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503 Crescent Village

"Little guy, did you grow up here?" Lu Chen asked.

Xiao Shitou nodded heavily: "Well, our family has lived here for generations!"

"Then have you ever heard of Penglai Fairy Island?" Lu Chen asked.

When Xiao Shitou heard Lu Chen's voice, he shook his head in confusion: "Penglai Fairy Island? What a strange name. I don't think I've heard of it. I've only heard of Huludao, Black Mountain Island, and Wild Boar Island!"

When Lu Chen heard what Xiao Shitou said, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The East China Sea is vast and there are countless islands. It is a waste of time to search around by yourself. It seems that he still needs to find a way.

"Okay, let's stop talking. It's getting late. Let me take you back, little guy!" Seeing that Xiao Shitou is so young, Lu Chen probably hasn't really understood this sea area. He must know very little in his mind.

, and had no intention of continuing to ask.

Xiao Shitou looked at Lu Chen in surprise and said, "Master Immortal, do you want to send me back?"

"Of course, little one, do you know how dangerous this forest is?"

"I won't send you back. If you go home alone later, you will encounter many ferocious beasts on the road. If you are so weak, there is no chance that you will be eaten by those monsters!"

"It is fate that you and I meet!" Lu Chen said with a smile.

At such a young age, the little guy dared to go up the mountain to collect medicine alone in order to save his seriously ill sister. He was really brave!

With the other party being so weak, Chase Lu was really worried about a young man walking alone in the forest at night.

Hearing Master Shenxian say that there are many ferocious beasts in the forest, Xiao Shitou's expression changed. He had already experienced this when he came here before.

Indeed, it will get dark soon.

Driving at night in a dangerous forest is a dead end.

Xiao Shitou looked grateful and suddenly smiled happily: "Thank you!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly. He had been away from the land of Kyushu for so long, and he was very happy to suddenly meet a young man overseas. The effort of talking to him made him very happy.

You know, he has been at sea for nearly seven months, drifting alone on the sea. The feeling of loneliness is unimaginable to ordinary people.

He hadn't communicated with anyone for so long. If he didn't talk to anyone anymore, he suspected that he would become mute.

Besides, meeting each other is fate.

"Let's go!" Lu Chen stepped forward, grabbed a small stone with one hand, as if grabbing a pheasant, and jumped down from the cliff of hundreds of feet.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Shitou was immediately frightened.


"Help!" Xiao Shitou was carried by Lu Chen and jumped down from a high place. He was so frightened that he couldn't help but scream.

The strong wind roared by my ears, and my hair was flying wildly. It was so hard that Xiao Shitou could hardly open his eyes, and his heart was beating hard.

At this moment, the strong sense of weightlessness scared Xiao Shitou and made him tremble all over.

He dared to open his eyes, and what he saw was the vast green forest below. Looking forward, the scenery extended from the forest to Crescent Village and the vast sea.

"I...I'm flying!" Xiao Shitou couldn't help but exclaimed. He had never thought that the scenery overlooking the earth from a high altitude would be so magnificent and shocking.

Jumping down from a height of hundreds of feet, Lu Chen would never dare to do this if they were put together.

But since he cultivated the Xuan Lei Immortal Body, every part of his body has been thoroughly baptized by the power of heaven and earth, and his muscles and bones have reached the realm of King Kong's Immortality.

Combined with his insights over such a long period of time, his current state has reached the level of transcendence and sainthood.

He was probably the only one who dared to jump off a cliff hundreds of feet high.

The two of them fell rapidly in mid-air, as if a stream of light streaked across the sky, making their clothes rustle.

The feeling of gliding against the wind in mid-air, the joy of traveling through the world, made Little Stone feel extremely excited, and he couldn't help but cheer loudly.

Lu Chen couldn't help but smile lightly when he saw this scene. The little guy is really wild.

Just when the two of them were about to hit the ground, Lu Chen touched the rock on the edge of the cliff with his tip and quickly ejected towards the forest below.

Whoosh, the figure blurred and flew past the treetops of the big trees.

The small stone was carried by Lu Chen, and he suddenly felt that there were big trees passing by on both sides of him, like the wind and lightning, and he felt like he was about to fly into the sky at any time.

In just a few moments, the two of them arrived at a big tree near Crescent Moon Village.

"We're here!" A faint voice sounded in Xiao Shitou's ears.

The little stone couldn't help but look ahead. The houses in the village were piled up in an orderly manner. From time to time, figures swayed past, and occasionally there was a burst of laughter from children playing with each other.

"I'll send you here!" Lu Chen said with a smile, then he put the little stone at ease.

The little stone stood on the ground, and the feeling of being down to earth immediately made him feel at ease.

"Master Immortal, won't you go in?"

Lu Chen touched Little Shitou's head and said, "Well, I won't go in and cause trouble. I'll give you some scraps of silver to live a good life on the island. Don't wander around outside in the future!"

