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Chapter 21: Spiritual Root Theory

The Imperial Medical Palace conducted a lot of research on the relationship between spiritual roots and cultivation speed, and finally wrote a medical manual called "Linggen Theory".

Research shows that there is a direct proportional relationship between spiritual root attribute points and cultivation speed.

Every monk born normally, with sufficient innate vitality, has 100 points of spiritual root attributes, which are then divided into five elements of attributes based on luck, which is the "spiritual root" that every monk has.

The attributes of the Five Elements Spiritual Roots determine the efficiency of practicing the exercises.

For example, if there is a genius with amazing luck, all 100 points are allocated to the wood element spiritual root, which is the legendary perfect wood element heaven spirit root, then his ability to practice wood attribute skills is twice that of ordinary people.

It originally took 100 years to practice, but it only took him 50 years.

Chen Mobai's current spiritual roots are: 23 gold, 27 wood, 30 water, 17 fire, and 10 earth.

Taking his current highest water-attribute spiritual root as an example, if he practiced Black Water Kung Fu and incorporated the formula of spiritual root theory, the efficiency of refining spiritual energy would be only 1.3 times that of ordinary people.

Of course, the specific efficiency of cultivation depends on the concentration of spiritual energy, the monk's mentality, and whether there are auxiliary spiritual objects, etc., which cannot be generalized.

Calculated under the most ideal condition, according to Chen Mobai's talent, it would take at least half a year to break through to the sixth level of Qi training using Five Elements Kung Fu.

However, Shuifu is a second-level mid-level spiritual land, and the concentration of spiritual energy is five or six times that of the first-level high-level spiritual land. Compared with being at school or at home, the efficiency of cultivation here is improved like a rocket.

However, even so, due to the limitations of his spiritual roots, according to Chen Mobai's previous calculations, he would still need a hundred days, nearly before the college entrance examination, to be able to reach the sixth level of Qi training.

This was before watching the video of Master Qingping’s lecture.

Master Yuanying is worthy of being Master Yuanying. Even if he only explains the most basic Five Elements Kung Fu, he has talked about a lot of irrelevant things in a long way, but after really getting into the practical content of the skills, let Chen

Mo Bai instantly felt a sudden enlightenment.

It turns out that when the spiritual power circulates to this meridian, it can be easily opened and unblocked by rotating left-hand seven times in the acupoints.

When absorbing spiritual energy through the three orifices of the mouth and nose, it is necessary to go back and forth repeatedly at the twelve levels of the throat. This way, the impurities in the external spiritual energy can be trapped with the help of the twelve nodes and do not enter the meridians of the body until the throat is completely cleared.

This mouthful of exhaust gas spits out.

Another example is that after the spiritual energy is refined and merged into the sea of ​​​​Qi in the Dantian, it can be entered in a right-turn manner.

Because right-hand rotation is clockwise and forward, it can help condense spiritual power, and future foundation building is to turn spiritual power into liquid. Taking this step in advance can increase the success rate of future foundation building by 10%.

In the same way, left-hand rotation means reverse and dispersion. Spiritual power cannot rush through some relatively blocked and narrow meridians. It needs to be dispersed and turned into soft Qi to advance slowly.

After completing the practice, Chen Mobai watched the previous video on the first and second levels of Five Elements Gong Qi training again, only to realize how rough his understanding of this basic technique was.

Seeing that it was almost morning, he reluctantly turned off his phone.

But this night, when he was practicing, he had used the offline download function to download all 28 videos of Master Qingping explaining the Five Elements Kung Fu to his mobile phone.

This offline download function is also a permission only available to users with level three or above of auxiliary cultivation. Chen Mobai is now a level five user, so it is no problem.

But just in case, when he went to class today, he turned off the mobile network on his mobile phone to avoid being called by operators who assisted in cultivation.

"Did you know that Yan Bingxuan dropped out of school?"

In the morning, before the teacher came in, his deskmate Lu Hongsheng mysteriously approached Chen Mobai, and then he still couldn't hide the matter and told the explosive news directly.

"Hey, why, the college entrance examination is about to take place now. Is she going to drop out of school because she lost to Song Zheng and couldn't bear the blow?"

"It's very possible that she is usually aloof. She lost her face this time and simply dropped out of school."

"It shouldn't be, it's not like she has never lost before."

"Maybe he used dropping out of school as an excuse to secretly work hard at home."

The two beauties at the front table also came over, and those at the back table were not to be left alone. In an instant, a gossip circle was formed with Chen Mobai and Lu Hongsheng as the center.

Chen Mobai could only roll his eyes. In the past, he would have participated, but now that he is in his third year of high school, it is when he needs to work hard, so he is too lazy to waste time on gossip.

He wants to be a blockbuster and soar into the sky...

At this moment, Yan Bingxuan walked in, and the gossip circle instantly became quiet.

Looking over with cold eyes, Chen Mobai said that he was innocent and did not participate in the discussion at all. But Dame Yan just looked at her coldly for two seconds, then returned to her seat and silently put her I packed my things, picked up my blue schoolbag and left the classroom.

The classroom was silent for about ten seconds, and then everyone started talking loudly and whispering to each other.

The classmates who were originally hesitant about Lu Hongsheng's news couldn't help but cast surprised glances at them, making Chen Mobai's deskmate raise his chest high and look proud.

There was a click.

Chen Mobai stood up and moved his chair to drag the floor, making a sound.

"Where are you going? Class is about to begin."

Lu Hongsheng asked strangely.

"I forgot my textbook. Go to the library to borrow it."

After Chen Mobai finished saying this, he avoided the more outrageous gossip speculation that started to be discussed. There was no other way. The people at the back table had already imagined a love-hate relationship between the two geniuses, Song Zheng and Yan Bingxuan. Qiu is enough to be made into a twenty-episode TV series.

He really couldn't listen anymore.

He happened to be going to the library to borrow a textbook on Five Elements Exercise, so he just started.

Xianmen Fifth High School has a small library with a collection of more than 3,000 books. It contains some commonly used biographies and history, books about the customs and customs of Danxia City, as well as some small magic books, exercise books, and elixirs that can be self-study. , utensils, formations, etc.

Although the highest level is only the first level, the basic content in all aspects is complete. If there is a diligent person who can read and understand all the books in this library, then he can take the first level array master, alchemist, and treasure appraiser exams. Teacher professional certificate is a no-brainer.

Unfortunately, almost no one comes to this library.

In this age, who still reads paper books?

Only those who forget to bring their textbooks will come here to borrow them for half a day using their student cards and return them after school.

If Chen Mobai hadn't wanted to spend 10 points to download the electronic version of Five Elements Gong from the Xianmen National Electronic Library, he would not have come to this library to borrow it.

Yesterday, he benefited a lot from Master Qingping's lecture, but when he reviewed the previous content, he found that it was a bit unclear and felt that it was necessary to make up the lesson again with the original textbook of Five Elements Exercise and the video content.

"One copy of Five Elements Exercises, debit with student card, free within one month."

The person who manages the library is a teacher wearing round glasses. She skillfully took Chen Mobai's student card and swiped it.

Just as Chen Mobai thanked him and left, a person suddenly walked in at the door of the library.

This chapter has been completed!
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