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Chapter 6756: Bullish

If the origin of Hongmeng Tiandao Sun is a sun, then the origin of Hongmeng Tiandao Taiyin is similar to a moon.

However, this round of the moon is also entirely constructed from the power of the lunar moon, and is also divided into several layers.

The outermost layer is the moon ring. The moon ring is formed by the energy light emitted by the original energy of the twelfth lunar month. When the spirit of Sirius enters it, you can also feel a slightly cool feeling.

The cold air here is comparable to the intensity of the lunar power released by strong men in the early stages of the eternal realm of heaven and earth.

The feeling of Xiang Mengmeng controlling the Sirius soul to enter it is like an ordinary mortal wearing thin clothes in a weather of around 20 degrees. He can feel the coolness, but it is not enough to cause any harm.

After passing through the moon ring area and continuing for some distance, you reach the moon layer.

This moon layer has entered the space atmosphere of the lunar origin, the divine moon. The temperature is lower and the energy of the lunar origin is even more intense.

Even the Divine Soul of Sirius can feel the slightest chill.

After passing through the lunar layer, you reach the lunar surface, and further down there are the lunar crust, lunar core and other locations.

The Divine Soul of Sirius controls all phenomena and the Heavenly Refining Fire sweeps away and begins to penetrate into the bottom of the moon's surface, and begins to spread toward the moon's shell and core.

However, when it penetrated inside, the divine soul of Sirius was also suffering from the terrifying coldness of the power of the lunar calendar. The soul was shivering with cold and its teeth were chattering.

This kind of feeling, when fed back to Xiang Chen's body, is even more like an experience of ice and fire.

Aotian in the extremely cold winter, Mengmeng in the extremely hot summer.

When Aotian and Xiang Mengmeng began to refine the Taiyin and the Sun, the two great sources of the Heavenly Dao, Xiang Chen was also preparing to refine the source of reincarnation.

Reincarnation, dominates life and death!

In some respects, the Law of Reincarnation is more powerful than the simple Law of the Sun and the Law of the Moon.

Xiang Chen's law of reincarnation is just the beginning at this moment, and he has just stepped into the eternal realm of heaven and earth.

The origin of the Hongmeng Heavenly Law of Reincarnation seems to be a rotating black hole in the inner universe. The black and white vortex black holes intertwine and rotate slowly, which is extremely deep and mysterious.

Xiang Chen's true soul entered it with consciousness, and began to erupt with infinite refining heavenly fire, refining and penetrating into this vortex of the source of reincarnation of the Hongmeng Heavenly Dao.

But as soon as the soul entered it, the vortex of reincarnation suddenly turned crazily and erupted with a terrifying pulling force.

"Wo nest!!"

Xiang Chen was shocked, and his consciousness was about to be pulled out of his soul.

His soul quickly turned around and ran away, but the vortex of reincarnation was spinning faster and faster.

His empty and transparent consciousness was suddenly pulled away from his soul.

"Wochao, no!!"

Xiang Chen was wailing in consciousness, not knowing that the whirlpool of reincarnation would undergo such a change.

The soul lost consciousness and immediately fell into a coma.

The world in front of Xiang Chen also turned into darkness.

I don’t know how long it has passed, one second, or ten thousand years. My state of consciousness and perception of the passage of time have become extremely blurry. One year or ten thousand years are almost the same.

Gradually, Ergouzi felt a warm feeling coming from the surroundings, and could also hear the rushing sound of water, and a faint roaring sound. This sound seemed to be that the internal organs were wriggling.

Xiang Ergou wanted to open his eyes, but found that he couldn't.

"This sound, this feeling—"

Ergou consciously sensed this voice, which felt a bit familiar.

No, too familiar!

This sound of water flow is the sound of amniotic fluid flowing??

This warm wrapping feeling is the feeling of being in the womb?

This roaring sound is the sound of internal organs moving??

"Wochao, I'm not going to be reborn again, am I?" Ergou was dumbfounded and couldn't stare.

As a lost dog who has been reborn countless times, this feeling is all too familiar to him.

"Does this have to last for tens of millions of years?" Ergouzi thought to himself.

He tried to control the movement of his hands and feet.

"Hmm - these hands - these feet jiojio - don't seem to be human? I stepped on a horse and was reborn as a dog?" Without mental power, Ergou's consciousness could only vaguely feel his own hands and feet, as if they were not human.

Human hands, human feet.


At this time, he heard a low cry that was not human.

"This sound -" Xiang Ergou's expression suddenly became strange, and two words instantly appeared in his mind: Niubi!

In the cowshed, a large buffalo with a swollen belly let out a slightly painful cry.

Next to it, in a large tile-roofed house, an elderly couple who looked like they were from the countryside ran out quickly.

The old woman said: "The big girl is about to give birth."

The old man nodded: "It's almost time to count."

I saw the big cow making a squeaking sound, just standing like this, pulling hard like a daddy. The two dogs often complained, and often opened up because of the two words that Nangong Yuxiu beat so hard, and they were wet and had no horns.

The calf's head slowly wriggled out.

Then, just like pooping, the calf was pooped out during delivery, with amniotic fluid all over its body.

The calf was trembling in the straw, unable to open its eyes, and made a squeaking sound: "Daozu, you always play with me? You are going to kill me with this operation!"

Xiang Ergou was about to cry but had no tears. He tried hard to open his eyes, but managed to do so.

Sure enough, the surrounding environment was indeed a cowshed, with cow dung everywhere and haystacks.

When it comes to rebirth experience, no one has richer and more exciting experiences than him. He has been a human, a dog, a woman, an ant, and now he is a cow and a horse.

I saw a big pink tongue landing on its head, licking its head and face, licking away the fetal fluids on its body.

"Wow, what a cute little calf -" a seven or eight-year-old boy climbed up to the door of the cow pen and exclaimed as he looked at the calf.

"Come down quickly, don't fall." The old woman quickly took her grandson down.

"Grandma, grandma, can you give this little calf to me?" the little boy's eyes lit up.

The old woman's eyes were full of kindness: "Okay, okay, this calf was originally meant for your family."

Grandpa smiled beside him and said, "Ah Bao, you have to be responsible for taking care of it from now on. From now on, you have to cut grass for it and ride it out to herd cattle."

"Okay, okay, from now on it will be called Erniu, and it is my cow."

The child named A Bao nodded in agreement and was very excited, dreaming that he could ride it out to play in the future.

This is obviously a rural family, and looking at the clothes these people are wearing, they don’t seem to be from ancient times, and are a bit like the clothes from the 1990s.

"Oh my God -" Niu Calf Xiang Chen said with tears in his eyes: "Why don't we play like this -"

Xiang Er Dog, no, Xiang Er Cow! At this moment, there was a growling sound in the belly, and the biological instinct made it involuntarily hold the big cow's breast in its mouth and start drinking milk.

I don’t know what kind of bull I will be waiting for.

This chapter has been completed!
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