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Chapter 162: The Great Evolution of Li Yang


As soon as Li Yang thought, Yuan Qi in the world suddenly became restless.

Xiao-Tao follows nature!

After seeing the complete fluctuation of Yuan Qi in the world, Li Yang was able to achieve the state of resonance between his soul and Yuan Qi.

However, this resonance of Li Yang cannot be regarded as a complete Taoist nature.

The true Taoism naturally not only requires the soul to resonate with Yuan Qi, but also reaches the profound state of the unity of nature and man.

At that time, Li Yang would be able to achieve a state where man and heaven and earth are in harmony, and the energy of heaven and earth is at his disposal, as easily as observing patterns in the palm of his hand.

Before that, Li Yang must first understand the laws of Fire Yuan Qi in Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi.

Each type of Yuan Qi has its own specific rules.

The laws contain all the changes contained in Yuan Qi.

At the same time, this kind of change and regularity is also called a law.

To understand the law clearly means to understand the law clearly, and only by understanding the law clearly. Finally, when the Tao and the law naturally reach the state of great perfection and the unity of heaven and man, can we master this law.

Law is a unique change that is independent of changes in nature and form. It is also a rule that has existed since ancient times.

"Only by truly coming into contact with flames can we truly understand the laws of flames!"

Li Yang thought as a black flame as black as ink appeared in his palm.

The blazing black flames burned in the palm of the hand, releasing an extremely high temperature and causing the surrounding air to scorch and twist.

After a black flame with improved fire quality, the temperature has increased several times compared to before, reaching a point where it can melt gold, iron, earth and stone.

"The law of fire, the first thing you don't have to think about is burning. So, what is burning..."

Li Yang began to think deeply. He thought for a while, and finally sighed helplessly, realizing that he had no idea what burning was.

All he knew was that flames need a medium to burn.

Ordinary flames burn, and the burning medium is ordinary combustibles such as wood, cloth, paper, etc., and the flame they burn is also the most ordinary flame.

Even if the combustion range is large and the flame temperature is high, there is ultimately a limit and a peak.

When the flame of Yuanli burns, it consumes Yuanli, a special energy that contains the essence and spirit of a living being.

It can be said that the fire of Yuanli is like using living beings as the medium. The flames burned out are far superior to ordinary flames in terms of power and temperature.

And Li Yang's black flame is even higher than the fire of Yuanli.

The medium for its burning requires not only Li Yang's Yuan Power, but also the inflammatory substances overflowing from the inflammatory blood vessels in Li Yang's body.

The hot black flame in your hand burns for one second, and it consumes energy and inflammatory substances to maintain combustion and temperature.

"So the essence of combustion is the medium? That's not right. The medium contains too much. In addition to combustibles, it also needs to supply oxygen for the flame to burn."

"The burning of flames is accompanied by temperature and devouring, as well as the shape and properties of the flames. These laws are all based on combustion. It can be said that combustion is the most basic and important law of flames."

Li Yang was thinking while observing the burning black flames in his hands.

Then, he threw the black flame on the ground, and the flames suddenly burst into flames, burning all the grass, trees, earth and rocks on the ground.

Seeing that the earth and rocks were swallowed up by the black flames, and then seemed to turn into flammable materials, Li Yang was suddenly stunned. He said in shock:

“Damn it, soil is combustible??”

Yes, the earth is burning, and after being swallowed by the black flames, it turns into the same black flame as black as ink.

Watching the process of soil being transformed into black flames, Li Yang was suddenly stunned, and then murmured:

"The earth was ignited, no, it was swallowed up by the black flames, assimilated, and finally turned into burning fire!"

"This is also a law, swallowing, assimilation, or infection..."

Li Yang thought for a while, but couldn't figure out the laws and rules of this law.

Maybe Li Yang still has little time to practice, and he still doesn't have a deep understanding of the laws of fire energy between heaven and earth.

Therefore, Li Yang stopped thinking about it and concentrated on studying the burning laws of Huo Yuanqi.

Looking at the blazing flames, Li Yang's mind was spinning, his consciousness was beating constantly, and the laws and rules about flame burning emerged one by one.

He watched this for a full month.

During this period, Lang Jing came once to visit this crazy practitioner.

Seeing Li Yang staring at a fire in a daze, ignoring his calls and not eating, as if he was stupid, Lang Jing was used to it.

"It seems that Brother Li has gained a new understanding, but..."

Lang Jing looked at the black flames in front of Li Yang and hesitated to speak.

This flame is indeed very hot. If it is not controlled well, the entire mountain forest may be burned to ashes, and it may even affect the town.

However, Lang Jing then thought about it and realized that with Li Yang's cultivation and temperament, such a thing would definitely not happen.

In this way, Lang Jing no longer cared about Li Yang's behavior, but sat down and practiced the Yuanli realm on the other side.

He would come to the mountain every once in a while to practice his energy cultivation.

Because his body is still a fragile human body, it cannot withstand a large amount of energy increase at one time.

Therefore, there is a buffer period for Lang Jing’s practice.

Every once in a while, when he thinks that the meridians in his body have recovered and the Yuan Qi is almost stable, he will come to the place where Yuan Qi is strongest on the mountain to improve his cultivation.

