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Chapter 409: Income from Two Worlds

Meng Huanger thought that she was too useless, so even if she borrowed Chen Mobai's great luck, the foundation building would still fail.

After hearing this, Chen Mobai shook his head and spoke to comfort him.

"The most important thing for you now is to recover from your physical injuries and try to be able to attack the foundation building again before graduating next year."

After Meng Huanger heard this, a look of frustration appeared on her face. She lowered her head and remained silent, as if she no longer had any confidence in herself.

"This is the origin of the critical method, the Jade Lock Golden Pass Technique. You can take a good look at it when you are practicing. It was only after I understood this that I understood all the mysteries of the critical method."

Chen Mobai handed a book that he had read in the Taoist library to Meng Huanger's bedside. When the latter heard this, his originally dim eyes lit up with a glimmer of light. After he reached out and took it,

Thank you again to the handsome young man in front of you.

"Are you always so serious? Very few people would look at this."

Meng Huanger asked softly.

Since the skills in the Immortal Sect can be easily obtained, and some upper-level monks will update them in a timely manner for the sake of the general public after gaining new understandings, so when downloading online, many people will choose the version with the latest update time.


Since the critical method was created, Xianmen has updated at least hundreds of versions.

Many people may look for the latest versions to compare, but for people like Chen Mobai who still practice the original ancient method of Jade Lock Golden Pass, Meng Huanger heard it for the first time.

"At that time, when I was searching for critical method practice experience on the auxiliary practice software, I happened to see a post saying that it was useful, so I practiced it seriously and succeeded by accident."

Chen Mobai told the truth, but he did not reveal that he succeeded in practicing medicine after taking the Spirit-Enlightening Pill.

"Oh, is there still this post?"

As a software that is more popular among middle- and lower-class monks among the immortal sect, it is quite famous for assisting in cultivation. Meng Huanger also downloaded it. She also searched for the content of critical method cultivation, but did not notice it.

Chen Mobai pointed her to Tian Wenguang's post. Although the most important part at the back was hidden and could not be viewed, the previous content undoubtedly verified his words.

This post has very few views due to permissions, so it is ranked very low. If Chen Mobai hadn't habitually filtered from high permissions to low permissions, he wouldn't have noticed.

“How can I contact this poster?”

After hearing Chen Mobai's successful experience, Meng Huang'er had placed her hope of practicing the Critical Technique on the Jade Lock Golden Pass Technique, so after reading the first part, she became even more interested in what was hidden behind it.

"Send him a private message and see if he gets a reply."

Chen Mobai naturally knew that this person was Tian Wenguang, a graduate of the Imperial Medical Palace, but he certainly could not reveal that he had high authority, so he asked Meng Huanger to directly send a private message to the poster using his own account in the background.

Tian Wenguang's account on the auxiliary training software is called "Lone Ranger". Meng Huanger edited the text in very polite language and said that she wanted to teach him the successful experience of practicing the Jade Lock Golden Pass Technique.

However, it is obvious that Tian Wenguang, as the deputy director of a tertiary hospital, is not holding a mobile phone all the time, so after sending this private message, there was no reply.

"Let's wait and see after some time. Maybe you will understand the Jade Lock and Golden Pass secret by then."

Chen Mobai saw that Meng Huanger's mood was much better, and there seemed to be hope in her eyes. She felt relieved and said a few words of relief.

"Well, let me see for myself first. By the way, didn't you say that a friend from the Imperial Medical Palace has also mastered it? Does he have any tips?"

Meng Huanger obviously has not forgotten Chen Mobai's comforting words to her. Now she regards the Jade Lock and Golden Pass as her last hope. Seeing Chen Mobai getting up to leave, she couldn't help but ask.

"Although they are friends, they are just casual acquaintances. I mentioned it to him, but I won't have time to discuss it in detail until after the new year."

Chen Mobai told the truth. Although Meng Huanger was disappointed, she still had a smile on her face and expressed her gratitude to him.

"Thanks a lot."

After Chen Mobai left the hospital, he booked a flight ticket back to Danxia City.

At the end of the year, the two talisman factories in his hometown still had some things that he needed to deal with.

First of all, there were several loans when he first opened the puppet factory. The interest had to be paid at the end of the year, and there was another loan that needed to be extended. Since the amount was a bit large, he would not be able to get it done if he didn't go.

After Chen Mobai returned to Danxia City, he first counted his income from Xianmen this year.

First of all, Feitian Talisman Factory, due to the puppet factory, changed its high-end product production route according to his requirements, and only produced second-level talisman paper and talisman ink.

Although Feitian Talisman Factory has skilled employees, without the leadership of Wu Shangru, a senior talisman maker, the jasper talismans produced can only barely guarantee the second level.

This jasper talisman paper was originally priced at 500 good deeds per piece, but because the quality was so average, even at the lowest price among the second-level talisman papers, it was still difficult to sell.

At the end of the year, Tang Pancui looked at the accounts and became extremely worried.

This year's profit has dropped significantly. If the second-level Chixia Fumo hadn't been selling well, I'm afraid we would still be losing money.

