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Chapter 142 Brass Ring

 After completing the drawing of the first talisman in his life, Chen Mobai was very happy.

Taking advantage of this feeling of success, he drew ten more pictures in succession, failing three times and succeeding seven times.

Just when he was about to continue consolidating, he felt dizzy.

"Although drawing talismans does not consume much spiritual energy, it consumes a lot of mental energy. You must not exceed your limit. You need to combine work and rest."

Luan Jingsheng on the side stopped Chen Mobai from continuing to draw and explained the reason.

"Thank you."

Chen Mobai stopped, looked at the weather outside and it was getting late, and took Luan Jingsheng to have dinner.

After returning to his cave, he did not go to Qingguang Island in the Tianhe Realm. Instead, he had a good night's rest using the "Nurturing Mind and Casting Divine Technique".

Early the next morning, as the sun was rising, he continued to transform pure Yang spiritual power.

Chen Mobai has completed a small part of the spiritual power transformation of the Five Elements Kung Fu, his spiritual consciousness is running, and the spiritual power whirlpool in the Dantian Qi Sea has been divided into two.

After running the route of the Qi Training Chapter of the Pure Yang Volume and refining the rich spiritual energy gathered after taking the Qi-Building Spiritual Water into the small spiritual vortex, Chen Mobai slowly opened his eyes.

After finishing my work, I checked the time and it was still early.

He took out his pen, ink, paper and inkstone and drew the "Susheng Talisman" again.

A night's rest and half a day's practice put him in very good condition, and he was successful the first three times.

Until the fourth time, due to carelessness, I did not dip the ink fully, and when I drew the next stroke, the lines suddenly faded, resulting in failure.

However, Chen Mobai didn't care about this.

He felt that he had mastered this talisman. After dipping in ink and successfully drawing another picture, he put down the green bamboo pen.

Drawing talisman is very labor-intensive. After drawing five pictures in a row, he felt a little tired.

After lunch.

He meditated to regain his energy, closed the door, took out his mobile phone and teleported to Qingguang Island in the Tianhe world again.

The harvest of the white jade bell made Chen Mobai very interested in picking up things.

He felt that there should be many undamaged magic weapons scattered everywhere on Qingguang Island. Last time, he came here at night to hide himself, and the range he could see was limited. This time, he simply teleported during the day.

Come here.

After exiting the cave.

Chen Mobai took three talismans on his body to hide his figure, and then walked again along the route he searched last time. Finally, he searched carefully for an afternoon in Fangshi, which had mostly collapsed, but there was no such thing.

Good luck.

Nothing was found.

The main reason is that too many wooden buildings in Fangshi have collapsed, and he doesn't dare to take action.

The sound of lifting up wooden sticks and rocks might attract the attention of the Black Plague Bird.

He can come to this place an unlimited number of times and search slowly. Although the efficiency is a bit slow, he will be able to search them all one day.

When the sun was approaching sunset, Chen Mobai arrived at the place where the Shenmu Sect's teleportation array was.

The fighting in this area is definitely the most intense.

The ground is still dark red, and further up is the gnawed hilltop, which is the source of Qingguang Island's spiritual veins. The Shenmu Sect spent tens of thousands of spiritual stones to cultivate the third-level spiritual veins.

It’s a pity that it’s gone now. I don’t know whether the people of the Shenmu Sect drained the spiritual veins with the Tianmu Divine Light Array, or whether it was killed by a powerful monster and destroyed on the island.

Chen Mobai walked one by one along the edge of the ruins of the spiritual veins that had been chewed into huge holes, like volcanic craters.

Here, he discovered another harvest.

A faint golden light flickered in the soil and came into view.


His eyes moved over and fell on the inside of the pit, carefully looking at the golden luster.

Fortunately, we came during the day. The afterglow of the setting sun fell on the thing, causing it to shine with an inconspicuous light. Chen Mobai walked over again and happened to see it.

I can only say that I am very lucky.

However, to be cautious, he did not dare to walk into this pit.

But there is no rope in the schoolbag, so how to get that thing over?

Do you want to come back tomorrow?

After thinking for a while, Chen Mobai patted his head and opened the needle box that he had not used for a long time.

A row of flying needles rose up, and under the control of magnetism, they criss-crossed into a palm-sized shelf. They flew into the soil where the light was, picked up the items, wrapped them and brought them in front of their eyes.

The Cleansing Technique was activated, the sand fell, and the golden color revealed its true appearance.

This is a brass ring.

The workmanship is very simple, it can even be said to be a bit rough. It is just cast into a ring shape and can be put on the finger. There are many scratches on the outer surface. I don't know if they are there originally or they were knocked on later.


The inside of the brass ring is very smooth...

Chen Mobai stretched out a finger and pressed it. Although it was metal, it was not very hard and felt very comfortable when pressed.

But he didn't dare to put it on.

Who knows what this brass ring is used for, maybe it is used for imprisonment and suppression.

I don’t even dare to inject spiritual power to try the effect.

It's better to take it back and let Wu Wan identify it.

I hope he won’t ask where this magic weapon came from. However, after Wu Wan failed to establish the foundation, his behavior was still in line with Chen Mobai’s wishes.

But it won't work like this all the time. After all, it is foreseeable that he will harvest many magic weapons in the Tianhe world in the future. No matter how tight Wu Wan's mouth is, the more people know about it, the more likely he will be exposed.

How about finding another treasurer to appraise this brass ring?

Or, should you systematically learn the knowledge of treasure appraisal by yourself?

After putting the brass ring into his coat pocket, Chen Mobai suddenly had a thought in his mind.

But he immediately shook his head.

Now that I haven’t even started using talismans yet, how can I be distracted from learning about treasure appraisal and weapon refining?

After being admitted to the Wuqi Taoist Academy, the next primary goal is to worship the Shenmu Sect, obtain the Foundation Building Pill, and the "Two Phase Skills" that can increase the success rate of forming the pill.

Next, before the sky completely darkened, Chen Mobai walked around the entrance of the cave again, but it seemed that his luck had run out and he never found the complete magic weapon again.

After returning, he sent a message to Wu Wan and asked about the progress of the appraisal of the white jade bell. The latter seemed to be busy and came back half an hour later.

It is said to be more difficult than expected, and the training techniques are very unorthodox.

Chen Mobai knew that it might be because the weapon refining techniques in the Tianhe Realm were different from those in the Immortal Sect, and he understood very well and told him not to be anxious and just take his time.

However, in this case, Wu Wan will definitely not be able to identify this brass ring in a short time.

Now let him concentrate on the white jade bell.

The next month.

Chen Mobai works hard at both ends, practicing Qi and drawing talismans at Danzhu Academy every day, and also works hard to pick up things from Qingguang Island in Tianhe Realm.

But apart from a blue patterned handkerchief, there was nothing else to gain.

In terms of drawing talismans, there was not much progress, so we could only ask Luan Jingsheng for advice. The latter carefully looked at the remaining four kinds of talismans in the Shenmu Sect, but discovered something that surprised Chen Mobai.


This chapter has been completed!
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