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Chapter 759 [Evaluation settlement treasure chest (large red iron ant nest Tarano)]

Thursday, October 29th, the fourth day after the Double Ninth Festival, and also the first day Zhang Yanhang entered the Ashes World, 10:56 pm, Ashes World, Hematite Veins, Large Hematite Ant Nest Tarano

, the connecting channel between the middle area and the inner area.

After using a wave of death to wipe out all the large red iron ants in front of him, Zhang Yanhang finally solved all the red iron ants in the central area, and there was absolutely no one left behind. After all, seeking good luck and avoiding disaster is not something you can do for a living.


"The 300 square kilometers in the second half of the central area of ​​the third phase of the cleanup plan have all been cleared. In addition to the 100 square kilometers in the first phase and the 150 square kilometers in the second phase, I have now cleared a total of

Five hundred and fifty square kilometers have been cleared, and only the last one hundred square kilometers are left to clear the entire large hematite ant nest of Tarano."

If we calculate the total progress of Zhang Yanhang's current cleanup plan, it has reached 84.6%, which has surged from less than three-quarters to more than four-fifths.

"I have to say, if I don't open the treasure box, I might really be able to return to the main world before the teleportation channel is closed. After all, it's just less than eleven o'clock. It's more than enough to clear the remaining one hundred square kilometers in one hour, but since

There are still more than eight hours left to squander, so let’s check the evaluation settlement treasure chest first.”

Zhang Yanhang started teleportation as he spoke. Although he passed by the evaluation and settlement treasure chest just now, he was busy hunting monsters so he didn't look at it. Now that the central area has been cleared, it is really time to carefully check the completion level of his current area.

"Based on my current cleaning progress, how can I at least get an A-level evaluation?" Looking at the evaluation settlement treasure box that was flashing with golden light in front of him, Zhang Yanhang quickly began to check his current status.

Evaluation level.

[Evaluation Settlement Treasure Box (Large Hematite Ant Nest Talano)]

[Quality: None (The evaluation settlement treasure box automatically generated by Ashes World has no quality.)]

[Type: Treasure Box]

[Origin: Ash World, Hematite Veins, Large Hematite Ant Nest, Tarano.]

[List of current regional comprehensive evaluation details]

[Hematite Destroyer Ant (Level Two Three-Star Elite Monster): 40100/40000]

[Hematite Flame Ant (second-order four-star ordinary monster): 20000/20000]

[Red Iron Flame Demon Ant (Level 3, 1-star ordinary monster): 1285/1500]

[Hematite Hell Ant (Level 3, 2-star ordinary monster): 603/750]

[Hematite Prince Ant (Level Three Three-Star Elite Monster): 0/200]

[Hematite Queen Ant (Level Four Four-Star Lord Monster): 0/1]

[Current regional comprehensive completion rate: 95.1%]

[Current regional comprehensive evaluation level: S+ (F-EX)]

[Special attribute: Ashes Treasure Chest—The user can obtain an Ashes Treasure Chest related to the evaluation level after the evaluation is completed. 】

[Requirements for use: The current regional comprehensive evaluation level is F and above.]

[Introduction: The evaluation settlement treasure box automatically generated by the Ashes World can calculate the comprehensive evaluation level of the current area in real time and generate the corresponding level of Ashes Treasure Box. 】

"I didn't expect that I actually underestimated myself. I originally thought that an A+ would be good, but it turned out to be an S+."

If Zhang Yanhang remembers correctly, this should be the first time that he received an S+ rating in such an 'initial stage'. In the past, the highest level was only A+.

After all, the previous regional evaluation and settlement treasure chests were usually placed in the middle, and although this large red iron ant nest, Tarano, was also placed in the middle, it was indeed behind the middle. As a result, he had to clear the entire central area before he could check the evaluation and settlement.

Treasure chest.

"I killed 40,100 of the 40,000 hematite destroyer ants that were rated, and I killed all the 20,000 hematite flame ants that were rated. If this was the case, the S+ rating might be normal, but I really killed them.

