My throat is going to smoke." Aofeng asked in a hoarse voice.

Zhao Yi took off the many water hyacinths he was carrying, opened them all, looked at them, shook his head and said, "They're all gone."

"Damn it, where does this damn desert end?" Aofeng couldn't help but curse.


Suddenly, he screamed, stepped on a scorpion, was stung hard by the scorpion, and then sat down on the ground.

"Changchong, what's wrong?" Zhao Yi quickly came over to help.

Aofeng gritted his teeth and pressed his feet, "We were stung by a scorpion. It's over. We may not be able to get out, and we might have to start over again."

Zhao Yi quickly tied the opponent's wound three inches upward with a cloth strip to control the blood flow and prevent the toxin from spreading quickly. "Don't give up, you have persisted for so many years."

Aofeng lay on the hot sand, "I really don't know what the use of this trial is. Trying it from a mortal perspective will not improve our strength at all."

Zhao Yi took out a dagger and opened the wound on the opponent's instep.

Make a cross, then use your mouth to suck the poison on the opponent's instep and suck out the poison.

"You guy-" Aofeng couldn't help but feel sore in his eyes when he saw this scene.

Zhao Yi spat out poisonous blood and said, "Maybe it's to temper our willpower."

After saying that, he continued to suck the scorpion poison from the other's feet. From the beginning, the two were fighting each other, and now they are willing to suck the poisonous blood from the brother's feet.

Aofeng grinned, "If I tell this matter after I go out, you will definitely be laughed to death by countless people."

Zhao Yi vomited blood again and looked at the blood he spit out. There was no toxin in it. Then he bandaged Aofeng. "It doesn't matter. Maybe others are the same as us. Let's go."


The two of them supported the limping person, but in the end it was Zhao Yi who fell first because he didn't drink much of the last gourd of water and basically drank it for Aofeng.

Zhao Yi fell into a coma. Aofeng carried Zhao Yi on his back and walked in the desert with a cane and gritted teeth, relying on his willpower to support himself.

After walking like this for more than ten kilometers, Aofeng smelled the moist smell, and an oasis and freshwater lake appeared in the desert ahead.

"Old Zhao, wake up, water, water!!"

Aofeng roared excitedly, burst out his last strength, and quickly ran toward the freshwater lake with Zhao Yi on his back.

When he came to the freshwater lake, he fell down, then crawled towards the freshwater lake, took a few big gulps, and then lay on the ground gasping for breath.

"Old Zhao, we can survive!" Aofeng hurriedly went to fetch water and fed Zhao Yi.

"Brother Long Zhan, why are you crying?" Mu Qingyun asked Long Zhan in front of the projection screen.

Long Zhan rubbed his eyes and said, "It's nothing, it's just a brick falling into his eyes."

Time passed slowly, and decades passed. There was a sea on the edge of the desert, and there was a small castle made of stones on the coast. On the castle, the elderly Aofeng and Zhao Yi were sitting on deck chairs, watching the sunset.

Fall into the sea.

Both of them could feel their life force passing away rapidly.

"The trial seems to be over." Aofeng looked at the sunset with a glass of home-brewed wine.

"Yes, decades - I used to just go into seclusion. I didn't expect that decades are so long for mortals. In the blink of an eye, our lives are theirs." Zhao Yi sighed after taking a sip of wine.

Aofeng said, "I think although their lives are short, they are also quite exciting. Each has its own breadth and way of living."

Zhao Yi nodded, "Who says it's not, but what do you think this trial is for?"

Aofeng narrowed his eyes and said, "It doesn't matter what we do for. What matters is what we gained?"

The two suddenly looked at each other, and then laughed at the same time. Aofeng stretched out his hand, and Zhao Yi also stretched out his hand, and the two held their hands together.

"After the trial is over, we must still be brothers!"

"A must, brothers for life!"

The two of them were lying on the deck chairs, watching the sunset of the last day. Their eyelids became heavier and heavier, and their consciousness gradually fell into darkness.

When Aofeng opened his eyes again, he found himself in a world of white light. In front of him, a person, a young boy, appeared.

"Xiang Pingan!" Aofeng was surprised to recognize the other party. This was Xiang Pingan, the largest divine network system weapon spirit in the prehistoric world.

Xiang Ping'an said, "Congratulations, you have completed the assessment. As long as you answer a few questions from me, you can officially become a member of the War Dragon Heavenly Cavalry Corps. The answers must be from the heart."

There must be no falsehoods, otherwise we will be eliminated!"

Aofeng nodded, "You ask."

"Do you consider Zhao Yi a brother?"


"Are you willing to entrust your life and back to him on the battlefield?"


"The War Dragon Heavenly Cavalry Legion is essentially a military formation formed by the cooperation of war cavalry and knights. Are you willing to put aside the dignity of the dragon clan and be your brother's war beast on the battlefield?"

Aofeng smiled when he heard this and said, "As a dead Shura who would rather die than surrender, this guy is willing to suck the poison from my feet. If there is anything I don't want to do, I am willing!"

"The answer is not false. Congratulations, you have officially become a member of the War Dragon Heavenly Cavalry Corps. This is Zhao Yi's answer. You can watch it."

Similarly, Zhao Yi also faces similar problems.

"Zhao Yi, is Aofeng a brother you are willing to trust in life and death?"


"If two people have only one way to survive, do you give it to him or to yourself?"

"Don't live, let's die together!"

"If Aofeng betrays the Great Desolate Alliance, how will you deal with it?"

"I will investigate the cause of the matter. If he is tempted and cannot hold on to the bottom line and betrays the alliance, I will kill him with my own hands. If it is the alliance's fault and the alliance forces him to betray, I will seek justice for him even to the death!


"The essence of the War Dragon Heavenly Cavalry Legion is the cooperation between the warriors and the knights. If he chooses to be your warrior, what do you think?"

"Wochao, can you change me to a female dragon? Hahaha, just kidding, if he chooses to be my war rider, I will live and die with him!"

"Congratulations on passing the Qixin Assessment. You have become a member of the War Dragon Heavenly Cavalry Army. You will serve as the commander of the first regiment of the first division of the first group army of the War Dragon Heavenly Cavalry Army, and Aofeng will serve as your deputy commander!"

This chapter has been completed!
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