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Chapter 842: Unbelievable

"While we were being imprisoned, a giant underwater beast suddenly broke in outside and broke through the prison door. In the chaos, we escaped. We were also lucky and saved our lives. However, the sea tribe is too abominable.

Other compatriots from the academy are also imprisoned in the Hai Clan prison."

Xiang Chen also had a sad and angry look on his face when he spoke, expressing his "wall-breaking" condemnation to the Hai Clan.

"Don't worry, these pirates will be rescued in the future. The Great Xia Dynasty will definitely repay this debt."

The strong patrolman even said a few words of comfort and patted Xiang Chen on the shoulder.

"Yes, those who offend our Daxia will be punished no matter how far away they are. Sir, I won't say any more. I want to return to the academy as soon as possible and practice well. From now on, I will serve my country with a loyal army and destroy the pirates."

Xiang Chen had an angry expression on his face.

"Well done, be safe along the way and go."

This strong patrolman did not make things difficult for many of them. They were all geniuses and their future prospects were at least better than his.

Xiang Chen and others bowed their hands together and then left through the air.

"What a group of positive and good young people. In them, I seem to see my own lost youth. I miss it..."

The strong patrolman sighed and looked at Xiang Chen and others leaving.

"Well, I'd better report this to my superiors."


Xiang Chen and others successfully entered the South China Sea. After dark, they entered the mainland and Nanhai Prefecture.

Using the Star Spirit Compass and the evil system navigation, they rushed towards the direction of Huangzhou non-stop.

On the fourth day, they returned to Huangzhou.

On an ordinary mountain range in Huangzhou, Huangdu, on the top of a majestic mountain.

After a few people fell behind and entered the deserted city, their hearts finally calmed down.

"Just stay here, everyone just pretend to be stupid for a while." Xiang Chen ordered Dahou and Qingcheng to prepare to let them out.

In his Qiankun ring, a ray of light enveloped the top of the mountain.

Afterwards, about a hundred students, teachers, Night Palace Master and others who were still sleeping were all released, lying on the ground in a mess. Everyone was still sleeping soundly, snoring like thunder, and even if they were beaten to death, they would not be able to wake them up.

That kind of.

Thousands of years of intoxication. The ultimate medicinal power can intoxicate for a thousand years. This is not a boast. Although the one refined by Xiang Chen is not that strong, it can be intoxicated for a year and a half without any problem.

Xiang Chen prepared the anti-alcohol potion in advance and asked several people to drink it for everyone.

After everyone took a sip, a few people lay aside and pretended to sleep. Xiang Chen hugged Qingcheng and Dahou hugged Bao'er and joined everyone's thundering camp.

Half an hour later, someone finally shook Drunken's head and woke him up.

"Emma, ​​my head feels so heavy." The person shook his head, then opened his eyes, and saw everyone lying on the grass on the top of a mountain, among the bushes.

Palace Master Ye, Dean Liu and others also woke up one after another, and everyone woke up one after another.

"Hey! Us, why are we here?"

"What place is this? What happened? Isn't this the prison of the Sea Clan?"

Everyone was shocked for a while and looked at their surroundings with confusion.

Xiang Chen and Xia Houwu took a nap and pretended to wake up with everyone else.

"What, what's going on?"

Palace Master Ye, Dean Liu's spiritual consciousness spread, and he looked at the surrounding environment with a puzzled look on his face.

"Everyone, I know where this place is. This, this is Xiaocang Mountain. In the desert city, I once came here with my girlfriend to go wild... Bah, I came here to get close to nature."

Some students flew into the sky and looked at the surrounding environment and said in surprise.

"Xiao Cangshan, how is it possible? Aren't we in the Hai Clan prison?"

"Yeah, what's going on? Are you dreaming?"

A group of people couldn't believe what they were seeing, it was too weird.

"Palace Master, do you know what's going on?" Liu Ming asked in shock.

Palace Master Ye frowned deeply and shook his head, he also didn't know.

"I seemed to have a dream in a daze. I dreamed that a dog rescued us."

Dongfang Canxing knocked his head and muttered.

"Your uncle, the dog! It's a wolf."

When Xiang Chen heard this, he cursed in his heart and couldn't help but give him a kick.

"Brother, why are you kicking me?"

"You have a poisonous bug on your butt, let me kick it off for you."

"Oh, thank you."

"Why did you have the same dream as me?" Dongfang Yueyin was surprised.

These two brothers have a good understanding, right?

"Dog? How is that possible?" the people around scoffed.

"I was in a daze and had a dream. I dreamed that an old god saved us. He said he was a god from Huangzhou."

Xiang Dahuang said with a serious look on his face.

"Oh, Gouzi, why are you the same as what I dreamed about? Are you an ugly, old and hunchbacked old immortal who calls himself the Three Seconds Yangwei Immortal?"

Xia Houwu exclaimed, pretending to be true.

Xiang Chen glared at him, "Sun thief, who are you scolding?"

"What I dreamed about was a handsome, powerful, tall and handsome old god. Our dreams are different and we don't want to conspire against each other."

Xiang Chen kicked him away.

If you dare to curse me, look at your feet.

"Could it be that some old god really saved us?"

"It's really possible. Otherwise, how can we explain this? When I wake up, I'm back in the desert. It's too fantasy. I wouldn't even dare to write a bloody novel like this."

"Forget it, don't talk about this now. Come on, let's go back to the Desolate Palace and take a look."

The master of the night palace said.

Everyone agreed, and a group of people immediately joined forces and were taken back to the deserted palace by the Lord of the Night Palace with great magic power.

Not long after, a group of people actually saw Huangzhou Academy and were so moved that tears filled their eyes.

"We're back!"

"We are back with the championship!"

Everyone returned, and the movement immediately alarmed the entire Huangzhou Academy.

Dean Dongfang, Dean Beiming and others immediately came with a large number of people to greet him.

"Palace Master, you are finally back."

"Palace Master, are you okay? Guan Tian Shu reported that you were arrested. What happened?"

"Yeah, what's going on? Also, is it true that our desolate palace is the best among dragons and phoenixes?"

A large number of people gathered in a steady stream and immediately surrounded the group, asking all kinds of questions.

Palace Master Ye and others couldn't explain how they came back, and in the end they suggested that some so-called old god from Huangzhou rescued them.

However, when everyone confirmed that Huang Gong won the championship and Xiang Chen and others won the championship, countless people burst into loud cheers and uproar.

"Junior Brother Xiang is mighty, Junior Brother Xiahou is mighty, Junior Sister Xia is mighty!"

"Haha, I, Huangong Jiuzhou, won the championship. Who will dare to say that our Jiugong is the worst in the future?"

The crowd was buzzing with cheers and joy. Many people looked at Xiang Chen in amazement as he was lifted up and thrown high by a group of people. Xia Houwu and others were also shocked.

Two students who have only been admitted to the palace for two years have won such a huge honor for the academy. How can it not be shocking?

However, when Xiang Chen and the others return, is this really a happy event?

This chapter has been completed!
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