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Chapter 155 Special Talent

For furoshiki made of cloth, you don’t have to worry about this problem. You only need to refine a large piece of cloth.

No matter what weird things you want to carry, you can simply wrap them in a furoshiki and then put them into a waist bag or storage box smoothly.

I don’t know if it’s because of the special excretion system of hematite ants. The hematite they pull out is all smooth and spherical, about the size of a table tennis ball. In addition, the color is red, resulting in these red iron ants.

Iron looks like ping pong balls with the wrong color.

But unlike table tennis balls, which are made of plastic and are filled with air, making them extremely light overall, these hematite balls are much denser than ordinary steel, so they feel heavier after buying them. If an ordinary person wants to use a plate of walnuts

If you roll a pair of hematite balls in the same way, you will probably develop tenosynovitis in a short time.


Half an hour later, exhausted Zhang Yanhang slowly ran back to the C-shaped passage at the beginning at a low speed.

Because all the monsters in the area had been cleared, Zhang Yanhang calmly took out a double bed from his pocket and placed it on the ground in the passage and lay down leisurely on it to start resting.

If you want to ask where the bed came from, then of course it was taken from Raccoon City. In addition to the bed, Zhang Yanhang's pocket also contained sofas, tables and other things.

In this case, as long as he puts the bed on the ground, he can sleep anytime and anywhere. Of course, the premise is to clean up the monsters around him, otherwise it will be very annoying to be suddenly surrounded by monsters while sleeping, especially

It is really irritating when you are suddenly woken up after just falling asleep.

The reason why he chose to lie on the bed to rest is naturally because Zhang Yanhang is more accustomed to this way of resting. After all, when he was in Raccoon City, he would lie on the bed every time he rested. Although with his current physique, even if he lay on a hard bed

You can rest well on the ground, but resting on the ground will eventually feel awkward.

Besides, he doesn't like to torture himself. Since he has a soft big bed to lie on, why do he have to abandon the big bed and choose to lie on the ground? He doesn't have any special talents or skills, such as connecting with the earth.

Skills such as speeding up physical recovery can be used.

Unless he has acquired this type of talent and skill, Zhang Yanhang would still prefer to lie in bed when resting.

After lying on the bed for a while, Zhang Yanhang sat up from the bed. There is still almost an hour and a half before the teleportation channel is closed. At this time, he cannot recover much physical strength even if he sleeps, so he will not sleep this time.

, he planned to use this time to do something else.

For example, let's study hematite. Zhang Yanhang previously packed several cubic meters of hematite in storage boxes. Because of its relatively high density, it probably weighed dozens of tons.

After all, one cubic meter of iron has a density of about seven or eight tons, let alone hematite, which is denser than iron. Therefore, such a weight can only be said to be reasonable.

But even though it was said that it contained dozens of tons of hematite, there was still a large amount of hematite lying there where the hematite ants stacked it, and Zhang Yanhang only took a very small part of it.

After all, even if a hematite ant only pulls a hundred grams of hematite a day, the five-digit hematite ants add up to at least more than a ton a day. Over time, they naturally accumulate a considerable amount of hematite.

This is also the reason why Zhang Yanhang looks down on the half kilogram of hematite in the treasure chest. After all, compared with the hematite accumulated in the hematite ant nest itself, the half kilogram of hematite in the treasure chest is too small.

Although the hematite in these ant nests has properties that cannot be taken out, Zhang Yanhang has studied how to bring out the items that cannot be taken out of the ashes world before.

So, Zhang Yanhang took out his white-quality machete again. Yes, it was the subject of the experiment this time. The ruby ​​used in the last experiment is still inlaid on the handle. It was mainly because Zhang Yanhang returned to the main world.

The time was so short that I forgot to take off the ruby.

Zhang Yanhang then took out another crimson ball from his pocket, which was the hematite ball he had picked up in the hematite ant toilet.

Zhang Yanhang lit up the alchemy circle in his left hand, dissolved a large hole in the handle of the machete again, and embedded the hematite ball in it just like the ruby ​​was embedded last time.

After inlaying the hematite ball, Zhang Yanhang re-checked the attribute list of the broadsword. The result was still normal. It was still a weapon that could bring out the ashes of the world. It was not affected by the inlay of the hematite ball.

But what is different from the last time the ruby ​​was embedded was that after the hematite ball was embedded this time, the score of the machete improved.

[Machete (unnamed) +3]

[Quality: white]

[Type: Weapon]

[Origin: Ash World, Hematite Veins, Small Hematite Ant Nest Daragu, Outer Area, Zhang Yanhang.]

[Durability: 24/24]

[Attack power: 8]

[Usage requirements: None.]

[Rating: 10 (white items are rated from 1 to 10.)]

[Introduction: It was originally the weapon of Goblin Sword. After it was broken into two parts, it was used by the new alchemist Zhang Yanhang to practice. As expected, only a handful of garbage was produced. Later, it was used by the unwilling new alchemist Zhang Yanhang.

The teacher Zhang Yanhang went back to the drawing board and remade it, but even after going through the remaking process, it was still a piece of garbage.

But what is unexpected is that the new alchemist Zhang Yanhang still did not give up this junk weapon. Perhaps out of some special emotions, he embedded another one on it this time without any actual bonus effect.

A ruby ​​that purely serves a decorative purpose.

After inlaying a ruby ​​last time, the new alchemist Zhang Yanhang remembered this junk weapon again for some reason. For some inexplicable reasons, he inlaid a complete piece of hematite on it this time, but this piece of hematite still remained.

Failed to upgrade this junk weapon to green quality.]

"In addition to the improvement in the score, there has been no change in either durability or attack power. Sure enough, this method of inlaying hematite into the handle of the knife is an evil method."

Zhang Yanhang remembered that the score of the machete was only six points before, but now it has been improved to ten points, turning it into a white quality weapon with a full score. But even if the score has indeed improved, it is still difficult to hide that it is a garbage weapon, and can only

The name given to this machete in the item introduction is indeed consistent with its strength.

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