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Chapter 6879 Helping Development

But the number of strong assassins was obviously greater, and they quickly broke through the defense line of the guards and retainers.

A killer with a strong cultivation level and the strongest strength among the group of killers rushed over, blew up the room of the Feizhou Tower with one palm, and with one sword gathered the power of heaven, earth, heaven and earth to kill Xiang Chen!

His goal is not King Qin Feng Changqing, but Xiang Chen!

"Master!" Feng Changqing's expression changed. He wanted to rescue him but was too late.

Xiang Chen watched expressionlessly as the opponent struck him from the air with a sword. After the sword light landed on him, it disappeared strangely, as if it had pierced into nothingness.

The killer was startled, and then he gritted his teeth and struck Xiang Chen's head with his sword, and the divine sword struck Xiang Chen's neck.

But this sword seemed to strike the air without any obstruction, and there was no feeling of hitting the physical body.

Xiang Chen just pointed it out casually.

His finger touched the killer's forehead. With this finger point, the killer felt that he was frozen by a terrifying force, unable to escape or avoid this finger.

Although the cultivation of the whole body is already running at full strength and at the fastest speed, the body still does not obey the orders.

He placed his finger between his eyebrows, and then saw his body instantly turned into ashes, burned to ashes by a terrifying force.

But the soul was intact, frozen on the spot and unable to move.

After suppressing the people, Xiang Chen walked out of the building and looked towards the battlefield.

The next moment, he disappeared, and when he appeared, he was already in front of a killer assassin, who was also pointed out with one finger.

The opponent's body was instantly destroyed and turned into ashes, and his soul was frozen on the spot.

This scene of suppressing the assassins of Fa Tianxiang and Earth without any pyrotechnics or energy fluctuations made Han Chang's eyes widen with a snap of his fingers.

Then Xiang Chen's figure kept moving and appeared on the entire battlefield, and dozens of assassins were all designated.

The indescribable weirdness of this scene also made Feng Changqing's guards and diners dumbfounded, with admiration in their eyes, as if they were looking at gods.

Xiang Chen took action, with just a few dozen breaths, dozens of killers in the realm of immortality were all suppressed at this moment, or captured alive.

"Old Han, what level do you think my husband's cultivation and strength have reached? Is it possible that he has broken through the limit of the realm of Dharma and achieved the legendary realm of immortality?" Zhao Song, a disciple introduced by Han Chang,

said in shock.

Han Chang said in a deep voice: "With such a power, even the slightest energy is not leaked. I'm afraid it is not far from the legendary realm of immortality."

Zhao Song said excitedly: "If it is the legendary realm of immortality, then Mr. Mister must have a way to live forever. If we follow him faithfully, we may be able to peek into that realm in the future."

Han Chang said solemnly: "What's more important is that with such strength, that gentleman is the number one person in the world today. And if this matter is spread, countless strong people will definitely come to seek refuge."

Soon the souls of these killers and assassins were imprisoned, and Feng Changqing's people began to interrogate them.

However, these people are all people with strong wills, and they don't say anything when faced with the torture of their souls.

However, this was a piece of cake for Xiang Chen. He personally took action and easily controlled one of the female assassins with the Heart Devouring Demon of Seven Emotions and Six Desires, and obtained information from the other party.

"It was Emperor Feng and the dignitaries from all over the imperial capital who sent me to kill me. It seems that the changes in my doctrines and opinions have aroused their fear, so they want to get rid of me." Xiang Chen said with a smile, as if he was satisfied with this.

Don't care at all about things.

Feng Changqing said with a gloomy face: "I didn't expect that Brother Chang Yi would be so narrow-minded."

Xiang Chen said: "He was coerced by the powerful interest groups, and he himself represents them. Sending assassins to kill me is also an attitude. To maintain your attitude towards the powerful, don't worry about it and move on."

Two years later, everyone arrived in Qin, Feng Changqing's fiefdom.

After arriving at the fiefdom, Feng Changqing directly took over all departments in the fiefdom and began to implement his own policies, or in other words, implement the policies proposed by Xiang Chen.

First of all, fiefdom tariffs were cancelled, that is, caravans from other places entering Qin for trade did not need to pay tariffs.

After this policy came out, many people thought that King Feng Changqing of Qin was stupid or crazy. If he abolished fiefdom tariffs, how much less fiscal revenue would he have in this area?

The second is anti-monopoly. In the past, many businesses in the fiefdom were completely monopolized by certain aristocratic families, but now this is not possible. The government must control the shares, and at the same time support more competitors in the same industry to stimulate the industry.

In addition, they attached great importance to education, preached and preached the law, opened colleges and universities for common people, established an examination system, and opened up channels for promotion for disciples from poor families. A series of drastic reforms began to be implemented in Qin.

This naturally offended the interests of many nobles and families in Qin, causing many people to petition and be dissatisfied.

But Feng Changqing used thunderous means to directly suppress and obliterate the troublemaker!

There was also a family that threatened to move its property and leave Qin, and Feng Changqing did not stop it. However, it is said that after that family moved out of Qin, they were intercepted and killed by bandits, and the entire family was wiped out.

Qin sent troops to suppress the bandits, wiped out the bandits, and brought back the "family property" that had been taken away by the bandits.

There are also legal reforms. The powerful in Qin no longer have the freedom to live and kill at will, and killing is not illegal. The slavery system in Qin is abolished, and all slaves can obtain the household registration of Qin people.

Three years later, a caravan with hundreds of people entered the Qin territory. The man at the head of the caravan sighed: "We are finally here."

"Uncle, what are you talking about that King Qin wants to do? Wouldn't it be detrimental to yourself to cancel the fiefdom tariff?" A girl accompanying the team said.

The man smiled and said: "I don't know what King Qin wants to do, but this kind of thing is of no harm to us. This batch of high-quality silk we brought from Qi will not be subject to fiefdom duties, and our profits will be more than before.

Thirty percent, this trip is much more cost-effective than going to other places."

While talking, they entered the royal capital of Qin.

After entering the royal capital, they wanted to take a rest and looked for a restaurant to eat and stay. However, the restaurants and inns they went to were all full of business and filled with caravans from all directions.

"Guests, are you looking for a place to stay?" A young man came over and asked.

The leader of the caravan nodded and said: "Exactly."

The young man said with a smile on his face: "If you don't mind, you can come to our house. My family runs a B&B, so you can eat and stay in the hotel."

The leader of the caravan was a little surprised, then he looked at his people and said, "There are many of us, can your family accommodate us?"

The man smiled broadly: "Yes, yes, my family, my neighbors and relatives all do this business."

The leader of the caravan followed the other party and found that although it was a place where ordinary residents lived, the rooms and places were relatively clean, so he readily agreed.

The arrival of a large number of caravans, people eating horses, eating and drinking, directly drove the consumption in Qin, and promoted various industries of clothing, food, housing and transportation.

This chapter has been completed!
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