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Chapter 54 Destiny Lord

In short, Zhang Yanhang became a glorious awakened person in this way. According to the relevant statistics of the empire, about 90% of the awakened people suddenly awakened for no reason within a month after the spiritual energy was revived.

Yes, this month would later be called the first wave of awakened people.

But in the following time, the probability of becoming an awakened person began to drop off a cliff. Even though it has been a full five months since the first wave of awakened people, the proportion of awakened people who later awakened powers was only

Accounting for about 6% of the total number of awakened people.

Awakened people have always been regarded as a source of chaos abroad, especially in Africa, Southeast Asia and the Middle East. However, at home, the empire has formulated relevant policies and welfare for the awakened people from the beginning.

The benefits related to this awakened person are mainly from two aspects, one is economic, and the other is cultivation.

Regarding the economy, to put it simply, the empire has allocated a special sum of money to be distributed to all awakened people. Its official name is the 'Empire Citizen (Awakened Person) Urban Living Minimum Guarantee Special Subsidy Allowance'. Most of the awakened people are

I thought the name was too long, so I shortened it to Dibao.

But what is different from the ordinary subsistence allowance is that the Awakened subsistence allowance is given more money. The ordinary subsistence allowance is only a few hundred yuan at most. However, the standard of the Awakened subsistence allowance is directly based on the average salary of the city where it is located.

Benchmarking, that is to say, what is the local average wage, and how much subsistence allowance can the awakened person receive.

Take Qindao City, where Zhang Yanhang is currently located, as an example. As a giant city with a permanent population of 20 million, it is also one of the eight major municipalities in the empire. The city's GDP ranks among the top ten. Therefore, Zhang Yanhang can receive a minimum living allowance of 8,217 yuan every month.

, and some cities with higher GDP rankings can even receive subsistence allowances of more than 9,000 or even tens of thousands of yuan.

Yes, as long as you become an awakened person, you can receive such a generous subsistence allowance, which ensures that even if you have no job, the awakened person will not directly turn to crime because of poverty. Of course,

If you choose to work, your status as an awakened person can guarantee you a higher salary than this.

The main function of this subsistence allowance is just like the name. It is a special allowance issued to ensure that awakened people who are dedicated to cultivation will not have any accidents in their lives.

Thanks to this, awakened people have successfully replaced career editors and civil servants and become the hottest commodity in the national dating market.

By the way, the relevant departments will issue this subsistence allowance on the 13th of every month, but Zhang Yanhang struggled to register until the 12th, because he looked at the calendar and said that day was an auspicious day, and everything was suitable. Yes, absolutely

It's not because he wants to spend a month's subsistence allowance in vain.

In addition to economic welfare subsidies, the benefits in terms of cultivation are extremely tempting to all awakened people. Almost no awakened person can refuse, because the relevant departments will directly provide the awakened people with a special version of the power.

Fa, yes, this so-called special version of the technique is actually the Qiankun Wuji technique that Zhang Yanhang is currently practicing.

In addition to having some difficulty in making choices, the main reason why Zhang Yanhang waited for half a month before registering as an awakened person with the relevant departments was because he had just broken through the Art of Creation of Heaven and Earth at that time, and his realm was still a bit unstable. He was afraid that if he directly

Registering with the relevant departments and then switching to practicing Kung Fu would lead to a lowering of one's own level, so he deliberately stabilized himself for half a month before registering.

However, things went against expectations, and what Zhang Yanhang was worried about finally happened. After switching from the Art of Creation of Heaven and Earth to practicing the Wuji Kung Fu of Heaven and Earth, his realm smoothly fell from the first and second levels to the peak of the first and first levels.

Not long after that, Zhang Yanhang encountered the option of the Ashes World. However, because his realm had just fallen, he had no confidence at all to venture into the Ashes World, so he postponed it until yesterday.

Although Zhang Yanhang's realm fell to the peak of the first level and the first level, after all, he was a person who had broken through once. Therefore, this time he was familiar with the road and it only took a few days to raise the realm again, and then in the following few days

Over the past few days, he has been consolidating his state to prevent another fall.

Therefore, to sum up, the two benefits provided by the empire have directly captured the entire group of awakened people. Basically 99% of the awakened people will register with the relevant departments.

Therefore, Zhang Yanhang also chose to register with the relevant departments in order to enjoy the benefits in this area. The whole process is actually very simple. He only needs to show his awakened power and then report the name of his power. That's it.

There are only these two steps.

Perhaps, the simple steps are also the reason why some awakened people are willing to register.

After the registration was completed, the relevant departments directly issued a dark green-covered Awakened Person Certificate to Zhang Yanhang on the spot. From that moment on, he could enjoy all the benefits of an Awakened Person, such as being issued the certificate the next day.

Currently, there are still 12 days left before Zhang Yanhang receives the second subsistence allowance for September, which is the subsistence allowance for September.

By the way, the full name of the awakened person management department that Zhang Yanhang keeps mentioning is "relevant department" and does not refer to any other relevant department.

Of course, in addition to benefits, awakened people must also fulfill their own obligations after registering as awakened people, but this kind of thing basically has nothing to do with Zhang Yanhang who lives at home and does not go out except for school, so

, he actually doesn’t know much about this aspect.

"So, here comes the question, why did Master of Destiny become my profession? It's strange to say that when I went to the relevant department to register, there was clearly a lie detector made by the empire, but my talent name was

Lying without being detected at all..."

Regarding this matter, Zhang Yanhang felt that he was suddenly filled with doubts. He originally thought that the Aura lie detector was broken, but now that he thought about it, it was probably not because of his own fault that the Aura lie detector did not alarm.

"But, it's impossible for my own powers to harm myself, right? Moreover, if I don't make a choice, wouldn't it mean that I am completely useless?"

In fact, from the very beginning, Zhang Yanhang wanted to directly choose the career of 'Destiny Master', because the rewards behind the options were really attractive, which could not only enhance his multiple-choice talents but also enhance his strength.

What reason does Zhang Yanhang have to refuse such a good thing that kills two birds with one stone?

This chapter has been completed!
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