But even so, the general ledger at the end of the year showed that there was only a profit of 100,000 from good deeds.

This made Tang Pancui, the boss lady in charge, very anxious.

"Son, why don't we let the workers continue making first-level talismans next year? At least we can make some money."

Chen Mobai took a talisman pen and kept writing and drawing on the workbench. He was analyzing the talisman of Qitianzhi, and Tang Pancui came over and made a suggestion.

"This skill relies on practice. I saw that the quality of the batches of talisman paper at the end of the year and the beginning of the year has been greatly improved. If I give Director Pan another year, I hope that the jasper talisman paper can stabilize the second-level low-grade ones next year.


This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Chen Mobai doesn't care at all whether Feitian Talisman Factory can make money. Anyway, he can take the unsold talisman paper to Donghuang.

Moreover, things like talisman paper can be stored for decades if the storage conditions are proper.

His puppet factory was operating at full capacity this year. After deducting the efficiency of normal puppet losses, a total of 3.6 million first-class talisman papers were produced.

Among them, Liu Wenbai, the great disciple in the East Wasteland, runs the five major cities of the founding of the People's Republic of China. He has cooperated with major talisman paper shops and has spread to the four countries under the command of the Shenmu Sect, with a total of 500,000 pieces shipped throughout the year.

This income alone is more than 40,000 spiritual stones.

It's just that Chen Mobai was a little overestimated about the consumption power of Donghuang. He took a million talisman papers this year. He originally thought he could sell them all, but he didn't know that Shenmu Sect's Shikoku Market could only eat them.


Thanks to the low price and high quality of the talisman paper produced by his puppet factory, and everyone knows that behind Xiaonan Shanpu, he, the number one sword cultivator of the Shenmu Sect, is standing, and it is regarded as the Shenmu Sect's industry. Otherwise, such a huge turnover would have been a long time ago.

He was killed by those jealous people.

But even so, Liu Wenbai has not dared to leave the city at will in the past year, for fear of being robbed by those robbing cultivators who lick blood from their swords.

On weekdays, when going back and forth between the sect and the city, he would not hesitate to use the teleportation array at the expense of spirit stones.

Compared to the crazy sales in Donghuang, Xianmen's results are much worse.

The quality of the talisman paper produced by the Puppet Factory can only be said to be average in terms of Xianmen, and the sales volume is also average.

Feitian Talisman Factory was originally a comprehensive ecology, from first-class low-grade to second-grade low-grade, plus various categories such as gold paper, rock paper, etc., it can produce a total of thirty kinds of talisman paper, which can be produced according to the needs of channel dealers.

But this year, due to the adjustment of the industrial chain due to the puppet factory, only two types of talisman paper, the first-order high-grade and the second-order low-grade, are produced.

However, it is impossible for the channel dealers to adjust themselves because of them, so they only placed an order for 20,000 first-grade high-grade talisman papers and 1,000 second-grade low-grade jasper talisman papers that were needed in previous years.

Among them, nearly half of the jasper talisman paper was returned by the channel dealer because of poor quality.

Because of this incident, the reputation of Feitian Talisman Factory has become somewhat bad, and most of the Jasper Talisman Paper contracts for next year have been cancelled.

At the end of the year, only 2.1 million in charity were recorded in the company's account, barely maintaining capital.

If he wanted to pay the bank's loan and interest, it would definitely not be enough. Chen Mobai used this as an excuse to apply to the relevant departments for permission to sell at a reduced price.

Xianmen has a guide price for the market price of various things. You can go higher than this guide price, but not lower, so as not to disrupt the market and cause various chain reactions.

But if the company is almost unable to survive and things are piling up in the warehouse, it can apply to the Xianmen Industrial and Commercial Department for a price reduction permit.

There are currently more than two million first-level high-grade talisman papers piled in the warehouse of the puppet factory. With Chen Mobai's reputation, Danxia City's Immortal Sect didn't even send anyone over to actually check it, and they just gave the green light all the way.

With this document, Chen Mobai can sell his products below the market guide price.

He didn't go too far.

The official guide price of a first-grade top-grade talisman paper from Xianmen is 80 good merits per piece, so he applied for 70 good merits.

In any case, there are more than 200 million ordinary Qi-training monks here in the Immortal Sect. Without foundation building, every bit of good deeds needs to be calculated carefully.

Therefore, low prices are sure to capture most of the market.

In just half a month, Feitian Talisman Factory had placed orders for more than 200,000 pieces at the Xianmen.com store, which exceeded Chen Mobai's expectations.

However, at the end of the year, many companies applied for permission to reduce prices through connections. Although his 70% reduction was considered a significant reduction, there were still many competitors in the market.

From then on, sales began to plummet.

But even so, the previous sales of 200,000 talisman papers have provided Feitian Talisman Factory with 14 million in income from good deeds.

Since there is no labor cost, and the raw material of the pulp is Chiyang Lingmu from the Mysterious Realm of the Sacred Tree, which is also cost-free, the 14 million is almost a net profit.

Tang Pancui was a little dissatisfied and wanted to use some preferential policies such as buy ten and get one free to stimulate sales.

