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383. Divine Beast

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The monster whose body was filled with flames stared at a pair of red eyes, sprayed out two streams of white air from its nostrils, and glared at Lu Chen and Zhao Zhenxian, as if it was issuing some kind of warning.

"What kind of monster is this!" Lu Chen was shocked and angry when he saw such a handsome monster for the first time.

Unexpectedly, there was a monster guarding the cave. Lu Chen had not expected this, so when he just rushed up, he was caught off guard and was knocked backwards by the claw of the flame monster.

Zhao Zhenxian stared at the flame monster and said solemnly: "The legendary beast, the fire unicorn!"

"Fire Qilin?" Lu Chen suddenly took a breath of cold air and looked confused.

The fire unicorn is said to be one of the first mythical beasts born since the beginning of the world.

Together with the four guardian beasts of Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku and Xuanwu, it is also known as the five auspicious beasts of Kyushu. It is a rare existence.

In the eyes of secular people, there are many rumors about them.

It is said that once this fire unicorn is born, it possesses the terrifying strength of the innate realm. It is invulnerable with scale armor, can spit out flames, melt gold and iron, and can even command all the beasts in the world.

The essence and blood in Fire Qilin's body contains extremely strong spiritual energy, which can not only heal injuries and heal the body, but also greatly increase the strength of the warrior.

It is definitely a king-level existence among monsters.

However, in some ancient books about recording monsters, there are very few descriptions of fire unicorns.

When this fire unicorn appeared in Kyushu, it appeared twice in total.

The first time was during the tribal era, when the world collapsed, natural disasters continued, and all kinds of monsters plundered, causing trouble for everyone.

Monsters in the world are divided into four major categories: birds, beasts, aquatic species, and insects!

These monsters are just like humans, some are good and some are bad, some have a gentle temperament, and some have a violent and murderous temperament.

Monsters are cruel in nature, and the vast majority are cruel and murderous.

In the tribal era, the sky and the earth collapsed, sea water poured in, and there were chaos and disasters. A large number of murderous and cruel monsters emerged in many parts of the world.

Mad, causing trouble, killing human beings everywhere and devouring flesh and blood.

At that time, human beings were just in their budding primitive state. They were weak and struggled to survive in the cracks. Tribes of various sizes huddled together for warmth, but they were still constantly threatened by monsters and beasts, which made human life miserable and the people miserable.

At this time, five divine beasts emerged from the sky, carrying a heart of justice to kill those evil beasts everywhere, eradicate chaos, quell natural disasters, and protect the peace of mankind.

Some people are able to survive precisely because of the protection of these mythical beasts.

These monster beasts are like chivalrous warriors in legends, protecting humans and bringing blessings for thousands of miles. Their great achievements have achieved an unshakable status in the hearts of mankind. Later, in order to thank these mythical beasts for their contribution to mankind, the people placed

He paid tribute and three animals to thank them, and respectfully called them auspicious beasts, begging them to bless the people of Kyushu with good weather and good harvests.

Since then, these five-headed beasts seem to have gone into seclusion and no longer appear in the secular world.

The second time this fire unicorn appeared was in the prehistoric forest, and that was during the dynasty era a thousand years ago.

Some people have learned that the essence and blood of this mythical beast can extend people's life, nourish muscles and bones, and have the miraculous effect of enhancing one's physical strength. Countless people are crazy about it and flock to it, and all the major warlord families are also ready to take possession of it.

That year, hundreds of warriors went out in full force and rushed into the wilderness wildly, using various insidious means to search for the sacred beast Fire Qilin.

Fire Qilin is an auspicious beast in the world, possessing extraordinary intelligence. Knowing that these humans had evil intentions to deal with it, it hid everywhere, but was later found and persecuted by humans. Fire Qilin suddenly went crazy and began to slaughter a large number of humans wantonly.

For a time, there were countless casualties, causing a huge sensation in Kyushu.

It's a pity that there are too many powerful humans, and they are constantly rushing towards it, all wanting to catch it, extract its essence and blood, and satisfy their own selfish interests.

The fire unicorn was surrounded by humans for seven days and seven nights. Although it killed a large number of humans in a rage, it was also seriously injured.

Just when it was dying, a strong human suddenly came and killed all the people who were surrounding it, then fled with it, and finally disappeared.

The fire unicorn in front of me is a legendary beast. It can be said that it is a treasure, and its strength is definitely at the peak innate level.

Lu Chen went head-to-head with it. Not to mention that he was seriously injured now. Even in peak condition, he probably wouldn't be its match.

"Yes, this is the Fire Qilin, one of the five auspicious beasts. I haven't seen it in nearly a thousand years, but I didn't expect it to appear here! No wonder the snow sculptures and gale condors were frightened when they flew here.

Yes, most of the reason is because it appeared here." Zhao Zhenxian said with a serious face.

Lu Chen stood up slowly and said in surprise: "Why does it keep looking at us and why doesn't it attack anymore?"