So many monsters?”

Zhang Yanhang now recalled that the density of monsters in the second half of the central area was indeed relatively high. He thought it was a feature of the second half, but now that he thought about it, it might be because the Hematite Queen Ant was calling for large Hematite Ants, so that

They defended the ant nest, allowing the large red iron ants located in the inner area and core area behind to rush to the central area, and were then wiped out by him.

As for why he killed an extra 100 of the 40,000 Hematite Destruction Ants that were rated for them, it was naturally because Zhang Yanhang killed an additional 100 when he was cleaning out the large Hematite Ant Nest.

Hematite destroyer ants.

"Furthermore, I killed 1,285 of the red iron flame demon ants with a rated number of only 1,500, leaving only 215. The situation with the red iron hell ants was similar, with me killing them out of a rated number of 750.

There were 603 red iron hell ants, and only 147 red iron hell ants were left.

In other words, counting the 215 red iron flame demon ants, 147 red iron hell ants, 200 red iron prince ants and the lord monster red iron queen ant, the entire large red iron ant nest of Tarano is a total of

There are less than 600 large red iron ants left, or in other words, only 563 large red iron ants are left.

But, what on earth are the two hundred red iron prince ants? Why are there so many of them? They are obviously third-order three-star elite monsters, with strength comparable to the third-order and fourth-star, but the number right now seems to be climbing to the top of the ant nest.

Well, if I had killed twenty or thirty more Red Iron Flame Demon Ants earlier, I would now have more bosses than younger ones."

Zhang Yanhang really doubted whether the red iron queen ant could survive so many red iron prince ants fighting in turns.

"No matter how you look at it, you feel that the number of two hundred red iron prince ants is a bit abnormal. In the areas we have encountered before, the number of boss-level monsters second only to the lord monster is usually only one, and the number of boss-level monsters does not reach double digits.

But this Red Iron Prince Ant has three digits, let alone two digits."

Zhang Yanhang had an inexplicable feeling. He felt that the reason why there were so many red iron prince ants in the large red iron ant nest Taranori might be related to the unknown blacksmith who used teleportation traps to trap adventurers, turned them into red iron prince ants, and interacted with the red iron prince ants.

Iron queen ants have a plan to mate in order to obtain special hormones.

After all, no matter how fast the mating speed of the red iron prince ants is, there will never be two hundred red iron queen ants serving one red iron queen ant at the same time. In the small red iron ant nest Daragu, three red iron queen ants are enough to satisfy the lord.

The ratio of the monster red iron queen here is almost seventy times that of the other one, which is indeed quite outrageous.

Although I can't understand why there are so many Red Iron Prince Ants, fortunately it's not a big problem. For Zhang Yanhang, the more monsters there are, the happier he will be. After all, the profits will be higher.

After checking the evaluation settlement list, Zhang Yanhang quickly opened his soul point balance, wanting to see how much soul points he could gain by clearing out almost the entire large red iron ant nest of Tarano this time.

No matter how many or how little, there is absolutely no problem in getting enough soul points to upgrade the skills of Fa Tian Xiang and Earth.

[Soul points: 7988554 (+5265150)]

"It's not in vain that I cleared the 300 square kilometers in the second half. I have gained 5,265,150 soul points just from the soul point gains from kills, which increased my soul point balance from the original 27,273,404 soul points to 7,988,554.

Soul points, it is indeed very easy to collect the upgrade requirements for the skills of Fa Tian Xiang Di.

There are a total of 62,451 large red iron ants in the large red iron ant nest in Taranori. This time, I killed almost more than 30,000 large red iron ants, which is more than half of the large red iron ants. No wonder I can earn so much just from killing them.

It’s as high as more than 5 million. If this is the case, the revenue from the treasure box in the future may exceed 10 million..."

Of the more than 30,000 large red iron ants that Zhang Yanhang killed in the second half of the central area's cleanup, the largest proportion was naturally still the red iron destroyer ants. At least he killed more than 16,000 of them, followed by

Although there are fewer red iron flame ants, there are still more than thirteen thousand.

