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426. General Zamba (Are there any surprises!)

After Batu left the Cangya tribe, he rode a fast horse straight to the south. About half an hour later, he arrived at a cavalry barracks a hundred miles away with over ten thousand people stationed there.

This military camp belongs to an elite army of the Blood Wolf tribe. It is equipped with cavalry, infantry, archers, and a large amount of luggage. It conducts daily training every day and is ready to go out to plunder weak tribes at any time. The general who leads this army is named Suoji.


Batu came to the front of the military camp and was intercepted directly behind the gate of the military camp. He reluctantly took out a piece of broken silver and handed it to a brother guarding the gate, asking the other party to inform him and find Lord Zamba.

The guard got the money, weighed it, and ran into the military camp happily, where he found a centurion named Zamba.

Zamba is a man in his forties, with a fat head and big ears, a bald head, a braid on the back of his head, rings on both sides of his ears, a full beard, and thick, furry clothes and armor.

After leaving the military camp, he took Batu directly to his military tent, and then asked him why he came here when he had nothing to do.

Batu seems to be honest and honest, but he is actually an informant planted by Zamba from outside, who is responsible for identifying the weak forces on the grassland, or the fat sheep walking alone on the grassland.

If this happens, Batu will rush over immediately to report, and then Zamba will lead someone to solve the problem, and the remuneration will be divided into 28 cents.

On the grassland, a family of soldiers and bandits were in chaos.

"Brother Zamba, good news, I found a big fat sheep!" Batu stood respectfully in front of the other party with a flattering expression.

Zamba sat cross-legged on a chopping board, stabbed a piece of barbecue with a dagger, and said casually: "I found some fat sheep, tell me about it!"

"This afternoon, a guest from our tribe came. He was received by Gulita of our tribe. After having dinner at Gulita's house, he casually threw a gold ingot to the other party. It was a generous move!"

"When he first came here, he was dressed like a beggar. The villain thought he was a homeless man on the grassland! Unexpectedly, he was not amazing in appearance. The villain concluded that this man must have a lot of gold ingots in his hand. What he said

You must be dressed up to deceive others." Batu rubbed his hands together and said with enthusiasm.

When Zamba heard this, he immediately stopped what he was doing, his eyes suddenly lit up, like a hungry wolf smelling the scent of meat, his eyes shone brightly: "Batu, are you sure that man has a gold ingot in his hand?"

"That's for sure. I saw it with my own eyes, and I will never dare to deceive you, my lord!" Batu said respectfully.

When Zamba heard what he said, he couldn't help but feel happy. Then he slapped the table and grinned: "Very good, Batu, this news is of some value. You really did not disappoint me."

"It is Batu's honor to serve Lord Zamba!" Batu half-knelt on the ground and said with great respect.

Zamba slapped the table, stood up with a smile, and shouted sternly: "Come here, call all the brothers over, let's go hunting!"

The so-called hunting is a slang term circulated in the military camp, which means robbery and the like.

Money moves people's hearts!

Whether on the land of Kyushu or on the vast grasslands, wealth cannot be exposed at will.

Exposing wealth can easily arouse jealousy and greed, not to mention that the forces on the grassland are more chaotic than those in Kyushu, and those large tribes have not formed an orthodox management mechanism for the people in their territories.

For those large tribes, no matter who they are, as long as they live within their tribal territory, they are under their control and jurisdiction, and they have to pay tribute every year to have a chance of survival.

Tribes that did not submit sacrifices were regarded as hostile forces and all were slaughtered.

Moreover, in addition to daily training, these large tribes sometimes run out to kill and plunder for fun.

The chaos on the grassland is unimaginable to outsiders.

"Yes, sir!" The guard outside heard the centurion's order and immediately ran out.

After a while, a murderous team of a hundred people on fast horses quickly rushed out of the military camp, followed Batu's lead, and headed straight to the direction Lu Chen left.

On a vast plain, Lu Chen was walking against the howling cold wind. Occasionally he saw a group of cavalry passing quickly across the front, leaving smoke and dust all over the ground.

Soon he walked into a dry river bed, and a green old tree appeared in his field of vision.

This riverbed occupies an extremely large area, with no end visible at a glance. It is extremely dry and cracked with palm-wide cracks everywhere. The mud inside is so hard that it can be used as bricks.

Presumably before the river here dried up, it must have been a huge lake, nourishing all living things within a radius of hundreds of miles.

In this desolate river bed, there is not a single weed or any other living thing, but miraculously a huge tree with strong vitality grows, forming an extremely beautiful scenery.

This big tree in the sky is estimated to be eight or nine feet high, with lush branches and branches, blocking out the sky and the sun. The crown of the tree is like a big umbrella, covering an area of ​​40 to 50 feet in radius.

Under the thick tree trunk that three people could hold together, there are huge roots exposed on the ground. The thinnest ones are as thick as a human wrist. There are so many of them, they look like horned dragons entrenching themselves on the ground, making them look particularly ferocious.

