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Chapter 661 The Final Choice and Farewell

Inside the burial pit

The huge scarlet fierce man stared up at Li Yang and others with a pair of bleeding eyes.

What a pair of evil eyes those were, Li Yang and others could sense the extremely fierce energy even though they were separated by a layer of boundary sea.

It seems to be a combination of evil and demonic nature, an unknown king among strange creatures, and an existence like a vicious ghost.

For a moment, the twelve of them seemed to have seen the most ferocious monster in the world.

That kind of weird and ominous Qi is so fierce. If it were not blocked by the eternal sea of ​​silence, a wisp of Qi from the opponent would be able to kill all living things and destroy countless civilizations.

"This is a peerless ferocious demon. If he hadn't been imprisoned at the bottom of the sea, we would all have died here!" Li Yang said attentively.

The vicious demon was unable to kill them, and even had its palms blown open by them, because it was suppressed and banned.

He couldn't attack with all his strength, not even 1% of his strength.

Otherwise, even if there are twenty of them, they will never be a match for such a peerless ferocious demon.

Li Yang saw the divine chains of order that sealed the evil demon. They were clearly condensed from the Godless Patterns. It must have been a method used by a supreme powerhouse to seal this evil demon in the boundary sea.

This kind of ban can last until the end of the era. Even if hundreds of millions of years pass, there will be no problems and it can last forever.

After all, it was the work of a supremely powerful man, and it was the power of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor that was suppressing the evil demon.

I just don’t know why the supreme powerful man would confine such a vicious demon here.

Since it can be banned, it has the strength to suppress the opponent. It is not a problem to kill it, it can even be said to be easy.

So many choices, but I chose to ban them.

There must be a special reason behind this, but he doesn't know it.

Because he didn't have any important clues about the ancient burial pit.

It is also worth noting the identity of the person who took action. Is he an enemy or a friend? What is his purpose?

"Is it like the burial furnace, also used to nourish the sea?" Li Yang murmured in his heart.

But the next moment he shook his head. This ancient burial pit had a great origin, and there were too many bones here, and all of them were mutated.

This kind of burial pit is simply a restricted area of ​​life. Immortal kings and strong men are not allowed to step into it, otherwise they will be affected and polluted by the environment.

This kind of restricted area is harmful to the boundary sea and does no good at all. It is not a good place no matter how you look at it.


Then, when the other party's eyes came into contact with Li Yang and others' eyes, a crisp sound was made, which sounded like the sound of gold and iron.

Strong men like them have extremely lethal eyes.

One glance is enough to cut off the sea of ​​stars and split the vast starry sky.

Eye contact can hide murderous intent, and the eye contact just now was equivalent to a fight on another level.

The result was as expected, Li Yang and others were instantly defeated and completely outnumbered by their opponents.

That man was so powerful that it gave them the feeling of facing the Ten-Faced Man in the grave.

But it is also a terrifying creature that ranks at the top of the Immortal Kings, very fierce.

However, there was one thing that made Li Yang uneasy. Why did the creatures at that level all turn into that weird look?

This was true for the two monsters he came into contact with, and the same was true for the peak monster in his memory during the Great Reckoning at the end of the chaos.

All of them have undergone strange changes in themselves and undergone evil transformations.

A powerful Immortal King should be extremely holy and powerful, and the farther a creature goes on the path of an Immortal King, the more so. Each one of them should be as majestic and sacred as the creation god.

But this kind of creature that ranks at the top of the Immortal King is not like that.

At least the two people Li Yang came into contact with were like this. They were no longer sacred, but instead were filled with evil and demonic energy.

That kind of ominous feeling is really terrifying.

The once sacred and majestic people have turned into evil heretics, and have undergone strange transformations, to the point where they can no longer show their true colors.

Whether it is the Ten-faced Man or the peerless evil demon, it is the same. They look like strange creatures, but in essence they are still creatures of the world sea. They are also born from this sea area, but their shapes have changed.

He had that terrifying look, like a monster.

He didn't know whether the three immortal kings were man-made or natural creatures. If they were the latter, it would be really scary.

"Could it be that when the cultivation path reaches its peak, strange changes will occur in oneself?!" Li Yang couldn't help but ask this question in his heart.

He worries that he will become such a creature in the future and lose his true self.

He is a real dragon, not a monster. He is inherently sacred and majestic and should not turn into something extremely evil.

However, it is impossible to predict the future clearly, and the path of spiritual practice is full of unknown changes. No one can guarantee that it will be smooth sailing.

After the eye contact ended, the other party suddenly showed a ferocious smile.

That smile has an inexplicable smell, giving people the feeling of a beast sizing up its blood meal.

The exposed flesh and bones were pulled by the big tendons, and the smile looked extremely scary, like the weirdest evil demon in the world.

Scarlet blood overflowed from those scarlet demonic eyes, and when it fell to the ground, it turned into a ferocious demonic creature. It looked like demonic snakes made of blood, and it let out a dense and shrill roar.

Those demonic snakes were disgusting, with tentacles of flesh and blood extending from their open mouths.

The newly born devil snake was as fast as lightning, turning into streaks of blood-colored rainbows and burrowing into the nearby corpses.

