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Chapter 698 Arranging the Barrier

Zhang Yanhang's four main attributes, except for intelligence, have all been raised to over 70 points. As long as he can gather enough soul points to upgrade the skill level of Qiankun Wuji Gong, he is guaranteed to be directly consolidated to the peak of the third level within today.

Moreover, even if it is not consolidated, his current attribute value is at least in the late third level, and he really doesn't want to clean up any second level areas.

Eyes of Chaos: "???"

Eyes of Chaos: "What do you mean?"

Master of Destiny: "Nothing, just kidding, I just want to say that I don't want to clean up low-level areas such as first-level and second-level areas."

Eyes of Chaos: "If that's the case, then you can only wait until tomorrow."

Lord of Destiny: "If the third-level teleportation channel is gone, is there any fourth-level teleportation channel that can be cleaned up? In fact, the fourth-level teleportation channel is also acceptable to me."

Eyes of Chaos: "There is indeed a fourth level, but do you really want to clean it up? Do you need to go to this level in order to gain soul points?"

Master of Destiny: "It's not a big problem."

With the law and the sky to back it up, Zhang Yanhang is indeed quite confident in attacking a dozen level 4 areas. After all, based on his previous cleanup experience, not all monsters in the level 4 areas are level 4, but there will definitely be many low-level monsters.

Yes, the real fourth level monsters should only be a few monsters.

Eyes of Chaos: "But the problem is that I don't want to go to level 4."

Although Zhou Muxi didn't know where Zhang Yanhang's confidence came from, she really didn't really want to do such a big job. After all, it was really tiring. In addition, she was not short of soul points. If it weren't for the fact that soul points couldn't be transferred, she wouldn't even be able to do it.

I want to directly transfer some of her extra soul points to Zhang Yanhang. Anyway, he has just been promoted to a higher level and shouldn't need many soul points.

Master of Destiny: "What do you mean?"

Zhang Yanhang was immediately confused by Zhou Muxi's words. What does his cleaning up the permanent transmission channel have to do with Zhou Muxi?

Eyes of Chaos: "Do you know the way?"

Master of Destiny: "I don't know."

Eyes of Chaos: "Can you set up a barrier?"

The Lord of Destiny: "No."

Eyes of Chaos: "That's alright, then why don't you ask me to go with you? I feel like my life is not guaranteed."

Although Zhou Muxi felt that she couldn't defeat Zhang Yanhang before he was promoted, she still didn't believe that Zhang Yanhang could defeat level four monsters just after he was promoted.

Master of Destiny: "If you are afraid of death, you should have told me earlier. I know the fourth-level awakened person. As long as I say hello to her in advance, she will definitely come to support with just a phone call. Moreover, she is also good at spatial abilities, and her rescue speed will definitely exceed yours."


Eyes of Chaos: "Oh, it's okay then."

Although she said everything was fine on the surface, Zhou Muxi still found the strongest monster for Zhang Yanhang, which was only a fourth-level teleportation preacher with a fourth-level one-star level. The main reason was that she was afraid that Zhang Yanhang would not be able to hold on for a second and would not have time to call.

Got killed instantly.

As for the fourth-level one-star, her Chaos Eye's defensive power can at least block it, giving Zhang Yanhang time to call for help, so that the group will not be destroyed directly, and what's more, if Zhang Yanhang's fourth-level awakened friend

It's not reliable either. At least she can still ask the relevant departments for help.

Eyes of Chaos: "But I still don't want to go."

Master of Destiny: "Well, when I couldn't sleep at night and went out for a walk, I accidentally picked up a yin-yang tree that is 20 meters high and 2 meters in diameter and contains a lot of pure yin and yang energy. If you are willing

Come with me and I can lend you this tree for free and take a few puffs."

Eyes of Chaos: "?"

Eyes of Chaos: "Is it true that such a conspicuous good thing can be picked up by just going out for a walk at night? Why have I never picked it up before?"

Destiny Ruler: "Maybe it was because the light was relatively dark at night, and other people were looking down at their phones while walking, so I didn't notice it."

Eyes of Chaos: "..."

Eyes of Chaos: "Are you serious?"

