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Chapter 837: Half-step Hongyuan? Daluo is invincible!


The supreme matter is flowing, the supreme energy is rising, releasing endless divine light, like a boundless sea of ​​sacred light.

It is a boundless ocean of particles, and it exists in two forms that can coexist: eternal matter particles and immortal energy particles.

It is like an eternal sun star, releasing vast brilliance all the time, but itself is eternal, possessing an endless supply of burning matter, and can bloom eternally.

That is eternal matter. No matter how it rotates, changes, or even derives or blooms, it pours out boundless power and power, and it will not be eliminated, let alone lose half of it.

This is eternity, something eternal in the true sense!

Even if there is only one eternal particle, it can provide endless energy.

The immortal energy particles are even more magical, like an eternal flame that can burn even if there is no burning medium.

This is undoubtedly contrary to the truth, but it is true.

The immortal energy particles are so bright that they themselves are like the sun rising across the sky, releasing endless energy and light, just like eternal matter.

Therefore, when the vast sea of ​​particles pours out, it is like an endless sea of ​​stars emerging.

It's just that the sea of ​​stars is so blazing, every particle is as terrifying as a big star, releasing endless light and heat energy.

Moreover, the sea of ​​particles is increasing exponentially.

After breaking away from the shackles of Heavenly Hell, the speed of this surge is even faster.

In an instant, the Twelve Hades and Wei Guangming fled away again in great shock.

Because the vast sea of ​​particles has occupied the boundless territory, and its scope is enough to fill the multidimensional universe of 100,000 square meters.

This is no longer a scene that Da Luo can embody.

Because no Daluo's body size can reach such a level.

Even a strong person in the realm of Daluo Jinxian can only rival the largest multiverse in the Sea of ​​Chaos at its maximum size.

But at this moment, this sea of ​​particles is enough to submerge the multiverse of 100,000 square meters, far exceeding the limit of Daluo's size.

The number of particles in the sea of ​​particles is beyond calculation.

Even Wei Guangming, who had entered the almost invincible realm, could not see the number of particles clearly.

"With such a size and such power, could it be that Brother Li Dao has already half-stepped into the Hongyuan Realm?!"

Wei Guangming was extremely surprised, even feeling incredible.

Because such a realm is too lofty and lofty, it cannot be achieved in a short time.

Although time no longer means much to the practice of Daluo, it is still one of the indispensable factors after all.

But how long has Li Chunyang been practicing?

All in all, it only lasts for a dozen epochs, which adds up to only more than 100 million years, which is really too short.

But in such a short period of time, Emperor Li Tiandi had reached such a realm.

This is simply a miracle that will be difficult to be broken by latecomers.

Eventually, the sea of ​​particles expanded to its limit.

Everything in the world has a limit, even Daluo is no exception.

The sea of ​​particles derived from Li Chunyang's origin particle also has a limit.

It's just that this limit is very large and has never been touched before, so it can increase infinitely.

When the sea of ​​particles reaches its limit, the explosion of particles stops.

I saw that in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, an incomparably vast sea of ​​particles sank across it.

It was an unimaginable vast sea, its size was enough to submerge hundreds of thousands of square meters of multiverses.


The sea of ​​particles shines brightly, and each of the endless particles in it is emitting vast divine brilliance, just like the endless suns gathered together and turned into a sea of ​​​​the sun.

The size of the sea of ​​particles was already vast, but at this moment it released an even more vast brilliance, immediately illuminating a large area of ​​the boundless sea of ​​chaos, allowing countless powerful people to see the light.

At that moment, the strong men outside the distant territory even saw a big sun rising across the sky in the sea of ​​chaos. Its sacred white light drove away the endless darkness and brought endless light.

This scene shocked countless strong men.

Because the next moment they saw clearly the scene of the source of endless brilliance, and saw the large and terrifying sea of ​​particles.

At the same time, the great power derived from the sea of ​​particles was also felt, which was far beyond the Daluo realm.

That power is unimaginably huge. Although it is not Hongyuan, it has surpassed Daluo.

"The invincible sequence of Daluo Realm?"

"Half-step Hongyuan! The realm of great purity?!"

"Who achieved this? Let the Chaos Sea once again gain an invincible strong man in the Da Luo realm!"

Many powerful people have seen this scene, and there are also some who have seen through some of the essential truth.

Those are the powerful people who have reached a profound level in the Daluo Realm.

They are either pursuing this realm, or they have already achieved this realm, or they have once set foot on this realm and are now higher than it.

The secrets of this realm are all within their knowledge.

Beyond the distant territory, there is an infinite multiverse.

And within this infinite multiverse, there is a boundless Buddha land.

On that Buddha land, there is a big Buddha sitting in the center of the sky.

The great Buddha is surrounded by Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Mingwangs, Arhats, Venerables, Buddhist disciples and other great people of various realms who practice the path of Buddhism.