"The fire unicorn can feel the good and evil of human beings and has justice in its heart. It is an auspicious beast. It will only attack humans unless someone has evil intentions. If we don't take the initiative to provoke it, it shouldn't leave the cave to cause trouble for us!" Zhao Zhenxian said.

Lu Chen pondered for a while: "So that's it. Fortunately, this fire unicorn is not one of those bloodthirsty and cruel monsters, otherwise we would definitely be in trouble today!"

"This fire unicorn is guarding the entrance of this cave. There should be very important secrets hidden inside." Zhao Zhenxian said in a serious tone.

Lu Chen smiled calmly: "This is the best!"

"What do you mean?" Zhao Zhenxian frowned.

Lu Chen smiled and said: "Since this fire unicorn will not attack humans on its own initiative, let's find a place to rest first. When my strength recovers, I can explore the secrets in this cave."

"That's all we can do now. Fire Qilin's strength is more terrifying than we imagined. We're not completely sure, so it's better not to provoke it rashly." Zhao Zhenxian also agreed with his idea.

Lu Chen said: "Of course, the area around this foggy mountain is inaccessible, and birds and animals are hard to find. We have escaped the pursuit of the giant tower, which just gives us a buffer time!"

"Well, let's wait until you recover from your injuries. If you want to leave this foggy mountain, you must break into this cave!" Zhao Zhenxian glanced at the fire unicorn guarding the entrance of the cave.

Lu Chen nodded: "Let's go!" After saying that, he took his weapons and staggered towards the foot of the mountain.

Fire Qilin stood at the entrance of the cave, staring majestically at the two humans who were slowly walking down with a pair of red eyes. A strange light flashed in the beast's eyes.

After Lu Chen and Zhao Zhenxian left the cave, they did not leave the black mountain range, so they found a narrow cave in the dark mountain forest to live temporarily.

This black mountain range is not only scorched black, but also exudes extremely high temperatures. If an ordinary person walks barefoot on it, a layer of skin will be burned off the soles of their feet.

Fortunately, Lu Chen and Zhao Zhenxian are both innate peak powerhouses, so the high temperature cannot harm them.

The narrow cave is pitch black and the temperature is much cooler than outside, so there is no problem for two people living there.

After Lu Chen went in, he directly crossed his legs and adjusted his breathing. The continuous fighting in the past few days consumed a lot of his energy and he needed to rest in time.

Zhao Zhenxian was not idle. She went outside to chop a pile of wood and came back. She lit a bonfire in the cave and illuminated the dark cave brightly.

Bipei, bipei... The dry firewood burned, making a small burst of sound from time to time, and splashing out scattered sparks.

Zhao Zhenxian fell to the side and looked carefully at Lu Chen's sharp face. She couldn't help but think about what Aunt Qing had said in the past.

"Zhen'er, please remember that you are the last bloodline of the Zhao family. Your mission in this life is to support the Zhao family and revitalize the Zhao Dynasty!"

"In everything, put the overall situation first, and don't be affected by the personal affairs of your children. If you want to achieve great things, you must give up some things, including feelings!"

"One general's achievements lead to thousands of bones being withered. Every emperor in history has his hands stained with blood, and every emperor has not walked on the bones of countless people!"

"Zhen'er, your future is the mountains and rivers thousands of miles away, the country, the country, and the people of the world! You are not an ordinary woman, because you are the owner of the Phoenix Tower and the future master of a country!"

Recalling these words, like needles and threads, intertwined in Zhao Zhenxian's heart, making it a mess.

Suddenly, she thought how nice it would be to be an ordinary woman, to accompany her beloved man, to find a paradise in the world, to have a husband and children, and grow old together.

It's a pity that she is not an ordinary woman, she is the high-ranking and respected His Highness the Phoenix King.

We cannot ignore the arduous mission of reviving the Zhao family for the sake of selfishness.

Lu Chen concentrated his energy, held Yuan Shouyi, and kept running the Dragon Python Swallowing Yuan Jue, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, turning it into wisps of weak air currents, and drilling into the 108 acupoints around his body.

These acupoints are like checkpoints for the human body to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. The more checkpoints that are opened, the faster the absorption speed.

Moreover, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth around this black mountain range is extremely abundant, at least twice that of the outside world, and the recovery speed is more than twice as fast as usual.

The innate true energy in the Dantian rotates slowly, constantly absorbing and refining the spiritual energy from the outside world, and then turns into streams of innate true energy that circulates throughout the body, limbs and bones.

His innate true essence is divided into two innate true essences with different attributes, one is the blazing red fire true essence, and the other is the gentle soft water true essence.

The blazing red fire essence flows over, calcining the skin of the muscles and bones again and again, just like tempering steel. All the congestion and impurities accumulated in the muscles and veins are burned away, turning into wisps of white mist and expelled from the body from the Baihui point.

Afterwards, the gentle soft water essence repairs the body again and again, constantly nourishing the damaged muscles, bones and internal organs.

This soft water essence contains extremely high repairing ability. It is the essence of refining the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It has a powerful effect in nourishing muscles and bones, and repairing damaged flesh and blood.

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