Zhou Muxi had a strong intuition about this, telling her that Zhang Yanhang was definitely fooling her, but when she thought of this seal's previous deeds, she felt as if she had picked up a 20-meter-tall, 2-meter-diameter, three-four-meter-high seal while out for a walk.

It's quite reasonable for adults to hug such a thick tree, at least it's not completely impossible.

Moreover, if Zhang Yanhang really wants to give her such a powerful treasure of heaven and earth, then she probably has no reason to refuse...

Eyes of Chaos: "Wait a minute, why did you just let me take two puffs for free instead of giving it to me directly? What's the point of that?"

Master of Destiny: "Can we be reasonable? You said it's a good thing yourself. You just go with me. You don't have to do anything. You just stand beside me. You still want to give me a piece of my yin and yang."

Mother-child tree? Are you serious?"

Eyes of Chaos: "I don't care, I want it anyway."

Although he had not seen the actual state of the Yin-Yang Tree, just listening to Zhang Yanhang's description, Zhou Muxi felt that this Yin-Yang Tree could at least save her two or three weeks of hard work.

After her hard work during this period and the resources provided by the relevant departments, she only had three or four weeks left before she could be promoted. If she could obtain this yin-yang tree, she might be directly promoted next week.

Master of Destiny: "..."

Master of Destiny: "If you really want it, at least give me something useful. Anyway, it's definitely impossible to let you have sex for free."

Zhang Yanhang felt that although he was familiar with Zhou Muxi's body, he was not familiar enough with her to give her the Yin-Yang tree for nothing.

Eyes of Chaos: "Then what do you want?"

Master of Destiny: "I have just been promoted. If you have any props that can improve attribute values, you can give me one."

Eyes of Chaos: "Props?"

Eyes of Chaos: "By the way, I remember that my best friend seems to have obtained a dark purple quality item that can increase the charm attribute value by three points, but the limit for use is fifty points or less. Aren't you already forty points?

Can it still be used now?"

Lord of Destiny: "It's not a big problem. My charm attribute is all increased by equipment. Although it has reached fifty-nine points now, half of it is equipment bonus. As long as I take off the equipment, I can use it normally.


Eyes of Chaos: "Is half of it the equipment bonus?"

Zhou Muxi remembered that when she first met Zhang Yanhang, he didn't seem to be exaggerating to this extent.

Now it seems that he has made new progress during this period, and it is a terrifying new progress. He has also obtained countless new equipment, so he can directly use the charm attribute as a secondary attribute when he has just been promoted to the third level in the early morning.

Up to fifty-nine.

Since the secondary attributes were so high, Zhou Muxi felt that Zhang Yanhang's main attribute should be higher, at least above sixty points. Now she began to think that Zhang Yanhang might really have the ability to hunt level four monsters.

Master of Destiny: "Okay, I also know that half of it is equipment bonus, which is very unhealthy, but charm is only a secondary attribute after all. Moreover, I am somewhat stuck now, and I don't have so many free attribute points to improve the charm attribute, so

, we can only make do with it."

If there was a possibility for Zhang Yanhang to turn back before, now that he has three heads and six arms and can equip thirty rings, there is absolutely no chance for him.

Eyes of Chaos: "What are you talking about? I suspect you are in Versailles..."

Eye of Chaos: "So, you mean you can use that dark purple quality item normally, right?"

Master of Destiny: "Yes, but the problem is that I feel that one bottle is not enough. You wouldn't want to exchange such a big Yin-Yang Tree with only a dark purple quality item, right?"

Eyes of Chaos: "Where are the two bottles?"

Eyes of Chaos: "Actually, my best friend got a total of three bottles of the dark purple quality item that can increase the charm attribute, but she only drank one bottle and the charm attribute value exceeded the standard, and my talent has no requirements for the charm attribute value, so

There are only two bottles left and have been kept there. If you are willing to change them, I will go and get them now."

Master of Destiny: "Two bottles are pretty much the same..."

Zhang Yanhang had previously exchanged a Xuanyin Fruit obtained at the first level and a mutated sunflower seed for a dark purple quality item [Lao Ba's Secret Xiaohanbao] from Zhou Muxi.

