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Chapter 816 The River God on the Mother River of Time and Space

The mother river of time and space!

That is the legendary territory, the most supreme.

In fact, even the Hongyuan giant who can traverse any river basin in the long river of time and space cannot step into this place.

Because this is the realm of Hunyuan Wuji who is in charge of the avenue of time and space.

Here is that person's world and home ground. Even the Supreme Being cannot step into this place.

But Li Yang came here and stepped in without any obstacles. In other words, he was invited, so there were no obstacles and he was allowed to pass.


Li Yang took a step forward and stepped barefoot on the basin of the mother river of time and space.

In an instant, he saw his current life.

Then, he saw the current life of all the people who had a causal relationship with him.

At that moment, no one who had ever had any contact with him had any secrets.

This is really incredible.

The mother river of time and space seems to record and archive all developments and derivation.

At this moment, with Li Yang's touch, everything was revealed in front of Li Yang.


Li Yang took the second step and saw himself in his 1,296,000,000 lifetimes.

At the same time, he saw the scene changing in front of his eyes.

It was his self for all the lifetimes, and the lifetimes of the people he came into contact with in each lifetime also appeared before his eyes.

All the past and happenings appeared before his eyes without any reservation.

Everyone has no secrets left, even if those people have become a thing of the past.

"The mother river of time and space records everything that happens. If it were a history book of time, everything in the world would not have any secrets here!"

Li Yang murmured calmly.

He seems to know the secret about the mother river of time and space, and he seems to know it very clearly.

But Li Yang has never been here.

"Young Taoist Taishi, did you drop this golden Hunyuan Dao Fruit, this silver Hongyuan Dao Fruit, or this ordinary Daluo Dao Fruit?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded.


The mother river of time and space rippled, and a Taoist dressed in blue and white clothes walked out of the source of the mother river.

There were three Dao Dao Fruit suspended above his head.

They are one gold, one silver, and one white.

Those three Dao Fruits are incredible, because they actually contain the Dao Yuan fluctuations of the Hunyuan Dao, the Hongyuan Dao and the Daluo Dao.

However, facing the three Dao Fruits, Li Yang's eyes were as calm as water, without any disturbance.

He opened his mouth and said:

"I remembered, it turned out to be you. It seems you have been entrusted with an important task..."

After Li Yang said this, the Taoist who stood on the mother river of time and space suddenly lost his expression.

He waved his hand gently, and the three Dao Fruits disappeared into thin air.

"It turns out you've already awakened. It's really boring. I'm still trying to seduce you..."

The Taoist of Time and Space, or in other words, the River God said.

This person's heels are extraordinary, and he was the one who attained the Hunyuan Wuji in the early years of Taichu.

He takes charge of the Avenue of Time and Space and guards the most important secrets of the Fifth Innate Lady.

And his origin naturally comes from one of the five congenital wives.

Li Yang has awakened and naturally knows the identity of this Taoist of Time and Space.

The River God comes from his hometown in an unknown place and is a life form created by the Five Innate Gods.

To be precise, it is an existence created by the only successful person among the five innate ones.

The River God, also known as the Taoist of Time and Space in the Taishi year, was an existence in the Hunyuan Wuji realm.

He was entrusted with the important task of guarding the mother river of time and space, and also guarding the great secret of the Five Innate Empresses.

"Before I become enlightened, don't drag me in casually. What if I'm exposed?"

Li Yang said expressionlessly, then turned around and left, preparing to leave the mother river of time and space.

The mother river of time and space is very important, because what is suppressed here is a huge secret that the Fifth Innate Master does not want to be known to others no matter what.

The successful man even created the river god Hunyuan Wuji to guard this place.

You know, that is the most powerful person in the realm of Hunyuan Wuji, but he is used as a security guard.

This shows how important the secret of the mother river of time and space is to the Fifth Innate Lady.

"Wait, wait, Lord Taishi, I'm so bored here, and I really want to go on a business trip. I brought you in this time because I want you to take over for me for a while, let me go out for a walk and help you, okay...


When the River God saw Li Yang turning around and leaving, he immediately grabbed Li Yang's sleeve with a look of reluctance.

He has been guarding the mother river of time and space here for endless years.

I remember that when I first came here, it was still the year of Taichu, and now it is already more than half of the year of Taishi.

He has been guarding here for a long time.

That is the superposition of countless Great Era, and it is impossible to count how many eras it is.

"It's not my business……"

Li Yang ruthlessly flicked his sleeves and broke away from the river god's entanglement.

He felt the inspiration to cut himself off and wanted to practice cultivation, but he had no time to care about the river god's little emotions.