As for the red iron flame demon ants, he only killed seven or eight hundred of them because of their relatively small number.

Finally, there are the red iron hell ants. Zhang Yanhang remembers this very clearly because he only encountered them in the second half of the cleanup. Therefore, the 603 marked in the evaluation and settlement list are all the red iron hell ants he killed this time.

There are only one hundred and forty-seven of them left before he kills them to extinction.

After checking the soul point balance, Zhang Yanhang quickly poured out a large number of dropped treasure chests with a height of more than four digits from his pocket. When stacked on the ground, they formed a hill several meters high.

After a brief inventory, Zhang Yanhang suddenly discovered that he had obtained a total of 1,732 dropped treasure chests this time, which was a lot higher than last time, or more than half more than last time.

"As expected of the large red iron ants that cleared out more than half of the entire large red iron ant nest in Tarano at once. The number of drops from the treasure chests did not disappoint me."

The treasure chests harvested this time can be said to have pushed Zhang Yanhang's previous treasure chest record up again.

Among the 1,732 dropped treasure boxes that Zhang Yanhang obtained this time, the biggest contributor was still the third-level three-star elite monster Hematite Destroyer Ant. This time, the Hematite Destroyer Ant contributed a total of 846 dropped treasure boxes, which is also another record-breaking one.


Secondly, there are 691 treasure chests dropped by the Red Iron Flame Ants. At the cost of all their members dying in battle, they contributed to Zhang Yanhang the number second only to the Red Iron Destruction Ants.

And then there is the red iron flame demon ant that has no rank penalty. Although its number is relatively high, it still contributed 108 three-digit pieces due to its good drop rate without rank penalty.

The level of dropped treasure chests is generally quite good.

Finally, there is the most awkward red iron hell ant. Because its number is smaller than that of the red iron flame demon ant, the number of dropped treasure boxes it contributed this time is not even three digits, only a meager 87.

But considering that the value of soul points is much higher than that of other large hematite ants, the treasure chests dropped by these 87 hematite hell ants are at least equivalent to those dropped by three to four hundred hematite destruction ants or hematite flame ants.

Treasure chests, and more importantly, high-quality new equipment can be found in them.

After counting all the treasure boxes, Zhang Yanhang quickly picked up a dark purple quality treasure box dropped from the third-level two-star ordinary monster Hematite Hell Ant.

"Last time I opened less than 1,200 dropped treasure chests and it took nearly an hour. This time I opened 1,732 dropped treasure chests. It feels like it will take at least an hour and a half to get the bottom.

But fortunately, I have more time now. I can still use the hour and a half to open the treasure box. Even if I open the dropped treasure box for two hours, I still have six hours of free time left to squander. I'm sure

It is possible to clear out the entire large hematite nest of Tarano in the remaining time."

Zhang Yanhang felt that no matter how much equipment he opened this time, it would definitely not take six hours to fuse. After all, it is not the fusion of thermobaric bombs. It would only take one or two hours to fuse ordinary equipment, no matter how large the quantity was.

That's enough.

In other words, Zhang Yanhang estimated that he would have at least three or four hours left to kill the Red Iron Prince Ant and the lord monster Red Iron Queen Ant. The average cleaning time per square kilometer was 2.5 minutes, which could be said to be quite wealthy.

[Do you want to enable ‘Treasure Box Drop (Hematite Hell Ant)’? 】

"Yes, turn it on."

Because he has plenty of time now, although Zhang Yanhang will not refuse new equipment that can improve hunting efficiency this time, he does still want some new equipment that can provide other bonuses compared to that, such as

Talking about new equipment that can increase the fixed damage limit or something.

Well, it is indeed a bit impossible to open that one. After all, the equipment released on monsters is generally more or less related to the monster itself, and it is obvious that there is no fixed equipment on the red iron hell ants.

Damage attack skills, so it is really unlikely to provide that kind of unpopular special bonus.