Puff puff!

There is a special kind of mucus on the tentacles in the mouth of the devil snake. I don't know if it has a lubricating effect or some other function, but it can actually penetrate into the body directly through the surface of the bones.

Then, those bones suddenly turned into wriggling masses of flesh and blood, flew to the murderer's arm, and merged with it.

The palm that had been blasted by Li Yang and others was reshaped in a burst of tumbling and writhing flesh and bones, still dripping with scarlet blood and emitting a miserable red steam.

And when his palms recovered, the bones that had not been integrated into his body suddenly let out a shrill roar, like evil spirits and evil spirits.

That kind of sound is too shrill, too harsh, and has the characteristics of attacking the soul. If it were not blocked by the boundary sea, I am afraid it would have echoed throughout the heavens and the world.

The scarlet demonic eyes shed blood and transformed into strange demonic snake creatures that burrowed into the bones, making the bones come alive.

However, their mutated bodies once again underwent a strange transformation, completely turning into ugly and decaying strange creatures.

And the number is a bit scary. Weird monsters are constantly emerging from the sea of ​​​​blood and corpses, surging with violent and chaotic will. As soon as they open their eyes, they begin to attack all creatures in sight.

Even their own kind were not spared, and a horrific and bloody life-and-death fight began.

This kind of creature controlled by evil demons and snakes is full of the will to kill, has no normal thinking, and is like a ferocious beast.

Finally, the peerless evil demon raised his hand and directly sent a large number of strange creatures up.


With a loud noise, tens of thousands of monsters crawled out from under the boundary sea.

Moreover, each of those ferocious demons has the fighting power of an immortal king, and they are not afraid of death.

But this time, the number of enemies was no longer a threat to Li Yang.


I saw that the Yin-Yang furnace turned into a huge Yin-Yang diagram, condensed into a conceptual furnace, covering the vast heaven and earth, and released the surging Yin-Yang fairy fire.

The bright fairy light swept across all areas within the oven, and no space could escape.

In an instant, tens of thousands of monsters were directly swept away by the yin-yang fairy light and turned into handfuls of charred ashes, scattering on the sea of ​​​​the world.

The concept oven is the secret technique that maximizes the attack range among all Li Yang's secret techniques.

Although this secret technique is not as powerful and domineering as the Yin Yang Two Qi Furnace, it is best at restraining creatures that are inferior to him. Group battles no longer pose any threat to him.

"Don't waste your efforts. You can't deal with us unless you take action yourself!"

Li Yang looked at the fierce demon staring at them under the boundary sea and said.

His voice was passed on, causing the evil demon to roar, but it did not take action again.

If he can't be killed, he can't be killed. He himself is sealed. This method is already at its limit.

Even if he personally takes action again and stretches out his big hand, the final result will only be blown up by the opponent again.

"Is it possible to set up a Yin-Yang reversal formation and burn him to death?!" Wu Shi said.

They once used that kind of large formation to burn alive a creature that was the most powerful Immortal King. This method of borrowing external force was very useful and could easily achieve goals that they could not achieve.

Now, Wu Shi wants to repeat his old tricks and do it again.

But Li Yang shook his head. This place was different from the burial ground. That kind of thing couldn't be replicated.

The previous time they were at the burial site was mainly a surprise.

But now, that vicious demon is staring at them, how could they tolerate their formation?

Although the evil demon himself was suppressed and banned, it was still a bit fierce. The supreme strongman who banned him back then probably did it casually and did not seal it carefully, otherwise the evil demon would just fall asleep.


Moreover, what Li Yang feared the most was not the evil demon, but the one who took action to ban the evil demon.

Since that person did not kill the evil demon, but chose to ban it, what kind of plan could Baoqi have, or what back-up plan he had left behind.

Now, although the twelve of them are giants of Immortal Kings and have the power to travel across the world sea, they still have many taboos that they cannot touch for the time being.

"Let's go, we'll deal with this later!"

Finally, Li Yang led everyone to leave.

They have traveled all over the world sea, witnessed many taboos and horrors, and also got many clues and learned a lot of information.

As for those who could be swept away by them, they have already taken action to pacify them.

And in some areas that they could not touch for the time being, they did not act recklessly.

The boundary sea has been cleaned by them, and many superficial things have been uprooted.

It can be said that this trip should be complete, and you can go back to continue practicing and digest the many gains of Jie Hai and his party.

But some things always make people unhappy. After they boarded the embankment, they immediately sensed something and quickly turned back to look at the boundary sea behind them.

In an instant, the twelve people only felt the evil wind blowing against their faces, and an extremely fierce energy surged in the direction of the Soul River.

"Hasn't the Soul River been completely flattened?!" The Sun Holy Emperor said with a frown.

The strange river basin was swept away, and everything strange and ominous was destroyed. There should be only ruins left. Why did that extremely ferocious creature appear again?!

That kind of energy and momentum can be felt across the vast sea of ​​​​boundaries.

There must be a terrifying creature coming out and getting angry in the ruins.

"It shouldn't be like this! The most powerful people in the Soul River should have gone away!"

A giant Immortal King said, with a puzzled look on his face.