But Chen Mobai thought about it and shook his head in refusal.

This is in Xianmen, so it's better to keep a low profile.

And if the buy-ten-get-one-free offer starts at this time, the majority of customers who bought the 200,000 tickets before will definitely be dissatisfied and feel that they have lost money.

Maybe someone will refund or return the product out of anger, which will make it even more troublesome.

Although Chen Mobai is not unable to provide replacements, things like talisman paper need to be stored for a long time and cannot be sold out here. Over at Tianhe Realm, when Xiaonanshanpu is expanded to the entire Eastern Wilderness, it is estimated that more than three million pieces will be sold every year.

The talisman paper is not enough.

Therefore, after making a lot of money, Chen Mobai still maintained the price of 70 good works, which was a good ending to this year.

After this large amount of good deeds are obtained, the taxes paid to the Xianmen official can be deducted, and the first two loans from Xianmen Bank can be repaid.

One of them was Chen Mobai's 5 million good deeds using the Feitian Talisman Factory as collateral to purchase elixirs from Yanshou Academy.

The latter amount was guaranteed by Qin Baipeng, which was considered as the Immortal Sect's policy support for him, a foundation-building monk, to settle down. It was also five million.

After paying off these two loans, Chen Mobai was left with the mortgage of Liu Yang Shen Huo Jing.

If we have another year-end sale like this next year, we will probably be debt-free.

On the Immortal Sect side, Chen Mobai plans to play it slow and steady.

Feitian Talisman Factory continues to research second-level talisman paper and talisman ink. Good quality ones will be sold to customers here, and those that are returned will be taken to Xiaonanshanpu.

However, in order to avoid mistakes, Chen Mobai still asked Feitian Talisman Factory to sign an order for 200,000 pieces of talisman paper raw materials with the spiritual wood supplier in Yumu City next door.

After all, it would take at least three or four years for the spiritual trees in his own fire-poisoned land to grow and be harvested.

If there is no sign of the purchase of raw materials for your puppet factory, it will definitely arouse suspicion over time. Even if you can save your face, it will definitely leave traces on the relevant departments.

It is announced to the outside world that the annual output of the puppet factory can only be so much, and that the more than three million talisman papers produced every year are all dumped to the East Wasteland.

The four kingdoms under Shenmu Sect can consume 500,000 talisman papers a year. If the entire Eastern Wasteland is used as the market, the output should be just right.

Chen Mobai, who was thinking like this, also felt that if these talismans were placed here at the Immortal Sect, it might expose the puppet factory's production capacity, so he simply worked hard and moved them all to Xiaonan Mountain.

Then he called his eldest disciple Liu Wenbai over, pointed at the mountains of snow-white talismans, and indicated that these were for his safekeeping.

"Disciples will definitely live up to Master's expectations."

Liu Wenbai looked shocked at first, then called Zhuo Ming and Luo Yixuan, and the three of them worked together to move the talismans to the warehouse at the foot of the mountain.

"Master, this is the income from the five cities in the founding of the country last year. After deducting the store rent and market fees, there are a total of 38,672 low-grade spiritual stones."

After moving the talismans, Liu Wenbai came up the mountain again and handed a storage bag to Chen Mobai with both hands.

"Okay, okay, thank you for your hard work."

After Chen Mobai took it, he found that most of them had been exchanged for medium-grade spiritual stones. He couldn't help but feel more satisfied with this great disciple and nodded frequently.

This apprentice is also like him.

He took out a thousand spiritual stones and gave them to Liu Wenbai. The latter was a little flattered and didn't dare to accept it for a while.

It is natural for apprentices here in Donghuang to work for their master, and it is normal not to get paid.

However, after so many years, the three apprentices also understood Chen Mobai's character. After some delay, Liu Wenbai accepted it excitedly.

Although he is also a member of a noble family, these one thousand spiritual stones are still a considerable sum for the noble family.

"Thank you, Master. By the way, the steward from the Tianding Restaurant came to my head and said that he wanted to cooperate with our Xiaonanshan Shop in the supply of spiritual wine."

In Liu Wenbai's excitement, he did not forget another thing. Xiaonanshan Shop mainly sells talisman paper, spiritual rice, and spiritual wine.

Among them, the talisman paper is the most popular, but the unique spiritual wine and spiritual rice are also favored by many monks.

Occasionally, some casual cultivators would bring the spiritual wine from Xiaonan Shanpu to eat in the Tian Dining Restaurant. When the number of times increased, they would be discovered by the steward, who then found Liu Wenbai. After tasting all the spiritual wine, he felt that it was very good, so he

Proposed an intention to cooperate with Liu Wenbo.

"Leave some for me, and discuss the rest with Zhuo Ming to see what price is right."

If you can earn spiritual stones, you will definitely not refuse.

"Master, Tiandinlou requires exclusive agency, which means that if we reach a cooperation with them, we will not be able to sell wine."

Liu Wenbai said something that made Chen Mobai stunned, and then he sneered and said.

"Reject them."

This chapter has been completed!
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