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Chapter 195: The magic weapon changes hands, and the intelligent Lang Ming

Lang Ming controls the wind, and Xiao Cheng casts the wind spell.

I saw that with a wave of his fingers, he immediately set off a hurricane, sweeping into a huge wind pillar lying in the void, and pressing towards the Jade-Faced Wind Lord.

The wind pillar is like a tornado coming across. When it sweeps out, it looks like a wind dragon, crossing the void and rising into the sky.

Ximen Chuisha quickly waved the feather fan magic weapon in his hand and used his magic power to create a huge storm, forming an equally powerful tornado.

The two storms met in the void, and then violently collided, tearing apart the atmosphere.


With a loud noise, the two storms eliminated each other and collapsed under the violent collision, and the strong wind contained in them made a ear-piercing roar when it collided with the atmosphere.

"It's such a wishful thinking to take away my name as Lord Feng!"

Ximen Chuisha's face was cold, and there was also a slight disdain in it.

Who is Ximen Chuisha? He is the famous Jade-faced Fengjun. Even the Yiqi Dao Alliance is afraid of his power, so they will give him a little favor.

"A young brat dares to speak arrogant words in front of me. It seems that I, the Jade-faced Fengjun, have not taken action for a long time, and many people have forgotten how powerful I am!"

A cold light burst out from Ximen Chuisha's sinister eyes, which was the manifestation of extremely strong murderous intent.

Seeing that Ximen Chuishao was serious, Lang Ming waved his hand and sent out a breeze to send Dongfang Qinlan away.

"Girl, stay away from here, it's safe!"

Lang Ming said, a blue light of Yuan Qi suddenly appeared all over his body, which was the manifestation of the power of Feng Yuan Qi.

And at this time

Seeing Dongfang Qinlan leave Lang Ming below, Jade-faced Fengjun immediately stopped holding on and waved the feather fan magic weapon in his hand with all his strength.


In an instant, a huge storm fell from the sky, like a pillar of heaven, pressing across the void and the earth, trying to crush Lang Mingyu to death under the pillar of wind.

As soon as he strikes, he goes all out. Ximen Chuisha will not give his opponent any chance to resist, so that he can highlight his power.


"You're still far behind if you play with the wind in front of me!"

Lang Ming sensed the approaching storm, and calmly stretched out his palm, aiming at the huge storm and giving it a gentle squeeze.


The next second, the storm suddenly twisted, as if it had lost its balance during the rotation. Within a few seconds, it collapsed with a loud noise, disappeared, and turned into wisps of wind scattered in the void.


Ximen Chuisha was suddenly startled, looking at Feng Jin who was dissipated by the other party's wave, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"He didn't use a magic weapon. Could it be a Taoist method? But what Taoist method can have such power and restrain my wind like this?!"

Ximen Chuisha couldn't understand Lang Ming's methods at all.

He had no idea that Lang Ming's method was a power from another world, and it was also a power that specialized in controlling the wind.

Although the wind spell is only a small success, Lang Ming still has the power to control the wind, and it is not an exaggeration to call him the son of the wind.

Playing tricks in front of him is like playing tricks on your own!

"I said, from today on, my title is Fengjun. Playing with Fengjun is worthy of being an outdated person like you!"

The corner of Lang Ming's mouth raised, and then his figure rose up quickly, turning into a wisp of blue wind and soaring into the sky, and instantly appeared in front of Ximen Chuisha.

"Damn it!"

Ximen Chuisha was shocked, and he quickly injected a large amount of mana into the feather fan magic weapon.


Then, he suddenly slapped the door, and a huge storm suddenly broke out.

The storm was tens of meters in diameter, twisting and hovering in the void, lying in front of Ximen Chuisha, blocking Lang Ming from behind the storm.

Phew! Phew! Phew!

Then, Ximen Chuisha waved his feather fan magic weapon continuously, unleashing huge storms that were so terrifying that they could destroy cities and shake mountains.

For a moment, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the storm danced, stirring up the hundreds of miles of atmosphere in the void. It was terrifyingly powerful, no less powerful than the Great Demon King!

In terms of power, Lang Ming, who is a master of the Fengyu Curse, cannot be stronger than Ximen Chuisha.

But the power of the Wind Curse is not only about attack, but also about the understanding and understanding of wind and Yuan Qi.

Even if it is just a small success, Lang Ming can already control the wind and see the wind.

Facing the huge storm sweeping across all directions, Lang Ming could only see certain nodes in the storm at a glance.

call out!

The next second, as a sound broke through the air, Lang Ming transformed into a breeze and rushed into the storm. He moved up and down, left and right to dodge, and walked directly through the storm.

The dense storm in front of him was like a net with countless loopholes that could be drilled through.

Through the storm, Lang Ming faced Ximen blowing sand.

"I still have a trick!"

Ximen Chuisha's eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw Lang Ming walking through the storm unscathed. He shouted in fright and anger, extremely angry and angry.

At the same time, the feather fan magic weapon in his hand was sacrificed, and powerful wind energy appeared on it, as if some amazing power was about to burst out.


However, in the next second, Lang Ming was like a gust of wind, spanning hundreds of meters in an instant and grabbed the feather fan magic weapon.

The wind curse was activated, and Lang Ming directly calmed down the raging wind energy in the feather fan magic weapon.

"How is it possible! Such a thing..."

Ximen Chuisha made seals with his hands, constantly outputting mana to control the feather fan magic weapon.

However, the feather fan magic weapon in Lang Ming's hand did not move at all, as if the power of wind and energy inside was isolated from him.

"Only practicing the power of wind without understanding the mystery of the flow of wind requires the help of a magic weapon to exert the power of wind. Without the magic weapon, you are a weakling..."

Lang Ming judged mercilessly, and then with Ximen Chuisha's ashen face, he held the feather fan magic weapon and waved it suddenly.


In an instant, a huge wind pillar rose from the ground, swept Ximen Chuishao into the sky, and blew people to an unknown place.

Then, Lang Ming looked at the feather fan magic weapon in his hand and couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

"This magic weapon is good. It can also help me gain some strength before I complete the wind spell."

Putting the feather fan magic weapon in his arms, Lang Ming planned to refine the magic weapon after returning and make it completely his own.

Later, Lang Ming walked up to Dongfang Qinlan and couldn't help but smile helplessly when he looked at the girl who was putting away the snacks that had been scattered before.

This girl really likes to eat...

Suddenly, he recalled what happened today, and then Lang Ming suddenly realized it!

"No wonder my mother suddenly asked me to go shopping with her, and generously bought me a bunch of snacks. So that's what happened..."

"There must be Uncle Li's tricks in this. Remember he said before that he would find me a wife, is she the one?"

"So, is all this designed?!"

When Lang Ming thought of this, he immediately entered a state of unity between heaven and man, opened his senses, and sensed his surroundings through the wind.

"Hey, there's no smell of Uncle Li and Mom. Could it be that I guessed wrong..."

This chapter has been completed!
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