He then took out some fine silver from his waist and put it into Shitou's arms. It was twenty taels of silver, enough for Shitou to live a good life for a while.

In fact, when he went to sea, Mu Qingxuan prepared a lot of money for him, including ten thousand taels of silver notes and two hundred taels of gold and silver.

However, when it was bombarded by thunder before, those silver notes had long been turned into ashes, leaving only the gold and silver that was not destroyed.

Little Shitou was naked and his family was poor. Lu Chen was kind-hearted, so he gave him a little, but he did not dare to give him too much for fear of causing trouble to the child and his family.

After all, money moves people's hearts!

A young man suddenly brings back a large amount of money from outside the village, and there is no guarantee that it will not be coveted by others.

"Brother Fairy, why did you give me the money? Are you ready to leave?" Xiao Shitou looked at the money in his arms, his eyes widened, and his mouth looked very well-behaved.

This is the first time in his life that he has seen so much money.

One moment he was called Lord Immortal, but now he is called Brother Immortal. This boy is actually a ghost.

"Take it! This thing is of no use to me. I won't leave here for the time being. I will just stay in the back of your village!" Lu Chen said with a smile.

Xiao Shitou looked at the back mountain thoughtfully and nodded: "Okay, I'll go find you then!"

"Why are you looking for me?" Chase Lu asked in surprise.

Xiao Shitou chuckled and said: "Brother Immortal, except for our village on Crescent Island, there is no one anywhere else. Aren't you lonely staying here alone? I can chat with you."

"Loneliness!" Lu Chen savored this sentence carefully and couldn't help but smile.

"Go back early, your family should be worried about you!"

Xiao Shitou showed a bright smile: "Well, I'm going back, fairy brother, goodbye!"

Lu Chen responded: "Go!"

Xiao Shitou collected herbs and received money as a gift from Lu Chen. He was so happy that he jumped back to the village all the way.

Since Lu Chen could not find the accurate direction to Penglai Island and his realm had entered a bottleneck, he settled down on Crescent Island.

In the blink of an eye, two months have passed quickly. This is already Lu Chen's ninth month at sea.

During the period of retreat on Crescent Island, his strength has not broken through, but he has reached the perfect level of the innate limit.

The road to spiritual practice is long and arduous!

It is the accumulation and precipitation bit by bit.

Breaking through the False God Realm did not happen overnight, and it was far from as simple as he imagined.

Although he was alone in a foreign country, Lu Chen did not feel lonely.

During this period, Xiao Shitou came to him from time to time, bringing delicious meals, simple drinks, and sweet-scented osmanthus cakes fried by his sister.

Xiao Shitou would often tell Lu Chen about interesting things happening in the village.

Lu Chen also gradually learned about the situation on Crescent Island.

There are a total of 108 islands in the Senluo Sea. Many of these islands have human existence, but most of them are uninhabited islands, and Crescent Island is just one of them.

Ziyou Mansion is the most powerful force in the Senluo Sea and controls this sea area.

There are so many islands dotted all over the sea, forming a wonderful world.

Only there is no legendary Penglai Island.

After passing through the Senluo Sea along the east, you will encounter a mysterious restricted area shrouded in sea fog all year round.

The restricted area covers a huge area, with violent storms, lightning and thunder all year round. It is covered with sea fog for thousands of miles. There are countless undercurrents and reefs inside, and there are even countless terrifying monsters lurking there.

No matter whether you are a fisherman or a warrior with extraordinary strength, if you dare to enter it, you will never come back.

No one survived, and it made people shudder. It is known as the grave of death in the sea.

And no one knows what is on the other side through this sea fog.

It's like a mystery that has puzzled mankind for thousands of years and has never been known to outsiders.

No one has truly entered that sea of ​​fog and described what they saw and heard inside.

Because everyone who stepped into the forbidden sea over there died, and no one ever ventured to set foot there again.

The residents of Yueya Island make a living by fishing and hunting all year round. Like the common people in Kyushu, they live a simple and very peaceful life.

From the chat between the two, he also learned that the life of Xiao Shitou's family was not easy.

Xiao Shitou's parents died when he was young, and he and his sister and grandfather depended on each other. The family lived in two shabby huts.

Although his family was poor, Xiao Shitou grew up peacefully under the care of his sister.

The person Xiao Shitou admires most in his life is his sister who is both mother and father.

As time went by, the relationship between Lu Chen and Xiao Shitou became more and more familiar.

When they first met, Xiao Shitou regarded Lu Chen as an outsider.

However, as they got along with each other these days, he felt more and more that Lu Chen was approachable and approachable, just like the big brother next door, without any airs of being an outsider.

The tenth month of going to sea.

It's still dark, and everything is in a deep sleep.

Lu Chen stood on the edge of the cliff next to the sea, overlooking the calm sea from a high place. The breeze blew his clothes and made a rustling sound.

He suddenly jumped up and landed on the sea like a leaf.

As usual, I started practicing while holding the Xuanqing heavy sword.

This chapter has been completed!
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