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Chapter 125 Alien blood, special substances


Li Yang's snake tail wrapped around one of the heads of the two-headed python. The two-headed python kept struggling but could not escape the confinement of the snake's tail. Instead, a lot of its thick snake scales were rubbed off.

When it comes to the strength of the body and the hardness of the scales, Li Yang completely defeats Snake Mother.


The pain of the scales being torn off made the two-headed python roar, and the other head fiercely bit Li Yang's neck.

Opening its huge mouth, it was actually filled with sharp fangs.

Those fangs were extremely sharp, and there were lines on them that looked like magma, and they looked like they were cracked.

The two-headed python has a fire-type physique, and her energy is full of inflammation, as hot as magma.

When the bloody mouth came, Li Yang's snake eyes condensed, his body straightened up, as if he was lifting Qi and luck, and then:


A mouthful of dark substance condensed with vitality and toxins was immediately sprayed into the bloody mouth of the two-headed python.


The air suddenly became quiet, and there was no sound at all.

The expressions of both heads of the two-headed python were dull together, as if they had experienced some indescribable horrific event.

The next second, the two-headed python shook violently, its body struggled wildly, and its two heads let out a deafening roar.

"Black Snake, I'm going to kill you!"

The mother snake's voice sounded in the mouths of the two python heads.

The voice was full of sorrow, and there was a kind of resentment, anger, evil and weirdness. It sounded as if the throat was broken.

In fact it is!

Li Yang's poison is not a neurotoxin, but a highly corrosive poison like super-powerful sulfuric acid.

A mouthful of thick phlegm... Bah, a mouthful of thick poison entered the throat, and one of the two-headed python's throats was corroded away.

The python's throat was corroded by the poison, and black blood continued to spurt out of its mouth, and its throat began to be unable to produce sounds.


However, the next second, the python head spit out a mouthful of red inflammatory substance, which looked like lava.

The inflammatory substance contained a black substance, which was clearly the toxin Li Yang sprayed into her mouth.

"Oh, that's right, the way of forcing poison is quite tricky!"

Li Yang grinned:


He smiled as he mixed up another mouthful of poison.

In an instant, the two-headed giant python that was about to open its mouth to roar suddenly stopped and quickly shut up and ran away.

Then, the two-headed python twisted its body and rushed towards Li Yang quickly, wrapped around Li Yang's body, and then bit Li Yang's neck.


The next second, crisp loud sounds accompanied by a series of sparks appeared in the mouth of the two-headed python.

The snake scales were as hard as diamond, and the two-headed python's teeth were broken, but Li Yang's snake scales showed no signs of damage at all.

When Li Yang saw this, he twisted the snake's body and directly pulled his body out of the two-headed python's bloody mouth, and along the way, several of the opponent's promoted teeth collapsed.

Then, he bullied the giant giant that directly wrapped around the two-headed python, opened its bloody mouth, and showed its fangs.


He bit the python's neck, his fangs directly pierced the double-headed python's thick scales, and the poison was directly injected into the python's body.


Suddenly, the giant python let out a deafening roar of pain.

The huge body struggled wildly, causing mountains and rivers to collapse.

At the same time, streams of inflammatory substances began to pour out of the body, turning into blazing flames and forcing all the poison out of the body.

The Yuan Power of Yuanjing Realm is really powerful, and the substance that Li Yang's Yuan Power fused with toxins was actually forced out in a devastating manner.

The corroded flesh and blood was also restored by the giant python's energy.

Just like the giant python whose throat was corroded just now, it continues to roar with deafening roars without any problems.

"The substance Yuanli is really magical. Although the huge body made of Yuanli is very low in nature, its recovery power is stronger than mine!"

Li Yang has already gained insight into the Snake Mother's body and understands the nature of her Yuanli body.

Just like the white snake in the memory that later turned into a giant python, the real body is actually not that big, it is just cast from Yuanli.

Once too much energy is consumed, the huge body will be knocked back to its original shape.

Although the huge body can be repaired by relying on Yuan force, it is not his true body after all and is too fragile.

Just like the current snake mother, her body is as huge as a mountain, but she is still suppressed by Li Yang's one-meter-diameter slender body.

Once her energy is gone, she will be nothing.

But Li Yang is different. Even if the vitality cultivation in his body disappears, he is still a powerful being capable of defeating the unparalleled demon.

A hundred meters long body is his true body!

At this moment, two huge pythons were entangled with each other in the forest, engaging in a fierce and frictional battle.

Pieces of huge snake scales fell from the body of the two-headed python, with huge blood threads attached, making the scales covered with blood.

Li Yang's tail tightly wrapped around one of the two-headed python's heads, pressing it to the ground to prevent it from breaking free.

Li Yang's bloody mouth bit the neck of the other head of the two-headed python, and Yuanli poisonous substances were continuously injected into it, fighting against the inflammatory Yuanli substances in her body.

Li Yang insisted that Qingshan would not let go, and his two fangs were completely inserted into the flesh of the two-headed python, and then continued to erupt inside...

The pythons have been entangled together for two days, looking like they are socializing, a crazy one!

In this way, the fierce battle lasted for an hour, and the snake mother finally couldn't stand it anymore.

She let out a deep gasp, and then her body suddenly transformed into a humanoid form.

Falling from Li Yang's mouth, the snake mother suddenly turned into a golden rainbow light and rose into the sky, quickly dodging Li Yang's snake kiss.

"Want to run!"

Li Yang shouted low, his huge figure suddenly moved, and his jet-black tail slashed into the air!


A slash with all his strength erupted, instantly penetrating the sky for a thousand meters, and like the skyline, the snake mother turned into a golden rainbow and was submerged.

In the distance, a shrill scream came, and then the golden rainbow continued to fly away until it disappeared from Li Yang's sight.

"It's a pity that she ran away..."

Li Yang shook his head, then opened his mouth and spit out a breath of vitality.

In this mass of black energy, a mass of fiery red substance is surging, an inflammatory substance that looks like magma.

In the fierce battle just now, when Li Yang bit the snake mother, while his poison was forced out, a large mouthful of inflammatory substances also poured into his mouth.

"The snake mother is a fire-type two-headed python. This should be the product of the combination of fire-type substances and elemental power in her bloodline!"

As Li Yang thought, his body began to shrink and turned into a one-meter-long snake.

Li Yang himself is a black snake. Although it is highly venomous, it is still an ordinary snake.

Although he later evolved by devouring thousands of snake genetic bloodlines, he was still not a special mutant like the Snake Mother.

"I wonder if after devouring the alien snakes in this world, I can get their alien blood, which will allow me to produce such special substances..."

Li Yang thought this way, the snake demons he swallowed before did not have alien blood, they were just ordinary snakes.

There seem to be very few snake monsters of alien blood in this world, but it is not that there are none.

At least, that should be Xiaobai and Xiaoqing in my memory, and that rattlesnake Tokiwa...

This chapter has been completed!
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