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Chapter 6821 The First Target

"All forces in the nine heavens and ten lands have united to attack us, so then fight!"

"And this time, we choose not to defend passively, but to attack proactively. Soldiers, are you willing to follow me to create an unprecedented new world?"

All the generals walked out in front and shouted: "We are willing to follow you to the death and complete the great cause of the alliance!"

"We are willing to follow you to the death and complete the great cause of the alliance!"

All the soldiers also shouted and roared, and the blood in their bodies began to boil. They wanted to write a new era.

Xiang Chen laughed: "Very good, go out and fight!"

Wuji Tiandu flew into the depths of the starry sky at an astonishing speed, flying towards the forbidden land.

Half a year later, the coalition forces initiated by the Central and Eastern Dynasties appeared in the Forbidden Land, and the armies of all ancient forces joined forces in the same area.

The coaches from all forces also gathered in a command room.

Su Wen said: "Our military strength is several times that of Dongsu, Canglei, Kunlun, and Honghuang Continent alone. If we deal with these parties separately, our numerical advantage will be greatly reduced."

"So my suggestion is that all troops concentrate their firepower to capture Dongsu Continent first and gradually encroach on it!"

Holy Lord Snow Phoenix frowned slightly and said: "We have received information that the Dongsu Empire, Canglei Continent, Kunlun Mountain, and the Great Desolate Alliance are all gathering troops on a large scale. If they also combine into a joint army, we may not have an advantage.


The Lord of the Golden Crow Palace said coldly: "How many troops can they have even if they gather all their strength? Dongsu Canglei Kunlun can't even defend their own territory. Even if they form a combined army to fight us, they will definitely be defeated.


"Not to mention anything else, let's just say that the total number of powerful people in the eternal realm of heaven and earth that we gathered this time is nearly a hundred people. How many powerful people in the eternal realm of heaven and earth can there be in the prehistoric alliance?"

Palace Master Tianjian also said: "That's right, excluding the necessary men and horses, they can gather 1.2 billion men and horses. They are considered powerful. 1.2 billion is close to 2 billion for us. The advantage is mine!"

Palace Master Guanghan said solemnly: "As long as we can deal with their powerful men in the eternal realm of heaven and earth, the next battle will be crushing. This will make it easier to formulate some tactics. Mu Feng, Xiang Chen, Luo Yu, these people

Who needs to join forces to check and balance the suppression?”

The Lord of the Golden Crow Palace sneered: "We still need to join forces? I can kill Mu Feng by myself!"

Su Wen said indifferently: "According to the latest information, Xiang Chen has a combat power that is equivalent to the peak of the eternal realm of heaven and earth, or even stronger."

"Mu Feng is not bad, so suppressing Xiang Chen and Mu Feng requires the cooperation of two or more people at the peak level of the eternal realm of heaven and earth."

"My suggestion is that I, Holy Master Snow Phoenix, and Palace Master Golden Crow join forces to deal with Xiang Chen. If the three of us join forces, we can easily suppress Xiang Chen!"

"Then Palace Master Guanghan, Senior Qilin, and Emperor Xiqi join forces to deal with Mu Feng!"

"Others also use the method of two or more people joining forces to quickly kill the powerful people in the eternal realm of the world in the prehistoric alliance."

The Lord of Tianju Palace said: "Judging from the number of strong men we have, we can indeed suppress them with multiple people."

"Then attack Dongsu, Cang Lei, Kunlun, or the Great Desolate Continent first? I think we should attack the Great Desolate Continent in one step. Once the Great Desolate Continent is over, the Great Desolate Alliance is also over."

Su Wen immediately rejected his idea: "Fight the Prehistoric Alliance first, as it will be easy to be attacked by the Nine Generations Shenwu, which will affect the morale of the army."

"Dongsu, Kunlun, and Cang Lei definitely have not deployed the Nine Generations of Divine Martial Arts. Attacking them is the best, and gradually devouring them is the most promising."

The sum total of everyone's calculations is indeed the same. If we directly attack the ancient continent, even if we predict that the opponent's ninth-generation divine weapons will not be large, we can still kill tens of millions of ourselves and others.

War is not a simple reduction of mathematical problems. Everyone has the psychological endurance.

Tens of millions of people is not much compared to more than two billion troops, but the impact it has on the hearts of soldiers and generals is too great.

Morale has collapsed, and no one dares to move forward.

Su Wen continued: "In addition, there is another major factor in attacking the Dongsu Empire. The Dongsu Empire suffered the least losses."

"Among the three forces of Cang Lei, Kunlun, and Dongsu, the Great Desolate Alliance's attack on Kunlun and Cang Lei consumed a lot of troops from these two parties. These two parties are not at their peak at the moment."

"But the Dongsu Empire is different. The Dongsu Empire recently won a big victory. They cooperated with the Great Desolate Alliance to win the Kunlun Mountain. Their loss of men and horses was not too much, and their morale is still strong."

"After all, Xiang Chen of the Prehistoric Alliance took down the Dongsu Empire. There was almost no bloodshed and he killed all the top officials of the Dongsu Empire."

"So taking over the Dongsu Empire is equivalent to taking over the strongest link among the peripheral forces of the three-party prehistoric alliance."

"After taking down the Dongsu Empire, the other two arms of the Great Desolate Alliance, Cang Lei and Kunlun Mountain, will be easy to fight."

"The soldiers within these two forces must have a lot of resentment towards the Prehistoric Alliance. With so many of our troops fighting, we don't even need to fight. Faced with such a huge gap between the opponent's troops, many generals and soldiers may directly surrender."

Su Wen's words made it impossible for anyone else to find fault with him.

"What do you think?"

He finally asked everyone again.

The Lord of the Golden Crow Palace sneered and asked: "Su Wen, you have a lot of insiders in the Dongsu Empire, right? This is the last time someone like the Negative Dragon Saint can stand up to testify."

Su Wen smiled slightly and said: "It is true that we have installed some people, but unfortunately, Xiang Chen is not a vegetarian. After the last incident of defeating the Dragon Saint, he did a big purge and removed all the people we had installed.


Everyone only half-truthfully believed his words. In their hearts, Su Wen was already as sinister as Xiang Chen.

"In that case, let's attack the Dongsu Empire first, capture the Dongsu Empire as quickly as possible, and then attack Kunlun in a flash!"

The Holy Lord of Yaochi agreed.

"I agree!"


Soon everyone agreed on the plan to attack the Dongsu Empire first.

An army of nearly 2 billion marched towards the Dongsu Empire. The total number of warships and fighter planes almost exceeded 30 million. This power was enough to easily overwhelm all the defense forces of an ancient force.

In the endless heavenly capital.

Xiang Chen, Mu Feng and others are also holding a military meeting.

Mu Feng's team of elite soldiers, including Xiang Chen's father-in-law Bai Ziyue, Tian Ci, and Yao Fatty, as well as Xiang Chen's Xia Houwu, Wang Xiaoji, Zhuge Pangpang, and Wang Zhen were all at the meeting.


There are also figures such as the Ancestor of the Ancient Demon and the Ancestor of the Tree, as well as Di Xuan'er, Xia Qingcheng, and other top combat powerhouses from the Ancient of World.

This chapter has been completed!
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