"Damn it, sir, you are a bit ruthless. I, the River God, have to work hard even if I don't have any merit. You can't even give me a holiday, bah! Black-hearted boss!"

The river god suddenly looked unwilling, blocked Li Yang's path, and then took a breath of air.

He stood there, with a divine chain of order composed of Taoism and Dharma spreading around him, blocking the only way out of the mother river of time and space, preventing Li Yang from getting out.

"Go away! Leave me alone! Believe it or not, I will send you directly back to your hometown to farm!"

Li Yang suddenly became irritable.

Being manipulated like this by the River God, his state of mind and water was about to break.

After all, Li Yang has now encountered the best opportunity to cut himself off at this moment.

Opportunities are rare and rare, and if you miss them, there will be no next time.

"If you don't give me leave, I won't let you go. Anyway, you can't do anything with me now. I'm Hunyuan Wuji. What can you, a little big guy, do to me..."

The river god grinned with a smile of success and said.

He just took advantage of the fact that the other party had not yet attained Hunyuan, so that he could sneak out.

After all, this ghost place is too dry and lonely. There is no way to exist, only the laws of time and space exist, so he can't even create a life for fun.


When Li Yang heard this, he immediately let out a breath.

Then he said: "Second brother, I'm tired..."

River God: "!!"

Originally the supreme Hunyuan Wuji, but after Li Yang said that person's name, his hair suddenly exploded, and the River God shuddered.


Suddenly, the mother river of time and space shook violently.

Immediately afterwards, the latitude of time and space was distorted, and a supreme power descended here, turning into an invisible whip of truth.

The moment the magic whip condensed with truth appeared, the river god suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

He quickly got out of Li Yang's way and respectfully sent this man on his way.

I can't afford it, I really can't afford it!

Even if this man has not yet attained Hunyuan Wuji in this world, he is still not someone he can provoke.

After all, the other party's identity is one of those five, and the meaning it represents is too incredible.

Especially on the mother river of time and space, he can trigger the supreme power to descend here with just one word.

And that great power comes from the only successful person among those five.

And the one who succeeds is the greatest being that transcends the infinite.

Now think about it, what does the river god think is the point of going on a business trip? Wouldn't it be nice to stay at home!!

The mother river of time and space can reflect all scenes in the sea of ​​chaos.

Isn’t this the best live broadcast? You can click wherever you want to watch, how great!!

After thinking about this, the river god sent Li Yang away from the mother river.

Then, the magic whip formed by the condensation of truth and power slowly disappeared.

"Damn it, the boss never looked away. I told you earlier, it scared me to death..."

The River God wiped away the cold sweat, and his Hunyuan Wuji body was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat, which showed how deep and deep his awe was towards that person.

Afterwards, the River God tidied himself up and regained his squinting look.

He is too lonely here, so he needs to have fun.

The river god's favorite pleasure is to reflect the heavens through the avenue of time and space.

In this way, his projected body will be able to leave his deeds and stories in the universe.

And those stories are the most precious treasures of the River God.

He created deeds in the world and collected stories.

There are legends about him in all the worlds, but their names are different.

For example, the God of Rivers, the God of Mountains and Seas, the Great God of Time and Space, the Lord of Time, the God King of Space, etc...

There are many stories about him, which started in the early years of Taichu and are still going on today.

This is also the only thing that the river god can continue to have fun with.

"At the end of the Taishi Year, someone will come to replace you. Just wait, it won't take long..."

Suddenly, a voice sounded, emerging directly from the sea of ​​​​will of the River God.

And this sentence made the river god's eyes light up, and he looked much happier.

But when he thought about what that person said, it wouldn't take long, and the river god felt dark again.

That person is a being whose concept of time is a bit off.

The not long time he mentioned may still be a long time for the River God...


On the long river of time and space, Li Yang suddenly appeared here, stepping on the river of time and space.

He had just returned from the mother river of time and space, and there was a look of confusion in his eyes.

His memory was chopped off by his own hands.

Because it involves the mother river of time and space, there can be no sloppiness.

There is the biggest secret in the world, which must not be known to outsiders.

So Li Yang cut himself off and cut off everything related to the mother river of time and space.

In this way, he himself will not remember that he just went to the mother river of time and space.

There are no traces of the mother river of time and space on his body.

"What am I going to do? Oh, by the way, it's time to kill myself!!"

After a moment of confusion, Li Yang suddenly regained consciousness.

His memories began to connect and then told Li Yang what to do next.

Therefore, Li Yang did not hesitate and directly chose to face his former self.

He wants to put an end to his past, reconcile everything, and turn it into its purest state!

This chapter has been completed!
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