The giant Buddha was preaching the scriptures, but suddenly stopped, and his eyes opened and closed.

Suddenly, he saw a scene in the realm of heaven and saw Li Chunyang's sea of ​​particles.

At that moment, the great Buddha spoke like the sound of heaven, saying: "One life is two, two begets three, three begets all things, all things give rise to all phenomena, all scenes, and finally blend into one, achieving the beginning and end..."

The giant Buddha is bathed in immeasurable Buddha light, with endless Buddhist inscriptions all over his body, transforming into the pure land of immeasurable Buddha land.

At this moment, what the Buddha was reciting was actually Li Chunyang's profound meaning.

He seemed to see through the truth of the other party's path, and also saw the will and wisdom.

Then, the Buddha pondered for a while, and then a vast golden sun appeared from behind his head, containing billions of volumes of Buddhist scriptures, each of which contained profound meanings.

Moreover, a piece of King Ming's robe and seal were buried in it, which seemed to represent a certain personality.

"Amitabha, this benefactor has a predestined relationship with the Buddha. He can enter the holy land of the Buddha's kingdom, he can occupy the throne of the Ming Dynasty, he can form his own lineage of Buddhas, he can control the two major powers of consecration and punishment, he can obtain the wonderful fruit of Bodhisattva, and he can live in the Great Leiyin Temple!"

The great Buddha opened his mouth and said, shocking all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

Because the distance is too far, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas naturally cannot see what is happening in the realm of heaven, so they naturally do not understand the reason.

However, when Lord Buddha speaks the truth, he represents the Buddha's will and destiny, and naturally no one disrespects him.

Therefore, following the decree of the Dharma, some Buddhist disciples took the great sun far away from the sea of ​​chaos and went to the territory of heaven.

This trip is a long one, and even a Buddhist who is a Daluo Celestial Immortal will need a long time to cross the chaos and reach the realm of heaven.

However, the Buddha did not urge him, but instead asked the Buddha to go forward one step at a time.

The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were unclear, so the Lord Buddha said: "It's useless to go too early, and it's useless to go too late. Just take it one step at a time, and then it will be just right..."


At the same time, within the realm of heaven, the endless sea of ​​particles suddenly shrank.

All the particles have become part of a large whole and are forming a body.

That was driven by Li Yang's will, taking the Taishi Dao as a plan to create the body, body, and spirit of the Dao.

He is one, and the two palms turn into three. This is a natural sign of the great road, and it is most flawless.

Finally, the endless sea of ​​particles disappeared, and was replaced by a young Taoist wearing Taoist robes, and the Taoist robes were better than white snow.

The Taoist stood barefoot, stepping on the chaotic void and dimensions of time and space, and actually suppressed all turmoil.

At that moment, I don't know if it was an illusion, but countless powerful people seemed to see hundreds of thousands of multiverses superimposed on each other, suppressing time and space very directly and powerfully with supreme weight.

Therefore, all the turbulence in the sea of ​​chaos seems insignificant compared with it.

"This realm is invincible, it is a legend among legends, and it is also the highest among the highest!"

In the sea of ​​chaos, someone made such a comment.

At the same time, there are also people who suspect that Li Chunyang has entered the realm of half-step Hongyuan.

He is very close to the Hongyuan realm and possesses supreme power that can crush all great powers.

Because just standing there, he gave all the strong people in the Da Luo realm an unshakable feeling.

Da Luo's feelings are not wrong, and they have never been wrong, unless Hong Yuan tries to deceive him.

As a result, many great people in the realm of heaven were immediately shocked.

They actually witnessed the birth of an invincible Da Luo, and they were truly lucky to be alive.

"In the realm of great purity, the heart is like a mirror, untainted by anything. When I look at him, I feel like I am looking at the truest version of myself. This feeling is so terrifying. He can reflect everything about me!"

A trace of nervousness appeared on Wei Guangming's face, because he saw the truest version of himself.

And the truest self is often unsatisfactory.


After a long time, Li Chunyang let out a breath and directly rolled up billions of huge waves of chaos.

That breath was so terrifying that it was like a world-destroying storm coming, capable of destroying the entire universe.

And this is just one breath...

After one breath, Li Chunyang directly adapted to his current realm and state.

Then, all the constituent particles of his body, body, and spirit immediately began to move.


In an instant, an unimaginable force emerged.

Then, great power and true power flow into all the constituent particles of the body, body, and spirit.

That power is extremely terrifying, far beyond the nearly invincible power, but it can achieve a perfect and flawless state when operating.

Even, that true power can still have no leakage, no leakage, and there is no loss at all when it is about to rise.

You know, this power is countless times stronger than that of being nearly invincible, but it can still be perfectly controlled by Li Yang, reaching a state of flawlessness.

This is the control power of the great pure realm, and it is also the ability that this great realm should have.

This chapter has been completed!
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