Lu Chen stood in front of the big tree, looking up at the ancient tree, feeling the coolness brought by the shade, and smelling the fragrance of the leaves, which was refreshing.

"The tree can grow so tall because of its perseverance!"

"It has withstood wind and rain, endured wind and rain, and survived tenaciously, relying on the root system growing in the ground!"

"The roots dig deep into the ground, absorbing nutrients, supplying them with branches and leaves, and growing vigorously!"

"If all things are intelligent beings, then this big tree is definitely the strongest among all things in the world!"

Lu Chen looked at the big tree and couldn't help but smile. If he wanted to become a strong man in the world, he must be like the big tree in front of him and have an indomitable will.

Only by paying attention to the foundation can the branches and leaves spread!

The same goes for human beings. The basis for pursuing swordsmanship is to pay attention to the strength of the body.

The stronger the body's strength, the more powerful the swordsmanship will be.

Seeing this tree, Lu Chen realized that his previous path had actually been wrong.

He was too pursuing the ultimate in swordsmanship, but he never thought that the strongest foundation of a warrior comes from the physical advantage.

Moreover, he is only twenty-three years old this year, but he has reached a level that is difficult for ordinary people to enter in their lifetime.

Improving your strength too quickly is not a good thing.

Once breakthroughs encounter bottlenecks in the future, the sequelae accumulated over the years will be exposed and become the final straw.

Tall buildings rise from the ground.

Just like building steps, you need to build them step by step instead of building directly from the middle of the mountain.

The steps are piled up step by step. Although this process is long and long, one day, they will pile up to the top of the mountain and climb up to see the distance.

He stood under the big tree and began to move his muscles and muscles, practicing with his palms and punches.

Swordsmanship in the world, different paths lead to the same goal!

Everything comes from the understanding of the mysteries of heaven and earth.

Lu Chen imagined his palms as divine swords, his legs as swords, and his straight back as a spear.

The whole person moved slowly under the big tree, striking the ground with palm after palm, sometimes as thick as a mountain, sometimes as gentle as water, sometimes as fierce as the wind.

When the fist is punched out, there is a heavy feeling, like a meteor falling to the earth, with thunder and thunder.

The palm strikes the air, as gentle as water, inclusive of all things, and unfathomable.

With a twist of the waist, the long legs swept across the world like a strong wind, and the palm skills became fast and erratic.

Several palm techniques with different moods are transformed and inherited from each other. They seem to be contradictory, but they are strangely integrated into one.

Puff puff!

The palms were slashed out, continuously creating clear cracks in the surrounding ground, and smoke and dust billowing up.

The boxing techniques and palm techniques were created by him at will, completely as he pleased.

But the strange thing is that he did not activate the innate true essence. He relied entirely on the explosive force of his body, and the destructive power formed reached a level comparable to that of the innate virtual elixir.

As Lu Chen practiced obsessively, his body seemed to be stimulated. He hungrily absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, nourishing his muscles and bones crazily. His flesh and blood transformed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there was even a sound like popping beans from his muscles and bones.

In just half an hour, his body has improved a lot. This is a real body of steel and iron.

Without a sword, Lu Chen can also use his arms to exert more powerful power than magic weapons.

Drive! Drive! Drive!

At this moment, there was a clear vibration on the ground. It seemed that many people were rushing toward him on horseback from the north. The sound of galloping footsteps caused a lot of movement on the grassland.

Lu Chen was immersed in the wonderful feelings, and was suddenly interrupted. He couldn't help frowning and looking to the north.

Not far away to the north, he saw a team of about a hundred people rushing toward him with horses and whips, and surrounded him in the blink of an eye.

"Boy, I found you!" Batu walked out of the crowd and looked at Lu Chen with a sneer.

Lu Chen glanced at the other person. He remembered that the other person's name was Batu, and he had met him at Gulita's house before.

What does he want to do by bringing so many people here?

"What do you want from me?" Lu Chen said calmly.

Batu showed a cruel smile and said: "What are you doing? Don't you know clearly? Hand over your things!"

"What?" Lu Chen asked in surprise.

Batu sneered and said: "Outlander, are you still pretending to be stupid with me? Give me the gold ingot, or I will torture you to death!"

"You're looking for me just because of the gold ingot." Lu Chen said angrily, his heart burning with anger. This guy named Batu, for a few gold ingots, actually interrupted the opportunity for enlightenment that he finally found. It's simply unforgivable.

Batu nodded: "Of course, there was a saying in the distant land of Kyushu. I don't know if you have heard of it. An ordinary man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade!"

Zamba on the side said coldly: "The guest you are talking about is this boy. If you kill him, it will be over. Why are you so long-winded?"

"For a few gold ingots, you will kill people and steal wealth!" Lu Chen's eyes were filled with coldness: "You are really arrogant!"

This chapter has been completed!
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