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I just had an extremely unreal night

I broke my promise today and didn't write an extra chapter because I wanted to share with you the night I just spent - I think it's so incredible that others might not believe it if I tell them. ≦See the latest≧≦Chapter≧≦Baidu≧ ≦Search≧≦Products≧≦Books≧≦Net≧

It's like this. Tonight I had a dinner with my mother, relatives and friends. After dinner, we took a taxi home together. We got off the bus at 1942 and entered the house. At 2050, I wanted to look for my mobile phone to play with, but found that I couldn't find it. Okay. Make a call and, you guessed it, turn off the phone.

There’s no need to ask, my phone must have been left in the car. When I left the restaurant, I checked to see that I hadn’t forgotten anything. The only possibility is that the phone in my trouser pocket slipped into the back seat of the taxi and was picked up by someone. .

oc This surprise is really extraordinary... There are countless very important information stored in that mobile phone, including bank card account information, personal information, and family car-related a, there are simply countless. If we lose that mobile phone, basically half of our family property is at risk... …I was so fucking shocked at that time, because for what reason, I never asked for an invoice when taking a taxi, and I didn’t even know the license plate number of the taxi just now - at this moment, my mother suddenly said, "I want an invoice."

She is also a person who never asks for an invoice. The reason why she suddenly asked for a ticket tonight was because she remembered someone telling her that she must get a taxi invoice for insurance - so she asked for an invoice on a whim!!! I almost didn't think of it. !

Next, I quickly called the car company. I really have to praise this place. At around 8 o'clock in the evening, someone answered the customer service phone after it rang twice. They helped us contact the driver and gave me the driver's phone number. I called him and asked. , the driver said, "It's been an hour since you got off the bus. I've already taken four orders, and your mobile phone is no longer in the car."

I almost cried at that time... The search function on iPhone didn't work. The phone didn't display at all for some reason and couldn't be locked. Taxi was the only hope. I asked the driver about the customers who booked the order after we got off the car. , where did they get on the bus, where did they get off, and what kind of people they were... The driver was very enthusiastic and told me that they got off at a residential building address at 1955.

Generally speaking, even if you know where they got off the bus, so what, right, where are you going to find them? But the lost mobile phone is so important, I was possessed by a drug dog, so I put on my clothes and took a taxi - -I thought to myself at the time, I begged the security guard of the building to adjust 1955 points of surveillance. The man and woman who came in could escape, but the monk could not escape from the temple!

On the way there, I called the driver again, and then the driver told me the shocking news: "They went to eat at a Korean restaurant next to that residential building."

oc?! It was already 9:30 in the evening. You should have finished eating in an hour and a half! Where else would I go to find tens of millions of people who have left Shenzhen?

When I got off the bus, my legs were weak. I walked into the Korean restaurant tremblingly and saw that everything was empty, not a single table, nor any customers.

I told the lady at the front desk why I was here, and she said, "We really don't have any men or women here to eat. They are all gone. There are people in the private room, but it was a big group of people. Otherwise, you can go downstairs." They monitor the security booths at intersections."

I tried my best to explain my purpose to the security guard as clearly as possible. The security guard seemed a little reluctant, but I refused to give up and led us to a small shabby room in the back. There were many screens in it, and there were also other people squeezed in.

The two security guards found the surveillance camera of 1955, which happened to be able to see the entrance of the Korean restaurant. I was really holding my breath and staring at the screen - although I hadn't thought about it yet. Even if I knew what they looked like, so what, it was like looking for a needle in a haystack - and sure enough, I saw

I saw a man and a woman who fit the driver's description and walked into the Korean restaurant hand in hand.

During this process, the three security guards kept saying, "Look, this is useless." "Where are you going to find them?" "You just need to call the police."

That's it. Will the police take care of the Chinese New Year? We came out of the house and walked back to the entrance of the Korean restaurant. We saw a cafe opposite and wondered if it was the couple who had eaten and had a drink. So we went to look for it.

After a round, nothing.

When we were walking back from the coffee shop, we were about to give up and go home. One of the three security guards happened to come out to smoke. When he saw us, he walked up a few steps and asked, "Did the police call the police?". He was told that the police hadn't been called yet, but only one.

He urged us, "Hurry up and call the police. Don't call 110. Call this police station number. It's already been two hours! You don't have to go there. Just ask them here and wait here!"

It’s come to this point, so just take it as a fucking entertainment after signing up. I made a call right where I was, and a guy with a nice voice on the other end transferred my call and explained what happened in detail...

At this time, a man and a woman in the surveillance video walked out of the door of the Korean restaurant.

When I recognized them at a glance, I couldn’t even speak. I took a photo and my mother pointed directly at them. Even if I saw Jesus walking out, I would have reacted this way. Why did the lady at the front desk say there was no one there?

Well, because they came to have dinner with friends and walked out with a bunch of other people, it turned out that they were the ones eating in the private room.

At that time, I had an idea in my mind: Why is there such a foreshadowing in fate? There are so many miracle factors, and if even one of them doesn't match up, we won't be able to find the person.

Note that at this time, we actually don’t have 100% evidence that they took the mobile phone... But the matter has reached this point. After a few of us walked up, we didn’t even ask questions, we went over to the man and said, "

You found my cell phone."

At that moment, I thought I saw an overly shocked blank in the man's head - because he immediately said, "Ah, yes."

"Give it back to me."

He opened the bag, took out the all-too-familiar red iPhone, and gave it back to us.

"Thank you and Happy New Year!" we said, turned around and left.

...I think that man is still in a state of confusion.


This chapter has been completed!
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