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Chapter 6854 Territorial Dispute

After Xiang Chen finished speaking, he sat down and it was the others' turn to speak.

Leader Su Wen of the Tiandao Alliance spoke up: "We in the Tiandao Alliance highly agree with Leader Xiang Chen's suggestion. We all have one purpose, that is, we all want to unify the Hongmeng world and gather the luck of all people to help Daozu open the Jedi Heavenly Passage. Let me

Wait until you are freed from the prison."

"So the recovery of our respective foundations and the recovery of our economic strength is particularly important. No one would have thought that the whole world would end up withered and broken, with everything waiting to be revitalized. However, I think the truce of thirty thousand years is too long, and twenty thousand years is just right."

"In terms of economic development, our Tiandao Alliance is also willing to open all ports in the border areas and strengthen economic and trade exchanges with everyone."

After Su Wen finished speaking, it was the old Holy Lord of Yaochi who spoke again.

Yang Lu, the old holy master of Yaochi, said: "Since we have to have a truce and cultivate ourselves, there is still another issue that needs to be resolved, and that is the issue of our respective territorial disputes and border line demarcation. If this issue is not clearly defined at the meeting, friction will inevitably continue.

Cause a big war."

"Ziwei Tian has been the territory of Shi Qilin Daoist friends and ethnic groups since ancient times. I suggest that Ziwei Tian be completely divided into Ziwei Tianting to solve the border territorial dispute between the two parties."

Shi Qilin nodded when he heard this and said: "Yes, Ziweitian has been my dojo since ancient times, and all fellow Taoists know it, so we severely condemn the prehistoric alliance's behavior of interfering in its territory and giving the Ziweitian Palace a knife behind its back.

I strongly urge you to take back the power of the Great Desolate Alliance and return our Ziweitian territory!"

The Lord of the Ziwei Heavenly Palace of the Prehistoric Alliance cursed angrily: "Fucking you! What has been yours since ancient times? How many years have you been dead and now you want to take it back?"

"We, Ziwei Tiangong, and the people under our command are also native creatures on this land. Ziwei Tiang is also our home. For today's generation, you are the foreign invaders. You are really confusing right and wrong, playing right and wrong."

The two of them immediately started arguing and scolding over this issue.

After both of them had finished arguing, Xiang Chen spoke up: "Ziwei Heavenly Court's request to seize the territory of Ziwei Heavenly Palace is completely nonsense."

"When the civilization of this era began, the Ziwei Heavenly Palace had a foothold in Ziwei Tian. It took tens of thousands of years for your Ziwei Heavenly Palace to revive, and then began to invade the current Ziwei Tian era civilization. In other words, you are invaders."

"There is no reason why victims of aggression need to give their territory to the invaders. Do you think Ziwei Tiangong is a corrupt regime run by an old woman? If you come to attack me, I will pay for it?"

"What are you dreaming about? What you can't get through your strength, but you still want to snatch it away through words?"

Shi Qilin was furious: "Taichu Junyi, since you have this attitude, what else are we talking about?"

Xiang Chen slapped the table: "If we can't talk, then let's not talk. We can wait until our Great Desolate Alliance annexes your Ziwei Heavenly Palace to talk!"

Shi Qilin was trembling with anger and pointed at Xiang Chen's nose: "You, you, you -"

The old Holy Master of Yaochi snorted coldly: "Leader Xiang, you are too overbearing. It was you who proposed the truce, so you should consider the overall situation."

Xiang Chen sat down and sneered: "Senior Yang Lu, considering the overall situation does not mean that I have to give up the interests of my allies. The main reason is that Senior Shi Qilin's proposal and your proposal are too unreasonable."

"A truce to recuperate and recuperate is not only good for our ancient alliance, but also good for everyone. Don't make it look like we are taking advantage and you are suffering a loss."

Su Wen said at this time: "Okay, okay, everyone, please stop arguing. Let me say some fair words."

Everyone's eyes were focused on him again.

Su Wen looked at Shi Qilin: "First of all, Ziweitian has been the dojo of senior Shi Qilin since ancient times and the habitat of the ancient Qilin clan. There is no doubt about this. Therefore, senior Shi Qilin's behavior of taking back his former territory is also

It’s not an invasion.”

When Shi Qilin heard this, his face looked a little better.

He continued: "Secondly, Master Ziwei Palace and Alliance Leader Xiang Chen are right. Times are different now. The Ziwei Heavenly Palace and the modern Qilin clan live in Ziwei Heaven, and Ziwei Heaven is naturally their home."

"They are also aboriginal people. It doesn't make sense to ask the aboriginal people to move out of their homes and give up their territory to the ancient aboriginal people. Therefore, this issue cannot be said to be who is right and wrong. It is nothing more than a conflict between ancient people and modern people."

The Lord of Ziwei Heavenly Palace also nodded slightly when he heard this.

Then Su Wen added: "So it is not reasonable to hand over Ziwei Tian to any party alone. I suggest that on this issue, we just draw a line at the issue of Ziwei Tian's territory, and each draw their own clear territory and establish a


"With this border as the frontier, everyone will not invade each other. As for who this land belongs to and who makes the decision in 20,000 to 30,000 years, it will all depend on their own abilities."

After Su Wen suggested it, others nodded in approval.

"Yes, this is the most reasonable and just way."

"I think it should be like this, otherwise no one can clearly explain the division, and everyone has a point. There will be no result if this kind of wrangling continues."

"I support the suggestion of the Tiandao Alliance Leader."

The ancient overlords from all sides spoke one after another, and even Xiang Chen, the ancient elders of the Great Desolate Alliance, nodded in approval.

Xiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Su Wen, who had a smile on his face and claimed to be fair.

This Su Laoliu is digging a hole for us and the Seven Realms Alliance. Xiang Chen can see what this guy is planning.

The old Holy Lord of Yaochi said: "Since the two sides refuse to give in to each other, and Alliance Leader Xiang is not unreasonable, this is the only way."

Xiang Chen sneered: "Don't talk nonsense, I am reasonable, but I don't talk about the cowardly reason of mindless tolerance."

Su Wen looked at Shi Qilin and the Lord of Ziwei Heavenly Palace and said, "What do you two think?"

Shi Qilin said coldly: "Then let's talk about the issue of territorial division -"

In the end, both sides adopted Su Wen's suggestion and established a border line to divide their respective territories. Once this border line was established, it was equivalent to officially dividing Ziweitian into two different countries, which laid the foundation for future conflicts.

In this meeting, everyone discussed the division of the border lines of the Forbidden Land and economic cooperation. Some people even wanted Xiang Chen to hand over the technology of the Nine Generations Shenwu, but Xiang Chen spat him back.

However, when discussing this issue, Daozu's will unexpectedly interfered.

Daozu asked Xiang Chen to share the technology of the Eighth Generation Shenwu, and let all forces explore the technology of the Ninth Generation Shenwu.

Daozu came forward in this way, Xiang Chen reluctantly agreed to the matter.

From the outside world, this meeting lasted on and off for a whole year. There were too many things that needed to be discussed, covering all aspects.

The most important thing is that the time for truce and cultivation was finally determined to be 30,000 years. This time was obtained by Xiang Chen using the Eight Generations of Divine Martial Arts. Anyone who disagrees should not blame me for the technical shortcomings of the Great Desolate Alliance.

If there are any problems, they are also due to your own technical problems.

This chapter has been completed!
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