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Chapter 856: The Prince Arrives

Yun Xuzi, the Grand Master of Great Xia, said in a steady voice: "Previously, it was speculated from the astrology that the origin of this demonic energy was indeed from the direction of the southeastern Barren State. If there were really differences in the Barren Palace, this would be in line with the astrology. But now that the secret has been hidden again, the astrology has become irregular.

Due to the chaos, the veteran did not dare to conclude whether the Huang Palace was related to the chaos of the Sea Clan Monster Clan. After all, it involved a school palace. His Majesty still needs to send a special envoy to investigate the specific matter. If he kills arbitrarily, he may hurt the people of the Huangzhou.

Regarding the people's hearts, your majesty can send people to Huangzhou to investigate."

After hearing this, the Emperor of Daxia pondered for a few breaths and said: "What the Imperial Master said is true. Who do you think can take on the important task of investigating this matter?"

The Grand Master of Daxia said: "The person conducting the investigation must be able to represent the majesty of the royal family, and no one from the royal family is the best."

Upon hearing this, the Emperor of Daxia looked at King Qing and King You.

"Father, I am willing to investigate the truth!"

"Father, I would like to take a trip."

Almost at the same time, the Queen of Qingzhou, Beixuan, and the Queen of Youzhou, Youming, both spoke out at the same time and walked out together.

The two of them looked at each other with a sense of competition in their eyes.

The Human Emperor of Daxia looked at the two of them and said: "Since you two have this intention, let's go together. We must investigate the truth of the matter."

"Promise, I respect your decree!"

The two of them responded at the same time, looking at each other, and both gave a cold snort.

"Okay, you two, please step back."

The Emperor of Great Xia waved his hand.

"My son, please retire."

The two of them bowed and left the palace together.

"Prime Minister, how is the plan for the South China Sea going?"

The Emperor of Daxia looked at Li Guoxiang again at this time.

"Your Majesty, everything is ready. On the day of the princess's wedding, if the Hai clan relaxes, it will be the time for our major attack!"

Li Guoxiang said respectfully.

"Okay, this time, I want the Southern Barren Sea Clan to be destroyed and I will pay the heaviest price!"

The Emperor of Daxia said coldly with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

This sneak attack severely slapped his face and Daxia's face. The other party also wanted to marry his daughter. How could the Emperor of Daxia give in so obediently?

That night, in the Imperial Capital of Zhongzhou, two dragons pulled by dragons flew through the air with a large group of powerful guards and rushed towards Huangzhou and Huangdu.

In the early morning of the next day, the sun had just risen over Huangzhou, and the golden sunlight swept across the earth.

And two loud dragon roars echoed over the Huangzhou Houfu.

I saw two golden and black dragons, seventy or eighty meters long, pulling two huge chariots, and led a group of strong men to the Huangzhou Houfu.

Huanghou immediately led the entire Huangzhou Houfu to receive him.

"Huang Hou, Mo Huan pays homage to His Highness Prince Qing and His Highness Prince You!"

Mr. Huang immediately knelt down to greet the two princes.

"Greetings to Prince Qing, His Highness Prince You!"

A large group of powerful men from the Huanghou Mansion also knelt down and bowed down. They were all so angry that they didn't dare to say a word.

King Qing and King You carried the king's supreme pressure and walked towards the people of Huanghou Mansion.

Prince Qing said: "Master Mohou, please get up quickly."

He stepped forward to help King Qing himself. This Huanghou was also the lord of a state, and his status was very important.

He is also the only marquis who governs a state. Of course, Huangzhou is the most depressed state in Kyushu.

"Thank you, Your Highness." After Huanghou stood up, his people dared to stand up.

"Master Mo Hou, I haven't seen you for a long time. I came in a hurry and didn't bring anything. Huang Hou loves delicious food, so I asked people to purchase some of Zhongzhou's top delicacies. I hope Huang Hou won't dislike it." King You also said with a smile, and then ordered someone to return the favor.

Send me a gift.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, is very kind. Thank you very much, Your Highness. I wonder what the important matter is for your two Highnesses to suddenly come to Huangzhou Marquis Mansion? By the way, Your Highnesses, please come to the hall."

Huang Hou quickly invited the two of them into the mansion.

A group of people were walking and chatting, and King Qing said: "The two of us are also here under the imperial decree of our father, specifically to inspect the Huangzhou Marquis Mansion and the Huangzhou Academy."

Huanghou's expression changed slightly when he heard this, and he said in shock: "According to His Majesty's decree, what happened?"

He thought in his heart that he had not done anything to anger the people and offend the Holy One.

"Haha, Lord Mo, don't worry. The main thing is to investigate the affairs of the Huangzhou Academy. This time, the Kraken teamed up with the Cholera Imperial Capital. The Holy Emperor was furious. God's will guided him. This time, there may be an inseparable relationship between cholera and the Huangzhou Academy.

So I was specially sent to find out."

King You smiled lightly.

Huang Hou breathed a sigh of relief, and asked with surprise on his face: "Your Majesty suspects that there is something wrong in Huangzhou Academy?"

"That's right."

The two nodded.

"The old minister also knows something about the affairs of Nanhuanghai. Jiugong was arrested and the people of Huanggong were released early. Could this matter have been caused by the negotiations with the imperial capital?"

Huanghou asked in shock. He thought that the people from Huanggong came back first because the imperial court negotiated and the Hai clan released them first.

"Not really."

King Qing shook his head.

Huanghou's eyebrows sank and he said: "In this case, there is indeed something fishy about this matter."

Prince You said: "So this time, we hope that the Huanghou Mansion will assist us in the investigation. If there is really something wrong in the Huanggong Palace, His Majesty has said that it can be killed. At that time, the rebellion may be wiped out with the help of your Huanghou Mansion's troops!"

Huang Hou said: "This is natural. The Black Xuan Army of the Huang Hou Mansion is under the command of Da Xia, so it naturally obeys your Majesty's orders completely. Do you need me to call all the senior officials from Huangzhou Academy to the Hou Mansion now?"


"No, we plan to go there in person, what do third brothers think?" King Qing looked at King You.

"I have no opinion."

There was no disagreement between these two people regarding the verification matter. After all, this was something the Emperor wanted to investigate personally, and both of them had to find out the truth.

"Okay, your two highnesses will have breakfast at my place first, and then we will go to the Huangzhou Academy."

Huanghou could only comply with the wishes of the two of them.

After having breakfast at Huanghou Mansion, Huanghou led people to clear the way, and a group of people rushed to Huangzhou Academy in a mighty manner.

The entrance and exit gates of Huangzhou Academy were all blocked by the Huanghou Mansion Army and the Black Xuan Army.

After the announcement of the arrival of the two princes, Ye Xingyue and the eight deans naturally came to greet them.

Prince Qing said: "Palace Master Ye, the two of us are here and have important matters to investigate. Please take us directly to the reception hall."

Both of them had serious faces, and Palace Master Ye felt a little bad in his heart, but he also guessed some reasons, which might have something to do with their sudden escape.

"Okay, please, Your Highnesses!"

The Lord of the Night Palace stood up and invited the two of them to the reception hall.

A group of people set off directly to the reception hall.

In the main hall, after entering the hall, King Qing and King You were sitting on the two main seats at the top at the same time, while Hou Huang was sitting below and listening.

Below, the Lord of the Night Palace and the eight deans were all standing respectfully. On both sides of the palace, there were two rows of ten strong men standing. They were all King You and the people brought by King Qing, all of whom were beyond Lingxiao.

The terrifying strong man.

This chapter has been completed!
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