[Please select the specific content of ‘Treasure Box Drop (Hematite Hell Ant)’]

【Item 1:?】

【Item 2:?】

【Item 3:?】

【Item 4:?】

【Item 5:?】

"Compared with new equipment that can increase the fixed damage limit, increase the luck limit, or even provide me with virtualization capabilities, what I want to get the most right now, or what I'm most likely to get out, is indeed the addition of equipment.

New equipment with power effects.”

For Zhang Yanhang, who has always insisted on defeating all means with one force and is too lazy to use melee techniques most of the time, the strength effect bonus is indeed a very useful bonus. Although the current level 3 monsters have already dealt a lot of damage, but

His pursuit of power is still endless. After all, he still has that little dream of a thousand tons with one hand to complete.

"Judging from the previous performance of the Red Marrow Flame Demon Armor, if new equipment can be found in the treasure chest dropped by the Red Iron Hell Ant this time, it will probably be directly promoted to dark gold after being fused a few times just like before...


Zhang Yanhang is indeed looking forward to the dark gold equipment. After all, this is the highest quality equipment he has come into contact with so far.

【Item 1】

[Option 1: Red Marrow Blood Thorn Spear, dark purple quality, weapon]

[Option 2: 3000 soul points]

[Option 3: 6000 soul points]

"Is the first item slot a weapon-related option? In other words, you can often see pet-related options in dropped treasure boxes before, but recently the treasure box dropped in the large hematite ant nest Daragu

There are no pet-related options at all.”

Zhang Yanhang remembered that in the past, monsters with a lower quality or lower level could be found as pets in the treasure chests, but recently they have not been seen at all. Although he actually does not want to find a big ant as his pet.

But I do still care a little bit after all.

But fortunately, this is not a big deal after all. If it is gone, it will be gone. Zhang Yanhang is too lazy to worry about why it disappeared.

"It's just that the dark purple quality red marrow blood thorn spear was released this time? This seems to be the third weapon in a row that starts with the red marrow blood thorn. The unknown blacksmith likes this series so much


Of course, compared to the unknown blacksmith, who prefers this series, Zhang Yanhang thinks it is more likely that the unknown blacksmith is too lazy to name it, so he added all the weapons for trial use to the Red Marrow Blood Thorn series. In this way, those adventurers

It can also be more recognizable when called by name when using it.

After all, if what the opponent pulls out is the magic sword Ingram, the holy sword Avalon, etc., and you pull out a red iron sword, it will be a bit of a loss of status, but if it is called the red marrow blood stabbing broadsword,

That would at least sound better, and it wouldn't be such a loss of status.

The main reason for this conjecture is that Zhang Yanhang always looks at the thumbnails of these weapons, but he has never seen anything related to thorns on them, not even the blood part, at most.

The weapon itself is relatively red and looks like it is soaked in blood.

【Item 2】

[Option 1: Refined red marrow (one kilogram), quality dark purple, material]

[Option 2: 3000 soul points]

[Option 3: 6000 soul points]

"Obviously the Red Iron Hell Ant is one star better than the Red Iron Flame Demon Ant, but the materials listed in the options are exactly the same, and even the weight is the same, all weighing only one kilogram. If I could give you a little more, I would give it to you.

Two kilograms is fine too.

Moreover, it is obvious that the red iron hell ants can already digest part of the energy that was previously indigestible. Why can't they provide me with higher quality materials...

But thinking about it carefully, it seems right. After all, what I have been getting is what the large red iron ants can't digest. If it really digests it, I will not be able to get it. After all, it has digested it. Where can I get it?

Can I extract it from it? It's not impossible based on my current level of alchemy, but it's definitely a waste of time, and it's time-consuming and labor-intensive. Besides, even if I want to refine it, there's actually no chance.

, after all, the corpses will be refreshed every hour..."

Judging from this situation, Zhang Yanhang felt that it would be really difficult for him to obtain higher-quality materials than refined red marrow in the large red iron ant nest of Tarano.

This chapter has been completed!
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