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Chapter 278 Sudden Changes

"Forget it, the absence of monsters in the eighth area may just be a coincidence. It does not mean that there are no monsters in other areas of the Red Iron Ant Nest."

Zhang Yanhang feels that what he should do now is to check other areas, such as the ninth and tenth areas in the second phase of the cleanup plan. After all, it is impossible to clean every remaining area in the second phase of the plan.

There are no monsters here, right?

Because walking in a straight line does not require many detours, Zhang Yanhang quickly arrived at the ninth area originally planned in the second phase of the Hematite Ant Nest cleanup plan, but the situation here was exactly the same as the eighth area.

No matter how Zhang Yanhang scanned, he could not find any other living beings except himself.

"No matter how you think about it, this situation is a bit unreasonable, isn't it? Could it be that the two thousand red iron ants that the red iron ants mobilized before were actually pulled from this area? Is it impossible?"

Zhang Yanhang felt that the possibility of this happening should be quite low, but other than that, he still couldn't think of any more logical reasons.

"What is the reason for this to happen? I can't figure it out..."

Because there are still no monsters in the ninth area in the second phase of the Hematite Ant Nest Cleaning Plan, Zhang Yanhang is going to immediately check the last area to see if there are Hematite Ants there.

After spending another period of time counting in seconds, Zhang Yanhang came to the tenth area in the second phase of the Red Iron Ant Nest Cleanup Plan, but the situation here still disappointed Zhang Yanhang. The tenth area still

There are no monsters, which is the same as the eighth and ninth areas.

"Absolutely, the ninth and tenth areas remaining in the second phase of the cleanup plan actually do not have any monsters.

Forget it, think about it on the bright side. The red iron ants can't escape anyway, and there aren't any other awakened people here. In addition, the red iron ants themselves don't have any way of committing suicide to prevent me from getting any benefits.


Therefore, even if there are no red iron ants in these areas planned in the second phase of the cleanup plan, there will definitely be red iron ants in other areas of the red iron ant nest. After all, it is impossible for me to just take a nap.

Didn’t all four thousand red iron ants disappear out of thin air?”

Zhang Yanhang felt that he must have missed some more important events while sleeping, but he really couldn't be blamed. He didn't have the ability to predict in advance. How could he have known that things would develop into such a weird situation just after sleeping.


Moreover, even if he knew that something unexpected would happen, it would be useless. Zhang Yanhang was too tired at the time and had reached the point where he could not do anything without sleep. Even if he could continue to hunt monsters, his overall combat effectiveness would definitely be greatly reduced.

Zhang Yanhang's promotion to the second level has just entered an otherworldly stage. Although he can maintain his existence without eating, there is still a dimensional level gap between him and the perpetual motion machine. Therefore, for him currently, sleeping is definitely the best option.

means of restoring physical strength.

"Well, I still slept too much when I was sleeping. If I had any skills or talents that could provide passive perception while sleeping, I would definitely crawl out of bed on the spot if I heard any unusual noises.

Get up."

Zhang Yanhang is very aware of how solid he is in a state of deep sleep. He has set an alarm clock every time before, but it was useless every time. Unless the relevant options are specifically triggered, he rarely sleeps naturally.

Wake up in advance in a state other than waking up.

"But the key thing is that before I went to bed, I specially set up a blockade wall tens of centimeters thick. This blockade wall must have acted as a soundproof wall by the way, greatly reducing the sound in the passage from reaching the cave where I was.


In addition, I subconsciously control the energy shield to block sounds when sleeping. Perhaps it is the combination of these multiple factors that caused such a big change in the red iron ant nest but I knew nothing about it.

situation occurs.”

Zhang Yanhang can only say that he is really helpless about this situation, but he has already thought of a solution. Normal map running is too time-consuming. He is going to use the time to pause and run the entire map again to see what is left.

Where are those four thousand red iron ants hiding in the small red iron ant nest Daragu?

If Zhang Yanhang were asked to list an important place where hematite ants might gather, the first thing Zhang Yanhang would suspect the most would be the inner area of ​​the hematite ant nest. After all, that area is home to the hematite queen and the remaining hematite ants.

Maybe they were all there to protect the red iron queen.

Then the second possible gathering place is the teleportation channel where he first entered the world of ashes. Because it seems that the red iron ant queen is a bit not very smart, so it is not ruled out that she will summon the remaining red iron ants to teleport again.

The C-shaped channel where the channel is located.

The last place where hematite ants may gather is the passage leading to other hematite ant nests or other areas, although normally monsters cannot leave their own area and go to other areas.

But considering that the official name of the area he is currently in is actually a hematite vein, and the small hematite ant nest Daragu only occupies a small area of ​​it, maybe the hematite ants can really do it.

Move freely inside the hematite veins. After all, theoretically, the entire interior of the hematite veins is the territory of hematite ants.

Although Zhang Yanhang had never seen this kind of passage leading to other hematite ant nests when he was exploring the hematite ant nest before, he actually only explored the peripheral area of ​​the small hematite ant nest Daragu at that time.

Due to time issues, Zhang Yanhang did not explore the inner area of ​​the Hematite Ant Nest when he last came to the Hematite Ant Nest. As for the core area that is deeper than the inner area? Then he has no idea about the specific situation at all.


Therefore, it is indeed very possible that there are passages to other hematite ant nests in the inner area or the deepest core area of ​​the hematite ant nest, but he happened to not find them during his previous exploration.

Moreover, in addition to the possibility that Zhang Yanhang failed to discover the passages to other hematite ant nests because of insufficient exploration, there is also another possibility, such as the fact that the hematite ants were in the area where he was sleeping.

The passage to other hematite ant nests was dug out in just enough time.

This chapter has been completed!
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