"No, there may still be fierce creatures left behind. After all, we didn't witness those creatures leaving with our own eyes back then!"

Another Immortal King giant said that when they were lurking at the pass at the end of the Soul River, the Soul River had calmed down and many strong men had left.

Otherwise, they would not dare to go there. After all, the Soul River in its heyday was very terrifying, and giants like them, such as the Immortal Kings, could only be regarded as little ones.

Therefore, the information they understand is not what they saw with their own eyes, and it is normal for there to be differences.

"Could it be another terrifying creature that is as powerful as the Immortal King?" Duan De said, wiping his cold sweat.

Now he feels that the sea of ​​​​the world is really dangerous, and he especially wants to go back to the world of the sun, bury himself in a grave, and practice quietly, no longer caring about so many terrifying monsters and strange forces.

"Wait for us here!"

Suddenly, an Immortal King spoke, with a look of determination on his face.

Suddenly, Li Yang looked stunned, and then said quickly: "What do you want to do? Don't be stupid!"

The other party's tone now made Li Yang feel that something was wrong.

The same is true for several other immortal kings. Their eyes are very determined, as if they have made some determination and want to do something that must be done to death.

"No need to persuade us, this is our destination and our inevitable fate!"

"We are polluted and cannot clean ourselves. We cannot go to your pure land. There will be no good end if we stay in the dam. The monster will definitely come and he will not let anyone go!"

"That's right, that's the monster from the Soul River. It's a weird creature above the sky. Its methods are unbelievable. We will definitely die. It's better to set off one step ahead and get some intelligence information!"

The five immortal kings were extremely determined. They did not face the fear of life and death. Instead, they had the courage to move forward, which was the aura of a hero.

They are well aware that they have problems and that there may be something strange hidden in their bodies, so they are unwilling to go to the Pure Land for fear that the final Pure Land will be robbed.

Therefore, they decided to fight to the death to release their last flame.

The Soul River is the top priority and is far more threatening than the other restricted areas. It is a shelter created by the strange creatures above.

There must be something or a monster left there, and it may have been born now.

"The unknown is the scariest thing. Once you understand it, everything will be different!"

"Seven Taoist brothers, please don't go while you are waiting for news from us. This is our choice!"

They left, leaving behind a lot of information, including their memories and secrets, which was a huge wealth, left to the people of the Pure Land.

And they themselves will face the great terror and fight to the death to intercept the current situation of Soul River.

This is very important, because the Soul River can directly connect to the heaven, and when those extremely terrifying creatures descend, they also descend on the Soul River.

So, does the terrifying Qi movement just now represent the return of some terrifying creatures? Or is it some other unexpected occurrence?!

It must be clarified in order to resolve the unknown and prepare for the future of the universe.

"Brother, aren't we going?"

Wu Shi asked Li Yang.

Li Yang was silent for a while, then he thought about it, sat down on the embankment, and said:


When the others heard this, they were all silent for a while. They knew the result of the departure of the five great immortal kings.

The terrifying restricted area like Soul River is extremely dangerous to begin with, and the monsters crawling out from there are absolutely ferocious.

The five immortal kings will definitely die if they go there!

But they went anyway, left on their own initiative, and went there to investigate the information.

They are respectable people because they are working for the future of this world.

The five Immortal Kings are all giants. They were once the overlords of one party and were extremely powerful.

Although they come from different eras and different universes, they are willing to devote their lives to the same goal and light the way for those who come after them.

They are light, illuminating the darkness.

In this way, thousands of years passed, and one day, Li Yang suddenly looked up.

The message from the five immortal kings was sent back. They sacrificed their bodies and gods to turn it into a message and sent it to Li Yang and others.

That is a special piece of information, a text, a projection, and a manifestation of memory.

In that piece of information, Li Yang and others saw ferocious and strange creatures, and there was more than one. At a glance, there were more than a dozen.

Suddenly, Li Yang was startled, and then felt his scalp numb.

When they attacked the Soul River back then, those creatures luckily didn't appear, otherwise they would have died miserably in the river that runs through the heavens.

In the memory information, in addition to the dozen or so ferocious monsters, there is also an ancient altar, which is pale in color and seems to have a white evil substance on it, made of special materials.

The altar is so big that it can burst the vast universe.

Moreover, the sacrificial patterns on it were extremely complicated and seemed to be imprinted with extremely mysterious meanings, which at least the seven of them could not understand at all.

A dozen monsters seemed to be worshiping the altar, and they were using the altar to convey something.

The bright divine light of the avenue soars into the sky, penetrates the endless void, and goes to the invisible realm.

The five immortal kings just glanced there and were immediately discovered.

The fierce monsters came and killed them. In the end, the five immortal kings sacrificed themselves. While dragging a monster to death together, they passed on the information, which was the information they had desperately obtained.

"It's an altar..."

Li Yang sighed in his heart and felt a chill down his spine.

Naturally, he remembered the altar in the Soul River. It was a terrifying artifact that could be connected to some terrifying creatures.

"Let's go!"

Afterwards, Li Yang opened the domain gate and left the dam together with the other six Heavenly Emperors.

This chapter has been completed!
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