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Chapter 54: Nine-year Basic Education of Civil and Martial Arts

Master Qingwei's words brought the relationship between Lin Jiuzong and Wang Prajna a step closer.

We have become good partners who massage each other together every day...



It always feels like it has been characterized as some kind of strange relationship.

However, martial arts training is still necessary, as it can increase the speed and foundation of practice, something that many people cannot ask for.

Without the guidance of senior masters, many people would have to spend a lot of time to get a glimpse of the path to martial arts.

This is the benefit of bulking.

With strong strength and guidance from senior masters, you can avoid many detours on the road to martial arts.

Therefore, the disciples from the major sects are generally much stronger than Yehu Chan.

Master Qingwei taught the two the essentials of pushing hands and left.

Afterwards, Lin Jiuzong and Wang Prajna stood opposite each other, with their legs bent into a pile and their upper limbs touching each other.

After the two put their hands together, they pushed each other with force, using a combination of yin and yang to push and respond, allowing an opening and closing force to circulate back and forth between the two.

This kind of pushing hands will not have any significant effect at first.

It takes a long time to practice.

Moreover, Master Qingwei said that the more harmonious two people are, the better the effect of practice will be.

Lin Jiuzong looked at Wang Prajna's... bald head!

He subconsciously wanted to laugh...

Wang Prajna, when I heard this name, I felt that it was related to Buddhism. He is also a bald man. No matter how you look at it, he should be a monk.

But this guy happened to become a Taoist priest.

Even though he is wearing a Taoist robe, when others look at him, they feel like "he is a fake Taoist priest."

When Wang Prajna and Lin Jiuzong were pushing hands across from each other, the two of them kept looking at each other's faces.

Lin Jiuzong's expression changed and Wang Prajna saw it...

Wang Prajna: "..."

What the hell are you!

If we hadn't had a good relationship and your master was the real person in charge, I would have already started beating you, do you know?

As soon as he thought about it, Wang Prajna immediately glared at Lin Jiuzong, causing Lin Jiuzong to quickly put away his eyes and his little face became serious.

The two continued to push their hands, and there was an unknown force flowing from one of the two to each other.

During the movement of Qi, the force flows open and close, passing between the two people, and then the two people move like a tumbler.

The upper limbs are swinging and massaging each other, while the lower limbs are sitting in a stable position, like a rock.

During the massage exchanges between the two of them, Lin Jiuzong and Wang Prajna clearly sensed the direction of the force running in their bodies.

Skillful use of strength in the body's limbs is of great help in practicing boxing.

An hour later, the two of them sat down to rest with their arms sore.

Pushing hands is not only an exercise for the upper limbs, but also for the lower limbs, which also consumes a lot of physical strength.

"Brother Lin, Wudang Mountain has a nine-year civil and military education, which starts from the age of six to lay the foundation for young people. When the foundation is achieved, it will almost reach the limit of the flesh realm or even the bone realm."

"While practicing martial arts, you should also learn cultural knowledge, which is called cultivating your mind and wisdom."

Wang Prajna said this, he is like a know-it-all, he knows many things, and his brain capacity is not like that of a ten-year-old child.

"Although warriors look down on scholars, they also admit that an uneducated warrior is just a brainless fool. Therefore, all sects attach great importance to cultural courses."

In addition to warriors, there are also men of letters in the world.

They were a group of people who were literate and recited classics.

There are also admirable beings who can manage a family, govern a country, and bring peace to the world.

However, most literati were despised and even looked down upon by the mainstream warriors in the world because they were incompetent.

"Brother Lin, have you ever been to school before?"

Finally, after Wang Prajna finished speaking, he asked Lin Jiuzong.

"I went to private school for two years and can barely read," Lin Jiuzong said.

Lin Jiuzong's education level is not high, but he is not illiterate.

"This is not enough. If Brother Lin wants to practice superior martial arts in the future, he must have a certain level of education. At the very least, you must understand the secret books, right?"

Wang Prajna shook his head and continued:

"Each of the major peaks in Wudang has a school for disciples to study. From tomorrow onwards, Brother Lin will take part of his time to study in the school."

After Wang Prajna said this, Lin Jiuzong immediately nodded in agreement.

However, the next second, Li Yang suddenly raised his head and looked out the door warily.

Afterwards, Li Yang quickly turned over the stone, and then the whole snake jumped out of the wall and disappeared into a dense forest.

Boom, boom, boom!

The next second, there was a knock on the door.

Lin Jiuzong quickly opened the door and saw Master Qingwei leaving and returning.

At the same time, next to Master Qingwei, Master Mingwei looked frustrated.

But it was Master Mingwei who discovered many clues in the snake farm and the kitchen backyard, and concluded that the culprit was a large python.

The next second he came to this conclusion, Master Mingwei immediately became happy.

Large pythons?

Haha, who else can there be among the big pythons in Wudang Mountain besides Xiao Hei whom he has always coveted?!

In an instant, Master Mingwei came up with dozens of ways to get the big python Xiao Hei over.

However, when he came to Tianzhu Peak to find Lin Jiuzong to question his crimes, he met Master Qingwei...

It was also a coincidence that Master Qingwei had just left Lin Jiuzong's yard, and then met Master Mingwei on the road jumping up the mountain.

With years of understanding of Master Mingwei, Master Qingwei immediately felt something was wrong.

After walking over and questioning him, Master Mingwei still wanted to hide it.

As a result, a disciple happened to come to report what happened at Daming Peak...

Master Mingwei immediately sat on the wax.

Under the stern gaze of Master Qingwei, he had no choice but to tell what happened.

Master Qingwei, who understood the cause and effect, was silent for a moment, and then said:

"I will not let this matter go unchecked, and I will definitely give you an explanation!"

As soon as these words came out, Master Mingwei suddenly became very happy. He thought that Master Qingwei was facing him this time.

Then, Master Qingwei brought Master Mingwei directly to Lin Jiuzong's courtyard.

I saw Master Qingwei saying to Lin Jiuzong: "Take care of your snake and don't let it go to other peaks."

"Yes, master."

Lin Jiuzong was stunned for a moment, then reacted instantly and nodded quickly in response.

Seeing Lin Jiuzong nodding, Qian Weizhen turned around and took Master Mingwei away from here.

Master Mingwei: "???"

The top master Mingwei Zhenren was forcibly dragged away by the top master Qingwei Zhenren.

Along the way, Mr. Mingwei's face became very old.

After a while, at the bottom of Tianzhu Peak, he stared blankly at the back of Master Qingwei as he left, and his whole body felt bad.

This chapter has been completed!
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