Now that there is such a big Yin-Yang Mother Tree, and it is the same Yin-Yang Mother Tree that he spent all his energy to obtain, to be honest, it is absolutely reasonable to exchange for two dark purple quality items, and it can even be said to be a slight loss, but for Zhou Muxi's sake

Since he was willing to accompany him to clean up the fourth-level teleportation channel, he didn't care.

Eye of Chaos: "If that's the case, it's settled. I will help you submit the application now. This fourth-level transmission channel will be opened at 9:15 am. Remember to come to the relevant department to find me in time."

Eyes of Chaos: "When the time comes, you will pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand."

Destiny Master: "Why does it feel weird..."

Eyes of Chaos: "Yes? No? If nothing happens, I'll go find my best friend."

Master of Destiny: "Well, it's okay, you can go and grab it."

Eyes of Chaos: "Can things between best friends be called robbing? That's called taking! Take things openly and above board!"

Master of Destiny: "As long as you are happy."

After turning off his phone, Zhang Yanhang lay quietly on the bed, looked at the white ceiling, and thought about what was going to happen next. "I thought it might be troublesome to find a teleportation channel, but I didn't expect it to be quite smooth.

Although I didn't find a third-level teleportation channel, the fourth-level one is not bad either.

If it is a fourth-level teleportation channel, the number of soul points obtained should be more, which is really good."

As for the reason why he could find the transmission channel to clean up so easily, Zhang Yanhang felt that it was mainly because the relevant departments lacked manpower. Zhou Muxi had mentioned this to him many times, and it can be seen that it is indeed true.

Shortage of manpower.

And if a municipality with such a high administrative level like Qindao City is short of manpower, he can't imagine the shortage of manpower in the vast rural areas and county areas. No wonder Zhou Muxi told him before that the army is also expanding significantly.

It is indeed necessary.

But Zhang Yanhang still has confidence in the empire, and he is also confident in the speed of his own strength. Even if the empire really collapses, the collapse speed will never be able to keep up with the speed at which he becomes stronger. In this era of spiritual energy recovery where the strong are supreme,

, becoming stronger is the best help to the empire.

Zhang Yanhang looked at the time on his phone and found that it was already half past seven, "There are less than two hours until the fourth-level transmission channel is opened, so here comes the problem. In these one hour and forty-five minutes, I

What should we do?”

To be honest, Zhang Yanhang really can't think of anything else he needs to do now, after all, everything has been resolved.

Of course, he is not completely without things to do. If the time is longer, he actually still has a lot of things to do, such as continuing to learn some useful spells, and continuing to fuse more thermobaric bombs, but the problem is

There is only a little more than an hour now, and it is not enough time to do these things.

"By the way, it seems that the group owner hasn't replied to me yet? It's been a quarter of an hour, but you haven't replied to me yet?"

Zhang Yanhang thought for a while and decided to send another message to the group owner.

Destiny Master: "Are you there? Are you there?"

After sending the message, Zhang Yanhang turned off his phone and began to wait calmly for the group owner's reply. However, simply waiting was boring, so Zhang Yanhang began to run the Qiankun Wuji Gong to restore energy while waiting.

It just so happens that his previous energy value has been almost consumed. If it takes more than an hour, he should be able to recover a lot, but if he wants to fully recover, it should take at least five hours.

But when Zhang Yanhang practiced continuously for an hour and had restored almost a thousand points of energy, when he opened his eyes again, he found that the group leader still didn't seem to reply to his message.

After another brief thought, he felt that there might be too many people sending messages to the group leader, so she didn't see it. So, Zhang Yanhang sent another message to the group leader and a series of shaking windows.

To remind her that there is someone who is 'anxiously' waiting for her reply.

Master of Destiny: "Are you there? Are you there? Are you there?"

I don’t know if the shaking window that Zhang Yanhang sent just now really reminded the group owner. Just after sending the message, he found that the group owner actually replied to him, although the content was a little strange.

Cursed King Kong: "Not there! Not there! Not there!"

Master of Destiny: "?"

But when Zhang Yanhang sent a question mark full of doubts, he found that the group leader seemed to have no response?

Faced with this strange situation, Zhang Yanhang thought that the group leader might have something urgent to deal with, so he waited for a while, but after waiting and waiting for another five minutes, he still did not receive any response from the group leader.


This chapter has been completed!
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