Today, he cast the wind curse to gather the huge wind energy between heaven and earth into his body, pushing his cultivation that had just broken through the middle stage of the Yuanli realm directly to the full state.

The peak of the middle stage of Yuanli Realm!


The next second, as a crisp buzzing sound sounded in Lang Jing's body, a surge of cultivation level in the late Yuanli realm emerged.

Breakthrough, late stage of Yuanli realm!

For Lang Jing, who possesses the Wind Curse, the cultivation of the Yuan realm does not require long-term hard training. Instead, he only needs to give his body a buffer period to improve his cultivation level in stages.


The next second after Lang Jing's breakthrough, the massive vortex of Yuan Qi gathered around him suddenly dispersed, revealing his body from the huge vortex.

"This way of practicing is really good. The form and nature of Yuan Qi have been improved together. Now the endurance of my wind spell has been increased several times!"

After Lang Jing said that, he stretched his body and stopped practicing Yuanli.

Having just broken through to the late stage of the Yuanli realm, the body needs an adaptation period of more than a month before it can advance its cultivation to the full realm again.

Turning his head and looking at Li Yang, who was still staring at the flames, Lang Jing shook his head.

He could feel that most of Li Yang's mind was immersed in the burning process of the flames.

Without disturbing Li Yang, Lang Jing turned around and walked down the mountain.

Lang Jing is not a cultivator like Li Yang who practices day and night. He also has a family by his side, with a wife and children who need his care and companionship.

Lang Jing's arrival, breakthrough and departure did not disturb Li Yang.

He could sense Lang Jing's arrival and practice activities without looking, but he didn't pay attention because most of his mind was immersed in the understanding of the law of flame burning.

For a month, he watched the flames burn, deeply understood the laws, and discovered many principles of combustion that already existed.

A few days after Lang Jing left, Li Yang extinguished the flames on the earth.

He feels that his understanding of combustion has reached an entry-level level, and coupled with his fine control, his control over flame combustion has been greatly improved.

"It's time to refine the drop of Taotie's blood. By refining the lava Taotie's blood, my bloodline and fire quality should undergo a new improvement."

Later, Li Yang sacrificed a drop of Taotie's blood stored in the black gun.

The Taotie blood wrapped in Yuan Li continues to release extremely high temperatures, looking like a drop of magma.

But after all, this is a drop of real blood, filled with the power and vitality of Taotie's bloodline, and it belongs to the blood of a demigod beast.

Each of the rumored Nine Sons of the Dragon are mythical beasts, but this Taotie is not. It is just a mixed-blood lava Taotie.

Although there is Taotie's blood in his body, it is not pure. It seems to be the product of the combination of pure-blood Taotie and some lava-like alien beast.


Letting go of Yuan Li's wrapping of Taotie's blood, Li Yang swallowed Taotie's blood into his belly, and immediately there was a sound of liquid and magma touching in his belly.

The Taotie blood swallowed into his belly was extremely hot. Even if Li Yang had inflammatory blood in his body, he could not withstand such heat.


The next second, Li Yang opened his mouth and blew out a puff of black smoke.

The gluttonous blood that passed through the esophagus and entered the stomach was immediately digested by the ring's reflection power into an extremely large warm current.


In an instant, Li Yang couldn't help but transform into his true form.

The huge mountain-wrapped python appears!

Fortunately, Li Yang's current location is deep in the mountains and old forests, and it is rare for people to go there. Otherwise, he might be called a monster by stupid and ignorant people, and they might even call Xia Lan to deal with Li Yang.

This is really possible!

Never underestimate the human habit of "people who are not of my race will have different minds" and "don't let others sleep on the couch".

Just like if someone finds a snake at home, even if they know it is a grass snake, they will try their best to drive it away or even kill it!

Otherwise, he won't be able to sleep!


A layer of raging flames suddenly appeared on Li Yang's body as he revealed his true form.

The jet-black flames enveloped Li Yang's entire true body, making him seem to have transformed into a sky-reaching python made of condensed fire elements.

This is a strange phenomenon in which Li Yang's inflammatory blood is agitated, making Li Yang unable to perfectly control the inflammatory power in his body, causing the black inflammation to leak out.

At the same time, in Li Yang's body, the warm current containing the Taotie bloodline had begun to slowly integrate into Li Yang's bloodline.

The moment the powerful and noble bloodline merged with Li Yang's bloodline, the inflammatory bloodline, inflammatory substances and inflammatory power in Li Yang's body began to enter the sublimation stage.

Even, with the integration of blood, while Li Yang's overall true body is improving, the upper limit of the five marrow's storage of Yuan power is also increasing.

And this trend is very obvious. As soon as Li Yang's bloodline sublimated, everything in his body has undergone earth-shaking changes.

"It seems that this time is really a great evolution, a transformation of the essence of life. I should be able to shed my Yuan Python body and evolve into some kind of legendary creature!"

Li Yang was very much looking forward to this evolution. He tried his best to control the cultivation in his body, running the Great Zhoutian over and over again, so that the two blood vessels that were merging in his body accelerated the speed of fusion.

This chapter has been completed!
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